COVENANTS 200304819
<br />1. Payments. Brnmwer agrees to make all paymenca on the scoured debt when due Unless Bommea r and Lender agree otherwise, any payments Lender reserves from
<br />Rorzower or for Borrower's benefit will be applied first in any amours R anosyr Owe on the secured debt exclusive of interest or plincip d, second to interest, and then nn
<br />principal If partial prepayment of the secured debt unn, fur any reason, it will not reduce or excate any scheduled payment until the wanted debt is paid in Poll.
<br />2. Claims Against'ritle, Borrower will pay all [owes, assesslners. and other charges antabutable to the properly when due unit will defend title to the property against
<br />any claims which would impair the lien of this deed of trust Under may require Rournwer m assign any rights, claims or defenses which Bm rower inay have against
<br />patties who supply labor or nionaid, to improve or maintain the pmpeny.
<br />3. Insurance. Borrower will keep the maps, dunned maker terms acceptable to Lender m borowel's expense and for Lender's hmefit All lllsumnce policies shall
<br />include a sratldard mortgage clause in favor of Lender. Lender will be named as loss payer or as the insured on any such insurance policy. Any insurance proceeds may be
<br />applied, within Lender's deserver, to oither the restoration or mead, of the dumagcd pmpelty or to the secured debt If Lender requires mortgage insurance, Burrower
<br />agrees to maintain such insurance for as long as lender mqulres.
<br />4. Property. Burrower will keep NC property in good cnnditiml and make all serum reconeably necessary.
<br />5. Expense.. Borrower, agrees to pay all Lender's expanses, including reasonable unorneys' Noes, if Borrower breaks any covenants in this deed of trust or in any
<br />obligation secured by this died ofemst. Borrower will pay these amounts to Lender as provided In Covewm 9 of this dcod ofrmn
<br />6. Prior Security Interests. Unless Borrower first obdPos Lender's wmten contest, Borrower will not nwkc or permit any changes to any prior samiry imeresrs-
<br />Borrower will perhaps all of Borrower's ohligadoas nnderaoy prior mortgage, deed of nest or tiller secuity increment, including Bmwe er's covenants m make payments
<br />when due.
<br />]. A . g t of Br t d Profits. D , 'gm to Under the rents and Trofrc of the property fat es' Boarywan and Under have agreed thee. -. ling,
<br />Bn rr may f r sad into the t 1 g Retractor is mar ' in definalt If Barclays, defaults. Under, 1 I g int. or a eme. , r' 1 may take
<br />possession and manage the formerly and collect the rents. A y t I-lowle, collects hall be ppl ed f Ot t rhe costs of man g' g the p ply - Including oo n cost, and
<br />altomcys fees, ns to rental agents, and any tithe- necessary related exp .- The e nee uog amount of rem will then apply to permm nts on the sutured debt as
<br />provided , Covenant 1.
<br />s'
<br />8. Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Devel -latua s. Bonnwer agrees m calmly with the previsions of any lease if this deed of trust is on leaasehold- If this
<br />deed of trust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Rol row will perform all of Borrower's duties under the covenants, by lows, or regulations of
<br />We condominium or planned cam development.
<br />9. Authority of Lender to Perform for Burrower. If Revea r Fails to perform, any of Borrower's duties wider this sped of trust, I vice may perform the duties m
<br />use them to be pufonned. Under may sign Borrower's panne or pay any amount if necoor ry for performance. If any ennsenctimn on the propets is discontinued or not
<br />carried on in a reasonable manner, Londe may do whatever is necessary to protect 1 tinder's security interest in the p,npety. This may include eomlibrng the construction.
<br />Linder s teilare to perfo r, will not preclude Lender from exercising my of its other rights mode ten law or his deed of most
<br />Any amounts paid by Lender to proect Lender's security interest will he warred by this cold of cost- Such mnuunts will be due on demand and will bear interest from We
<br />date of the payment mill paid In PoII at the interest rate In tiff tit on the squared debt.
<br />16. Defaalunnd ACedvinumn. If Borower fails to make any paymem when due or breaks any internals nude, this decd ofnun or any obligation scoured by this deed of
<br />cost or any prior mortgage or deed of urns,, Looker easy accelerate the hammy of the secured debt and demand immediate paynnen and any invoke the power of sale and
<br />ally other remedies permitted by applicable law.
<br />11. Request for Notice of Defaoll. It is hereby requested that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to each person who is a patty harem, at the address of each
<br />such person, as se, forth huein
<br />12. Power of Sale lithe lender invokes the power of sale, the Trustee shall first record in the office of the register of decks ofeaeh county wherein the ems[ pmpeny or
<br />some pan pa I thereof' s tuated t ce of default containing the oriented by law. TM1 Trustee shall also I cnpiea of then II th ofd fault to the
<br />Borrower, r l p hot p try moss and m other pore l ib d by ppli bl l Not l than on month o fi i t Tmst c rc d the t. fit o h,
<br />o - twomonths fthc [rot p operT 1- yincorp ted e'ty village and is .ed f g operations carried lye poster. the Trustee I sr' - puts£onodeeof
<br />sale vo the persons and uI 11 pr ,crib d by ppl'� able la T t without danand on Bonn - 11 all the propery at nuhl c vtion m the highest Fade_ If
<br />requir �fb' the Fannn Homestead PromoYon Act, Tmstec shall offer the property in two separate sales as manner by applicable law- Trustee may postpone sale of all or any
<br />propctlybypuhlkannounce mrntat[ het imeandpleceufanyprcvlouslyschedulds le. Lrndw or its desiglnee may purchase the pmpeny ut any sale.
<br />Upon receipt of puyment of the price bid, Trustee Mall deliver to the purchase, "trustees dead convoying the property- The buns contained in Trustee a deed shall he
<br />p two fdoie evidience of the truth of the statements q ed therem. Tm t shall apply the proceeds of the sale in Ih f II hg ordm O t II spouses of the sale
<br />Including, bur not limited to, reasonable Trandia's fees, reasonable anomM s fees and retwamment fees; fb) to all sums secured by this deed of.,, and (c) the balance, if
<br />any, to the persons legally entitled to receive it.
<br />13. Foredosnre. AtLenders opt iogthisdeedtifwstmaybeforalosedin Wemannerpmvidedbyappl icabiclawforforedtisuaeofmongagaonreelpnopeny.
<br />14. Inspection. Lender may enter the property to imspest it if Lender gives Borrower notice beforehand- The notice man sate the rcaxoneble cause for Lender's
<br />inspection
<br />15. Coademnatlon. Borrower assigns to lender the p ncoady of any award or chum for damages connected with a condemnation tic Other eking of all or any part of the
<br />property. Such proceeds will be applied as provided in Coveheat I This assignment is subject W the tams of any pn'mr."Imay agreement.
<br />16. Waiver. By exorcising any remedy available in Lender, Lender does not give up any rights to later use any other mnnedy. By not exercising any remedy upon
<br />Borrower's default Leader does not waive any night to later consider the even[ s default if it happens again.
<br />17. Joint aad Several Liability; Cosigners; Successors and Assigns Round. All duties under this deed of trust are joint and several. Any Th mower colt. co -signs this
<br />deed of man bill does net co sign 'he nderlymg debt - nstrupresel ) d ly to gent aad em very that Byrn herself 11 the propeov to tile Trustee under the Icons
<br />Of this deed afrout. In addition such a Bournewc, ag es that the Lend. e and any Other Borrower under this deed of [ a may es d rate ify or make any bill,, charges In
<br />the terns of this deed ofhu 1 or the secured debt without that Bono s consent t and without releasing that Borrower from the te- no cf this dead of test.
<br />The duties and benefits of this deed of trust shell bind and benefit the enteral and assigns of Lender and Borrowe-
<br />18. Notice Unless otherwise required by law, any notice to Boroweh skull be given by delivefng it or by mailing it by cenifed mail addrasul to Bolrowa at the
<br />property address or any other address that Borrower has given to Lender. Borrower will give any notice to lender by cerified mail to Lender's oddness on page I of this
<br />deed oYtmst into any -till address, which Lender has designated. Any ntFer curve to Lender shall be sent to Lender's address as scored on page l afthis deed of run.
<br />Any tomes, shall be deemed to have been given to Borower or Lender when given in the manner scared above
<br />19. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in the Borrower. If all or any pan of the property m any interest in it i, sold or tomodured without the Lauder',
<br />prior women consent, Lender rimy demand immediate payment of the eased debt. Lender may also denaad immediate payment ifthe Borrower is 1101 a natural person and
<br />it beneficial interest in the Burrewcr, is sold or transferal. However. Leader nwy not command payment in the above situations if it is prohibited by friend law as of the date
<br />of this deed of trust.
<br />26. Reconveyanee. When the obligation sawed by this dad of trust Ins been paid, and lender has no further obligation to make advances undo the ulpealens or
<br />agreements secured by this deed of trust, the Trustee shall, upon wonted request by the Linder, reemoder be it all property. The Lender shall deliver to the Ronowcr, or to
<br />Bmmwer'a successor In hairier, the trust deed and the note or other se ideice of We obligation so unifer Borrower shall pay any recomation costs.
<br />21. Successor Trustee. lender, of Lender s option ,may renueIrose, and normal a successortmnce by Gmt mar ling a copy of the substitution of trustee as required
<br />by applicable law, and then, by filing file sub nnation of ulster for ree,m i 1 the attire of the reglner of deeds of each county in which the trust property, or pan
<br />thereof, is snwred- The successor mstee, intumn conveyance of the prepay, shall succeed to all the power, duties, maturity and title of tileTmstcc named in the deed of
<br />must and of any successor ounce .
<br />