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EXHIBIT "A" <br />200304313 <br />A tract of land comprisinq a part of Lot Four (4), Island, And <br />part of the West- Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest <br />(quarter (W 1/7 SE 1./4 SW 1/1) , i 1.1 in Section Twenty- -Three (23) , <br />Township Eleven ( 11 ) North, Rnrlye N I.!ie (9) West of the 6th P.M. , <br />irr Ilall County, Nebr ;rskra, mt)re prir.l.:Ir- uIrir..l.y dr -,scribed as Follows: <br />Beginning at a point: on the .tlrre of said Section <br />Twenty - 'Three (23), sald holrrt 1ael.rrq Seven Hundred Sixty Fourth <br />arid Twenty- Eight: 11midr.edt:hs (761.20) Feet Past of the southwest <br />corner of saJ.d Sec I:.[on Twenty-Three ( 23 ) ; thence easterly along <br />the south line of said Section Twenty -Three ( 23 ) , a distance of <br />One 'Thousand Two Hundred Seventeen and Four Tenths (1,217.4) feet <br />to the southeast corner of rmtd W 1/2 SQL: I./4 SW 1/4; L-hence <br />riorthwr Ly�nq I ire r.ns1 I lrre OF .^ri ld W 1./2 51;: 1./1 SW 1/4, n <br />distance of Seven Ilurldre'1 Thlrl-y S;r,ven Fuel For-11-y- Four. Ilundredthr, <br />(73'1.44) feet; thence deflecting J.eft 07 1313'37" and running <br />northwesterly a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Seven and Nine <br />Tenths (101.9) feel:: thence dQr-lor-t:irla rlUht 91 °14'24" grid <br />runn irrq nor. (hens tet�.l.y n ()f 'l'wo Ilurulre(J Seventy Two rtnrl <br />Thirteen Hundredths (272.13) f7ef-t; thence defl.ectirlq left <br />169"39'25" and r.urining southwesterly a distance of Fifty Three <br />and F'lve HUndredths (53.05) feat; thmnr :e deflect -ing right <br />31 149'30" arid runnirm soW:hwe r;1-erly n (llsl.ance of One tlundred <br />Eleven and Nine Tenths (111.9) feet ttl�llc'� c1�f!r'ctinc .Left: <br />arid rur-)rli;'g <br />Sixty Four and Fifteen Hundr-erkhs ( 364 . 1S) feet; thence <br />deflecting right: 02"25'2E)" and Y.ui n l.nq southwester.l y a distance <br />of Throe Ht.rndrr?d 'i'w��nky F:1rah1; nnr.l P'1 f l y- F:IUhI: Hkiridrerll-hs (32F4.5f1) <br />feet; thence deflecl:lr!q r:lghl. 07 "OR'30" ij)d rru!nlnq sorrtl:wesl :er-ly <br />a distance of Four H!u:dr ed Ten anr.l Ilunrlr.e(Jths (110.f)6) <br />feet, to the place of bey l.nn.l.r!q <br />V <br />