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200304857 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />All of Lot Three (3) and that part of Lot Five (5), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at <br />the Northeast corner of said Lot 5; thence running Southwesterly along the Easterly line of Lot 5, a <br />distance of 87.4 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 5; thence running Northerly and parallel to the West <br />line of Lot 5, a distance of 100.95 feet to a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 5; thence running <br />Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of Lot 5, a distance of 54.1 feet to the point of beginning, all <br />in Block One (1), in Kay Dee Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />