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KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF <br />GREATER NEBRASKA, INC., A/K/A CENTRAL NEBRASKA GOODWILL <br />INDUSTRIES, INC., a Nebraska Non -Profit Corporation, herein called the Grantors, in <br />consideration of Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,250.00) and other valuable <br />consideration received from Grantee, hereby grants, bargains, sells, conveys, and confirms <br />unto the <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, <br />A municipal corporation in Hall County, Slate of Nebraska, herein called the Grantee, a tract <br />of land for a public right -of -way comprising a part of Lot Two (2) of Goodwill Third <br />Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Nebraska, located in the Southeast Quarter (SE %,) of <br />Section 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6a' PM, Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the southeast comer of the SE Y, of said Section 21, thence on <br />an assumed bearing of N01006'27"W along the cast line of said SE Y, a <br />distance of 273.23 feet; thence S88 053'33 "W and perpendicular to said east <br />line a distance of 38.47 feet to a point being the intersection of the west Right - <br />of -Way (R.O.W.) line of South Locust Street and the southeast comer of Lot 2, <br />Goodwill Third Subdivision, said point also being the point of beginning; <br />thence S89 °28'10 "W along the south line of said Lot 2 a distance of 4.53 feet <br />thence N00 °22'35 "E a distance of 118.36 feet to a point on the north line of <br />said Lot 2; thence N89 °55' 19 "E along said north line a distance of 6.91 feet to <br />a point being the northeast comer of said Lot 2, said point also on the west <br />R.O.W. line of South Locust Street; thence S01031'52 "W along said west <br />R.O.W. line a distance of 118.37 feet to the point of beginning, said tract <br />contains a calculated area of 677.0 square feet or 0.0155 acres more or less, <br />o ?nv -3 <br />m <br />Z <br />o_ <br />m <br />S <br />m <br />v <br />n <br />r a <br />S <br />to <br />An <br />U) <br />N <br />Z <br />O <br />200304853 <br />This Space Reserved fnr ReFisar of Deeds <br />�! <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF <br />GREATER NEBRASKA, INC., A/K/A CENTRAL NEBRASKA GOODWILL <br />INDUSTRIES, INC., a Nebraska Non -Profit Corporation, herein called the Grantors, in <br />consideration of Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,250.00) and other valuable <br />consideration received from Grantee, hereby grants, bargains, sells, conveys, and confirms <br />unto the <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, <br />A municipal corporation in Hall County, Slate of Nebraska, herein called the Grantee, a tract <br />of land for a public right -of -way comprising a part of Lot Two (2) of Goodwill Third <br />Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Nebraska, located in the Southeast Quarter (SE %,) of <br />Section 21, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6a' PM, Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the southeast comer of the SE Y, of said Section 21, thence on <br />an assumed bearing of N01006'27"W along the cast line of said SE Y, a <br />distance of 273.23 feet; thence S88 053'33 "W and perpendicular to said east <br />line a distance of 38.47 feet to a point being the intersection of the west Right - <br />of -Way (R.O.W.) line of South Locust Street and the southeast comer of Lot 2, <br />Goodwill Third Subdivision, said point also being the point of beginning; <br />thence S89 °28'10 "W along the south line of said Lot 2 a distance of 4.53 feet <br />thence N00 °22'35 "E a distance of 118.36 feet to a point on the north line of <br />said Lot 2; thence N89 °55' 19 "E along said north line a distance of 6.91 feet to <br />a point being the northeast comer of said Lot 2, said point also on the west <br />R.O.W. line of South Locust Street; thence S01031'52 "W along said west <br />R.O.W. line a distance of 118.37 feet to the point of beginning, said tract <br />contains a calculated area of 677.0 square feet or 0.0155 acres more or less, <br />