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200304'712 <br />property damages resulting from, related to, caused by or arising out of exposure to asbestos <br />within the Existing Building after the conveyance of such portion of the Property to the Grantee. <br />The Grantee's obligation hereunder shall apply whenever the United States incurs costs or <br />liabilities for actions giving rise to liability under this Subsection. The Grantee shall not be <br />responsible for indemnifying or holding the Grantor or any other indemnified party harmless <br />from any loss, claims, liabilities, judgments, penalties, costs, or damages arising out of (i) <br />exposure to asbestos that occurred prior to 1 March 2002 or (ii) during and as a result of any <br />exercise of Grantor's right of access pursuant to Subsection III.b. <br />e. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Containing Equipment Notification <br />The Grantee is hereby informed and does acknowledge that equipment containing <br />polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exist on a portion of the Property hereby conveyed (as <br />described under Easement DA25- 066 -ENG -11968 and Easement No. DACA45 -2 -97 -6024 <br />referred to in Subsection V.a.l and 2) and such equipment is owned by Southern Public Power <br />District (SPPD), subject to the terms of such easements and applicable laws and regulations. <br />V. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS TO CONVEYANCE <br />This conveyance is expressly made subject to the following matters to the extent and only <br />to the extent the same are valid and affect the Property: <br />a. All existing permits, easements and rights -of -way for public streets, roads and <br />highways, public utilities, electric power lines, electric transmission facilities, recreational trails, <br />railroads, pipelines, ditches and canals on, over and across said land, whether or not of record, <br />including but not limited to the following as indicated on Exhibit "A ": <br />1. Easement DA25- 066 -ENG -11968 granted to Consumers Public Power District for <br />electric power -line rights -of -way. <br />2. Easement DACA45 -2 -97 -6024 granted to Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power <br />District (SPPD) for electric power -line and substation rights -of -way. <br />3. Easement DACA45 -2 -99 -6157 granted to Hall County for road rights -of -way. <br />4. Easement DACA45 -2 -00 -6023 granted to Hall County for road rights -of -way. <br />5. Easement DACA45 -2 -00 -6022 granted to Hall County for drainage ditch rights -of- <br />way. <br />6. Easement DACA45 -2 -01 -6078 granted to City of Grand Island for recreation trail <br />rights -of -way. Grantee is not permitted to disturb the area lying within the recreation trail <br />easement. <br />b. Any zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations governing the subject Property or <br />regulations of other regulatory authorities having jurisdiction. <br />
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