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200304744 <br />ACAPS k 20030561245581 <br />Stu e of Nea arlka Space Above This Line Par Recording Data <br />REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST <br />691? (With Future Advance Clause) _1 <br />7 7 —J ❑ Contraction Security A �� grccntcnl <br />DATE AND PARTIES. The dote cfthia deed of Dust (Security Instrument) is. March 28. 2003 _ <br />and the games, Ilne, adth,,o, and tax identification numbers', if required, ore us follows: <br />TRUSTOR. 'Ibnv L..Miiller and Tammy J. Miller, husband and wife <br />Fl If checked, refer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein, for add[rocial Trusters, their sienoLLUca and <br />reknowlMemcnts. <br />TRUSTEE: US Bank Trust Company National Association, 1850 Oda erne Ave, Oshlmsh, \YI 54920 <br />BENEFICIARY LIS Bank National Assuciution, ND, 4325 -17u' Ave. SW, Fargo, ND 58103 <br />_. CONY EYANCE. Par good and valuable eonsidetatiun, the receipt vad efficiency of which I_, acknowledged, end to <br />secure the Scca, cdDobt (definedbelom)nnd'I'rustor's performance under this Seconty Instrument Trnstar inccocobly <br />grants', coil and sells to Tnlrtcc, in trust for the benefit of Beneficiary, with power of'SAH, de following describal <br />propene. <br />Lot Eleven (I I), Indianhead Subdivision in the City ofOrui d Island, Hull County, Nebraska_ yy.� <br />Retarding Requested by & <br />When Recorded Return T¢ <br />US Recordings, Inc. <br />The propcny is located in HALL at 4142 BUCKINGHAM DR, 2925 Country Drive Ste 201 <br />fCOUnbq (Address) $t, Paul, MN 55117 <br />CRANO ISLAND Ncbrlaka 68603 <br />(Cry) (ZIP Codc) <br />Together wnh all nghts, casements, opptulenell royalties- mineral righs, oil and gas rights, all water and riparian uahG. dr,dtce, <br />and water stock and all existing and future irnproveiiiers, structures, fixtures, and replacemems ill inay now, or It any Iona in rile <br />furore, be part of the real e,ac d.rnbcd above (all rcfcned ro as "Property"). <br />NFRIZASKA —IIO VIE EQUITY LINE OF( REDI I DEED OF TRUST (NO I t01t FNMA, I II M(', NI IA OR VA USI') <br />G[perc' 1994 Ranker' 7}'r nr, Inc. St ( c, MN I I:SROCP -0l' -NE 9/52001 <br />tpage nrG) <br />