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200304776 <br />o m n <br />p <br />n m <br />m d9 z r1 Z o Va <br />o ,TI <br />Y <br />x r•, <br />n m <br />o <br />0 <br />14J LED <br />J <br />I 's N <br />Jerry J. Sena, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, as successor trustee under the Deed of <br />Trust hereinafter described, for valuable consideration, hereby grants and conveys to U.S. Bank <br />Consumer Finance, Grantee, without any covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, all of the <br />following described real estate: <br />Lot One Hundred Six (106), and the North Seventeen Feet (17) of Lot One Hundred <br />Five (105) in Hawthorne Place, City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, subject to <br />restrictions, reservations, easements, covenants, oil, gas or mineral rights of record, if any <br />This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred by a Deed of Trust with power of sale <br />recorded on May 24, 1999, in the Mortgage Records of Hall County, Nebraska as Instrument No. <br />99- 105283 wherein Vanhsy Somsanith and Tang Somsanith, Husband and Wile, are Trustors, <br />and U.S. Bank National Association, N.D.. is originally named Beneficiary, wherein the Trustors <br />granted and conveyed to the Trustee, on the trust therein expressed, the property above described <br />to secure, among other obligations, payment of the indebtedness and after the fulfillment of the <br />conditions specified in the Deed of Trust authorizing this conveyance as follows: <br />(1) Breach and default were made under the terms of the Deed of Trust in the <br />particular set forth in the notice of default hereinafter referred to, which default <br />continued until the time of the sale. <br />(2) There was filed for record on January 30, 2003 as Instrument No. 0200301157, a <br />Notice of Default in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and of <br />cleetion,, to sell the property to satisfy the obligations secared thereby and <br />thereafter notice of the filing of the notice of default was sent in the statutory <br />manner to all persons entitled to a notice thereof. <br />(3) That thereafter the Grantor executed its Notice of Trustee's Sale, stating that it, as <br />trustee, would sell at public auction to the highest bidder the property hereinbefore <br />described, fixing the time and place of the sale as April 14, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. on <br />the main floor of the IIall County Courthouse in Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and caused copies of such notice to be published once a week for five <br />consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Independent, a legal newspaper printed, <br />Published and of general circulation in the County of Ilall, Nebraska, the first dale <br />of publication was March 1, 2003, and the last day of publication was March 29, <br />2003; notice of such sale was sent to the Trustors and all persons entitled to notice <br />thereof in accordance with applicable law. <br />(4) All applicable statutory provisions of the State of Nebraska and the United States <br />of America and all provisions of such Deed of Trust have been complied with as <br />to acts to be performed and notices to be given. <br />The Trustee at the time acrd place of sale fixed as aforesaid, then and there sold, at public auction, <br />o U.S. Consumer Finance, who was the highest bidder therefor, the property hereinbefore <br />z i glescribed for the sum of $53,550.00. <br />65 o <br />a Y i <br />� ? m Dated this 14 "' day of April 2003. <br />cc <br />jFod :1! <br />W to C'- Je .. Sena <br />Z2:20 - tomey at Law, Trustee <br />aNa <br />�- a <br />