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M n <br />m N <br />= <br />o <br />C n x <br />rr <br />oFir <br />ON <br />O. <br />ICI <br />h' <br />is <br />t <br />CDEl <br />s <br />200305081 <br />SUBORDINATION OF DEED OF TRUST <br />G <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WHEREAS, Betty and Merl Tiaunerman_ <br />_. hereinafter referred to as °Mortgagors/Truston did on the June 26, 2002 <br />execute and deliver to Heritage Bank a morigage/Deed of Trust upon certain real e, Iocaled in <br />Hall County Nebraska and legally described as: <br />LOT SIX (6) AND THE SOUTH HALF (S1 /2) Or LOT SEVEN (7), BLOCK THREE (3), DODD <br />AND MARSHALL'S ADDITION TO WOOD RIVER, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Conditioned for and secure to the payment of the Burn shown on the NOTE, which mortgage/Deed of Trust was <br />recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County <br />as instrument No 0200206740 <br />WHEREAS, Mortgagors /'1'rustors, for Urc purpose, among other things, of paying or securing certain debts, have <br />agreed to execute and deliver a mortgage /Deed of Trust upon the real estate to Heritage Bank <br />Conditioned for the payment of the sum of $ 51.000.00 to be a First <br />Mortgage/Decd of Trust upon the premises, recorded in the Register of Deeds Office Instrument <br />No. 0200301146 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, Heritage Bank in consideration of the premises for the value received, the <br />receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby bargain, consent, promise and ag cc to and <br />with Mortgagors /1'rustors, their heirs and assigns, that the mortgage/Deed of I'mst upon the premises thus to be <br />executedb Mort�agorsflYustorslo Heritage Bank <br />Y b b for the amount and interest above mentioned, shall <br />at all times be a prior Mortgage/Deed of Trust and a prior lien upon the premises to the Mortgage /Deed of'frust <br />as above described. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this subordination of Mortgage /Deed off rust on this <br />25th dny of April 2003 <br />Heritage Bank__ ,By: <br />Rodney M. Peters <br />Assistant Vice President_ <br />Title <br />State of Nebraska ) (s) <br />County of Hall <br />Plul All <br />On �AaOil.l 2$-t 7 ' C:3 before me, personally appeared VIPA I (Y) �t{ -[A,r - �pd- ,y{kul� Yi CA <br />Persmia�y known to me to be the person (s) whose name (s) is /arc subscribed to the within instrument and 6u'x�� <br />acknowledged to nm that he/she/they executed Oro same in his /her /their authorized capacity ties), and that by <br />his/her /their signature (s) on the instrument the person (s), or the entity upon behalf of which person (s) acted, <br />executed the instrument. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal <br />Nolnry <br />BENEW NOTARY -Sole of ft-Al <br />PAULA M MAYFIEID <br />Yy Court. E* Oct 2,11105 <br />