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� <br />`� <br />I,-'\ " 1 <br />� N <br />r w to <br />200305039 <br />(Space Abovc This lino For Rcwrding Dam) <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS' <br />i <br />'IHA'I' WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of "Trust GARY E VALASEK and MARY G <br />VALASEK, HUSBAND AND WIFE, to UNITED NEBRASKA BANK , Tmstee for the benefit of UNITED <br />NEBRASKA BANK, the Beneficiary named therein dated January 14, 2003 and recorded January 15, 2003 in the office <br />of the Register of Deeds of HALL COUNTY, Nebraska, as entered Instrument No. 0200300605 of the Trust Deed Records <br />of said County has been paid and Beneficiary has requested in writing that the Decd of Reconvcyance be executed and <br />delivered. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request of the Beneficiary named <br />therein, the undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey Lo the person or persons entitled <br />thereto all the interest and estate derived to said Trustee by or through said Deed of Trust in the following described property. <br />SEE EXHIBIT "A" WHICH IS ATTACHED TO THIS DEED OI+TRUS'I AND MADE A PART DETERS DEED OF <br />THUS 'I AS IF FULLY SET FOURTH HEREIN. <br />The Real Property or its address is cam manly known as: Parcil NI Rural Route and Parcel X2 416 West Ave, Grand lelund, NE 68801. <br />106L I HER WITH ALL building,,, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises. <br />DA:I$,D April 23, 2003 <br />STATEOF.NEBRASKA ) <br />SS <br />COUNT Y OF HALL ) <br />1VVC' Iliam L. McLellan - <br />Branch President k <br />On this 23rd day of April, 2003, before nie, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared <br />William 1, McLellan Branch Presidcnt ufUniled Nebraska Bank, Trustee, to me known to be the identical person named in and who <br />executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his voluntary act and deed <br />GENERAL VARY • StuB A NehtaWa <br />GHELBY RUHL <br />MY Gomm. F>ID. MaY 2. <br />Notary Public in andRi r said State <br />