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STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 200304854 <br />ss <br />COITNTY'OFHAI.T.. ) <br />On dd � <br />s 1u day uC_ C_ =, 2003, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public m and (m said <br />Cowrty mul SL0.e, UerwnallY' aUlxmcd Duug Redmmr, Pmsidcnt of Goodwill brdushics of GICaICr Nebraska, Inc., tome <br />known to be the identical persons who signor die lomgoing Public Uaties Easenrcul wid mduwwledge die ezceution <br />thereof to be their volunmry act mid deed as such ellicer mr behalf c4 said conq mry for the puryosc dien in expresscd. <br />WFFNESS my h:md and Nolwial Scat the dale above written. <br />fill <br />O <br />_3_ <br />