<br />First State Bank
<br />Gothenburg
<br />914 Lake Avenue
<br />PO Box 79
<br />Gothenburg, NE 69136 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is dated March 31, 2003, among Richard L. Hartman and Patricia A. Hartman;
<br />husband and wife ( "Trustor" ); First State Bank, whose address is Gothenburg, 914 Lake Avenue, PO Box 79,
<br />Gothenburg, NE 69138 (referred to below sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as "Beneficiary"); and
<br />First State Bank, whose address is PO Box 79, Gothenburg, NE 69138 (referred to below as "Trustee ").
<br />CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consideration, Truster conveys to Trustee in trust, WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit of
<br />Lender as Beneficiary, all of Trustor's right, Me, and interest in and to the following described real property, together with all existing or
<br />subsequenty erected or offved buildings, improvements and fixtures; all easements, rights of way, and appWenances; all water, water rights and
<br />ditch rights (including stock in utilities with ditch or irrigation rights); and all other rights, ro allies, and PProfib relating to the realyroperty, including
<br />without limitation all minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and similar matters, (the "Real Property "J located In Hell County, State of
<br />Nebraska:
<br />The Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4 SW 114) of Section Thirty -Three (33),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE 1/4 NE 114) and part of the Northeast Quarter
<br />of the Southeast Quarter (NE 1/4 SE 1/4) and part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W 1/2 BE
<br />114) and the East 13 1/2 some of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/4), all in
<br />Section Thirty -Two (32), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska exceptint therefrom tracts of land more particularly described in Book 159, Page 325 and in
<br />Return of Appraisers recorded as Document No. 200010803
<br />East 26 213 acres of East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E 1/2 NE 1/4) of Section Five (5), Township Ten
<br />(10) north, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />The West half of the Northeast Quarter (W 1/2 NE 1/4) of Section Five (5), Township Ten (10) North,
<br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska excepting a certain tract therefrom as
<br />recorded in Appraisal Report in Book N, Page 411.
<br />The Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Four (4), Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of
<br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska excepting a certain tract therefrom as recorded In Warranty Deed in
<br />Book D, Page 433, also excepting a certain tract therefrom as recorded in Warranty Deed in Book D,
<br />Page 434
<br />Lots One (1) on the Mainland in Section Nine (9), Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting therefrom tracts of land more particularly described in
<br />Warranty Deed recorded in Book 73, Page 106, in Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 76-002654,
<br />and in Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 99-111191.
<br />The West One -Half (W 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (BE 114), Section Three (3), Township Ten (10)
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hell County, Nebraska.
<br />Lots Two (2) and Three (3), Section Ten (10), Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Lots Four (4) and Five (5) in Section Ten (10), Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 61th
<br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting therefrom tracts of land more particularly described in Deed
<br />recorded In Book 138, Page 508; in Return of Appraisers recorded as Document No. 76- 003084; and in
<br />Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 99- 111188.
<br />The North Half (N 1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) in Section Ten (10), Township Ten (10) North,
<br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hell County, Nebraska.
<br />The Real Property tax identification number Is 400208369
<br />CROSS- COLLATERALIZATON. In addition to the Note, this Deed of Trust secures all obligations, debts and liabilues, plus interest thereon, of
<br />Truster to Lender, or any one or more of them, as well as all claims by Lender against Trustor or any one or more of them, whether now existing
<br />or hereafter arising, whether related or unrelated to the purpose of the Note, whether voluntary or otherwise, whether due or not due, direct or
<br />indirect, determined or undetermined, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated whether Trustor may be liable individually or jointly with
<br />others, whether obligated as guarantor, surety, accommodation party or otherwise, and whether recovery upon such amounts may be or hereafter
<br />may become barred by any statute of limitations, and whether the obligation to repay such amounts may be or hereafter may become otherwise
<br />