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20030 4'712 <br />2. Available information concerning known lead -based paint and /or lead -based paint <br />hazards, the location of lead -based paint and /or lead -based paint hazards, and the condition of <br />painted surfaces is contained in the Environmental Baseline Survey, which has been provided to <br />the Grantee. All purchasers must receive the federally- approved pamphlet on lead poisoning <br />prevention. The Grantee hereby acknowledges receipt of all of the information described in this <br />subparagraph. <br />3. The Grantee acknowledges that it has received the opportunity to conduct its own <br />risk assessment or inspection for the presence of lead -based paint and/or lead -based paint <br />hazards prior to execution of this document. <br />4. The Grantee covenants and agrees that it shall not permit the occupancy or use of <br />the Existing Building on the Property as Residential Real Property without complying with this <br />section and all applicable Federal, state, and local laws regulations pertaining to lead -based paint <br />and/or lead -based paint hazards. Prior to permitting the occupancy of the Existing Building <br />subsequent to sale intended for residential habitation, the Grantee specifically agrees to perform, <br />at its sole expense, the Army's abatement requirements under Title X of the Housing and <br />Community Development Act of 1992 (Residential Lead -Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of <br />1992) (hereinafter Title X). <br />5. Before use of the Existing Building as Residential Real Property, the Grantee shall, <br />after consideration of the guidelines and regulations established pursuant to Title X: (1) Comply <br />with the joint HUD and EPA Disclosure Rule (24 CFR 35, Subpart H, 40 CFR 745, Subpart F), <br />when applicable, by disclosing to prospective purchasers the known presence of lead -based paint <br />and/or lead -based paint hazards as determined by previous risk assessments; (2) Abate lead - <br />based paint hazards in pre -1978 buildings and structures in paint, dust and bare soil in <br />accordance with the HUD Guidelines, with the addition of abatement of bare soil with lead levels <br />higher than 2000 ppm; and (3) Comply with the EPA lead -based paint work standards when <br />conducting lead -based paint activities (40 CFR 745, Subpart L). <br />6. In complying with the requirements of Subsections IV.c. 1, 4 and 5, the Grantee <br />covenants and agrees to be responsible for any abatement or remediation of lead -based paint or <br />lead -based paint hazards in the Existing Building on the Property found to be necessary as a <br />result of the subsequent use of the Existing Building. The Grantee covenants and agrees to <br />comply with solid or hazardous waste laws that may apply to any waste that may be generated <br />during the course of lead -based paint abatement activities. <br />7. The Grantee further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Army, its officers, <br />agents and employees, from and against all suits, claims, demands, or actions, liabilities, <br />judgments, costs and attorney's fees arising out of, or in a manner predicated upon personal <br />injury, death or property damage resulting from, related to, caused by or arising out of Grantee's <br />noncompliance with Subsections IV.c. 1, 4, 5 and 6 in regard to use of the Existing Building as <br />Residential Real Property after the date of this Deed; provided, however, the Grantee shall not be <br />responsible for indemnifying or holding the Grantor or any other indemnified party harmless <br />from any loss, claims, liabilities, judgments, penalties, costs, or damages arising out of (i) <br />exposure to lead -based paint that occurred prior to 1 March 2002, or (ii) for acts or omissions <br />occurring after Grantee is no longer the title holder of record or (iii) during and as a result of any <br />exercise of Grantor's right of access pursuant to Subsection III.b. <br />