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200305208 <br />A tract of land in Lot 1, Mainland, Section 11, and Lot 4 Island Section 11, all in <br />Township 10 North, Range 10 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the West Quar- <br />ter Corner of Island Section 11, T1ON, Range IOW; thence North 0 degrees 23' 00" E <br />along the West Line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 11 a distance of One <br />Thousand One Hundred Twenty and Seventy -Four Hundredths (1120.74) feet to the Paint <br />of beginning: thence continuing North 0 degrees 23' 00" E along the West line of the <br />Northwest Quarter of said Section 11 a distance of Six Hundred Forty -six and Eighty <br />Two Hundredths (646.82) feet; thence S 89 degrees 37' 00" E a distance of Eight Hun- <br />dred Seventy -five and Seventy -five Hundredths (875.75) feet; thence South 0 degrees <br />23' 00" W a distance of Six Hundred Forty -six and Eighty -two Hundredths (646.82) <br />Feet thence N 89 degrees 37' 00" W a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy -five and <br />Seventy -five Hundredths (875.75) Feet to the Point of beginning said tract containing <br />14.00 acres more or less of which 0.49 acre more or less are reserved for County <br />Road purposes and excepting therefrom a certain tract of ground more particularly <br />described in the Warranty Deed recorded as Document 78- 007607 in the Office of the <br />Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />