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MAIL ANY NOTICE OF DEFAULT TO: <br />U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION <br />n <br />f ;; <br />2719 North Air Fresno Drive # 107 <br />-ti <br />M <br />�4 <br />Fresno, California, 93727 -1547 <br />, <br />n <br />o c i <br />cD <br />O <br />Cz D <br />N <br />g t Ih a <br />th <br />�° <br />n4` <br />j <br />_ { M. <br />O <br />' <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />c' <br />o <br />U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION <br />4400 Amon Carter Blvd., Suite 102 <br />I <br />CD <br />Fort Worth, Texas 76155 -2608 <br />m <br />t <br />� <br />r- a� <br />cn <br />(800) 366 -6303 <br />0 <br />? <br />r <br />� <br />N <br />e- * <br />CZ) <br />D <br />Cellular City, Inc. <br />vn <br />0 <br /># 9R40 -00012 Loan No. EIDL 62226140 -04 <br />cn <br />F-, <br />SPACE ABOVE THIS <br />LINE <br />FOR RECORDER'S USE <br />200305061 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Direct) <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this 11th day of April 2003, by and between Martin L. Wissing and Karman K. Wissing, <br />husband and wife, 7787 S. 150th Road, Wood River, Nebraska 68883 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor "), Stephen M. <br />Cramer whose address is 11145 Mill Valley Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68154 (hereinafter referred to as "Trustee "), and the <br />Administrator of the Small Business Administration, an agency of the Government of the United States of America, (hereinafter <br />referred to as "Beneficiary "), who maintains an office and place of business at 2719 North Air Fresno Drive # 107, Fresno, <br />California, 93727 -1547 <br />WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is <br />hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby bargain, sell, grant, assign, and convey unto the Trustee, his successors and <br />assigns, all of the following described property situated and being in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />Lot One (1) of Wissing Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Together with and including all buildings, all fixtures, including but not limited to all plumbing, heating, lighting, ventilating, <br />refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatus, and elevators (the Trustor hereby declaring that it is intended that the <br />items herein enumerated shall be deemed to have been permanently installed as part of the realty), and all improvements now <br />or hereafter existing thereon; the hereditaments and appurtenances and all other rights thereunto belonging, or in anywise <br />appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, and the rents, issues, and profits of the above <br />described property. To have and to hold the same unto the Trustee, and the successors in interest of the Trustee, forever, in <br />fee simple or such other estate, if any, as is stated herein in trust, to secure the payment of a promissory note dated April 5, <br />2003 in the principal sum of $38,200.00 and maturing on April 5, 2010, signed by Martin L. Wissing, President and Karman <br />K. Wissing, Secretary, in behalf of Cellular City, Inc., and Guarantee(s) dated April 5, 2003 signed by Martin L. Wissing <br />and Karman K. Wissing guaranteeing payment of said Promissory Note. The beneficial owner and holder of said note and of <br />the indebtedness evidenced thereby is the Beneficiary. <br />1. This conveyance is made upon and subject to the further trust that the said Grantor shall remain in quiet and <br />peaceable possession of the above granted and described premises and take the profits thereof to his own use until default be <br />made in any payment of an installment due on said note or in the performance of any of the covenants or conditions contained <br />therein or in this Deed of Trust; and, also to secure the reimbursement of the Beneficiary or any other holder of said note, the <br />Trustee or any substitute trustee of any and all costs and expenses incurred, including reasonable attorneys' fees, on account <br />of any litigation which may arise with respect to this Trust or with respect to the indebtedness evidenced by said note, the <br />protection and maintenance of the property hereinabove described or in obtaining possession of said property after any sale <br />which may be made as hereinafter provided. <br />2. Upon the full payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said note and the interest thereon, the payment of all <br />other sums herein provided for, the repayment of all monies advanced or expended pursuant to said note or this instrument, <br />ORIGINA1 <br />