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200304344 <br />(1) Who cannot reasonably be expected to occupy the property as a principal Residence within <br />a reasonable time after the sale or transfer, all as provided in Section 143(c) and (1)(2) of <br />the Internal Revenue Code; or <br />(it) Who has had a present ownership interest in a principal Residence during any part of the <br />three -year period ending on the date of the sale or transfer, all as provided in Section <br />143(c) and (1)(2) of the internal Revenue Code (except that "100 percent' shall be <br />substituted for °95 percent or more" where the latter appears in Section 143(d)(1); or <br />(iii) At an acquisition cost which is greater than the maximum limits established by the <br />Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (the "Authority") in connection with its Program, <br />pursuant to which Program this Security Instri went is financed; or <br />(iv) Who has a gross family income in excess of the maximum limits established by the <br />Authority in connection with its Program; or <br />(a) Borrower fails to occupy the property described in the Security Instrument without prior written <br />consent of Lender nr its successors or assigns described at the beginning of this Tax- Exempt <br />Financing Rider; or <br />(h) Borrower omits or misrepresents a fact that is material with respect to the provisions of Section 143 <br />of the Internal Revenue Code in an application for the loan secured by this Security Instrument. <br />References are to the internal Revenuc Code as xrnended and in effect on the date of issuance of bonds, the proceeds of which <br />will be used to finance the Security instrument and are deemed to include the implementing regulations. <br />BY SIGNiNO BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and provisions in this Tax- Exempt Financing Rider. <br />7 <br />Borrower Borrower <br />Bradley D. Samlla Jeani M. Smolla <br />Borrower <br />Page 3of3 <br />Borrower <br />owv�sivivmx onpsreow <br />