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200304741 <br />architecturally certified Plans and Specifications of the Project, including elevations of the <br />building, landscaping plans, and exterior signage drawings. Developer shall have a period of <br />fifteen (15) business days after receipt within which to review and either (a) approve, (b) <br />partially approve and suggest revisions with respect to the balance, or (c) reject such Plans, <br />which approval by the Developer will not be unreasonably withheld provided such Plans are <br />consistent with and reflective of the other provisions of this Agreement. <br />3. Restrictions. The Property shall be subject to the following restrictions which <br />may be deleted or modified only with the prior consent of Developer which may be withheld in <br />its sole discretion: <br />A. Use of Property. The building constructed within the Property <br />shall be used initially as a single story brick bank facility not to exceed a gross <br />floor area of eight thousand five hundred (8,500) square feet of gross floor area <br />including any drive -thru areas and canopies. The Property shall not be occupied <br />or used (i) for any purpose or use which violates the provisions of Article 5 of <br />the Declaration; or (ii) as a discount department store or other discount store; or <br />(iii) as a supermarket or grocery store; or (iv) as a drug store; or (v) as a <br />pharmacy; or (vi) as a facility dispensing gasoline or petroleum products or as a <br />convenience food mart, or combination of both; or (vii) as an establishment <br />dispensing prescription drugs; or (viii) as a general merchandise store or <br />department store; or (ix) for the sale of any food items or products except that <br />the operation of a full- service restaurant, including beer, wine and liquor sales <br />incidental to such restaurant use, not in excess of four thousand (4,000) square <br />feet of gross floor area, is expressly permitted; or (x) for the retail sale of pets <br />(including but not limited to fish, birds, reptiles, dogs, cats and other small <br />mammals), pet grooming, veterinary and other pet services, pet food, pet <br />accessories and other pet products; or (xi) automobile or truck repair facility; or <br />(xii) as a thrift store or liquidation outlet; or (xiii) as a coin operated laundry; or <br />(xiv) as a beauty school or place of instruction or any other operation catering <br />primarily to students or trainees rather than retail customers; or (xv) sale of <br />beauty supply items; or (xvi) sale of electronic equipment and components; or <br />(xvii) retail sale of health foods, vitamins or mineral supplements; or (xviii) <br />operation of a haircutting or hairstyling salon; or (xix) sale of pizza for on <br />premises or off premises consumption; or (xx) sale, rental and /or distribution of <br />prerecorded videocassettes, video games (including without limitation CD -I), <br />video tapes, video discs or video software and /or any substitutes for or items <br />which are a technological evolution of the foregoing items, and (xxi) sale of <br />greeting cards. <br />As an inducement to and consideration for Developer's sale of the <br />Property to Owner, Owner agrees that it will construct initially and operate <br />thereafter a banking and financial services facility on the Property in compliance <br />Fa <br />a <br />
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