<br />Whereas, Jeffrey D. Pain and Suzanne J. Palo as party of the first part, has executed a deed of
<br />trust to State Farm Bank, FSB recorded on the 10th day of September, 2002, recorded in
<br />Recorder's Office of Hall County, Nebraska, in Document No. 200209526, as security for an
<br />indebtedness of Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($19,900) as evidenced by a note
<br />dated June 7, 2002, said deed of trust encumbers the property described on Exhibit A attached
<br />hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />And Whereas, the party of dte first part has on the 9th day of April _, 2003,
<br />executed a deed of trust in the amount of up to One Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Six
<br />Hundred Fifty Dollars ($165,650) in favor of United Nebraska Dank, said deed of trust
<br />recorded P r,) )D 2003, as Document #aRn2(,3p,7
<br />afi&ff in _ said deed of trust on the real estate
<br />described above.
<br />Now Therefore, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), receipt of which
<br />is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, State Farm Bank, FSB does by these presents
<br />subordinate it's interest by virtue of the deed of trust recorded in Document No. 200209526, in
<br />the Hall County � Records to the lien of the deed of trust executed by the party of the first part
<br />on j�, 2003 and recorded as Document
<br />3O1 in favor of
<br />United Nebraska Bank. State Farm Bank, FSB. agrees that it's interest under the deed of trust
<br />shall be subject and inferior to the lien of the deed of trust of the party of the first part to United
<br />Nebraska Bank as described above.
<br />In Witness Whereof, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands and seal this 11th day of
<br />April, 2003.
<br />State Farm Bank, FSB.
<br />By_���vr�
<br />7o Brase, Home Equity Supervisor
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<br />Whereas, Jeffrey D. Pain and Suzanne J. Palo as party of the first part, has executed a deed of
<br />trust to State Farm Bank, FSB recorded on the 10th day of September, 2002, recorded in
<br />Recorder's Office of Hall County, Nebraska, in Document No. 200209526, as security for an
<br />indebtedness of Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($19,900) as evidenced by a note
<br />dated June 7, 2002, said deed of trust encumbers the property described on Exhibit A attached
<br />hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />And Whereas, the party of dte first part has on the 9th day of April _, 2003,
<br />executed a deed of trust in the amount of up to One Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Six
<br />Hundred Fifty Dollars ($165,650) in favor of United Nebraska Dank, said deed of trust
<br />recorded P r,) )D 2003, as Document #aRn2(,3p,7
<br />afi&ff in _ said deed of trust on the real estate
<br />described above.
<br />Now Therefore, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), receipt of which
<br />is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, State Farm Bank, FSB does by these presents
<br />subordinate it's interest by virtue of the deed of trust recorded in Document No. 200209526, in
<br />the Hall County � Records to the lien of the deed of trust executed by the party of the first part
<br />on j�, 2003 and recorded as Document
<br />3O1 in favor of
<br />United Nebraska Bank. State Farm Bank, FSB. agrees that it's interest under the deed of trust
<br />shall be subject and inferior to the lien of the deed of trust of the party of the first part to United
<br />Nebraska Bank as described above.
<br />In Witness Whereof, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands and seal this 11th day of
<br />April, 2003.
<br />State Farm Bank, FSB.
<br />By_���vr�
<br />7o Brase, Home Equity Supervisor
<br />(��
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