4Yi�5kneif!'s Geed —Undue Faa�¢tesun sf l�Yei4Ha @e or Tax LieM - - --
<br />200304259
<br />ItUOW all lien by TbOt 3pr 15entO, Thal, WH , in an action in Ma District Court of Me
<br />_ Ninth ... _. Judicial DLkk! of W.SIaG 1 Nebrarla. wdhin ardfor the CouNy of Hall____ _ - ._..., wherein
<br />....
<br />County -of Hall, Nebraska. A_ Body _of_pallCA,a. and Corporate _____ - _ ......plaintiff... and
<br />See attached Appendix "A" ... ..... ___ __ _. _______del dams
<br />d on- January _lot ___.Term A D. f9 _ 49, of said rourt,..._Ca Ly_ of _Hall.. Nebraska
<br />did obtain a decree finding that were is due.from See _attached - Appendix "A^
<br />b .... Cuunty_.ne... Hall, - Nebraska. -A. Body_ Politic.and_.Corporate - - - -- _. the earn
<br />y____SunS, -found ... due and_.uwing in_ order ..of_ their_property...as_determined in__..
<br />--- decree...af- ..foreclosure_. _._ __._.._...
<br />.......___
<br />..__...
<br />............. _. _ _._.........._.__._...dollar,, and, h,.s, it woe then and there,
<br />further ordered in the said .1w. that in definite of the payment of Ow sum ea found due by the said _____.- .............
<br />. ._..._.._.....______...__......
<br />_See attached AppendizA _ _ ........... ._ ........ _ mot _.. Jerry Watson __ -__
<br />Sheriff of said County of Hall - - - -- - -- —._._-.. __ _ _ , should cause the Lands and tenements hereinafter described to be
<br />advertised and sold ..cording to baw In pay the same, and, where., default loving been mad,. Marein the said
<br />Jerry Watson S /w,f(oJ sail county, under acre£by airfue if tb, .saiddec... and
<br />the order if sale to him ddydireded, did on de 22nd- ____._ _.__dny,J.__March _. __. A.D. *_2002
<br />a/ the. Lever - Lobby - - -- 3 if Me County Court Hoare in the _City....._ -__. __ f -Grand island... _..
<br />in said Co..tyoJ._ Hall__ ____ __.... ,havirrgJira[given d. uml kyal nw[kc of0efime and p tore (said rah
<br />by prebiim( inn once in rack week (ar fuar xuaz•ssh, weeks in theGLand_IS1and...Independent a neawpaper prided and in general
<br />ehculation in said County of Hall -- _... , sell said prcmbes at public cudion W__ -__ __....
<br />.._Lanni. Hendersou. _.. - -- _.._for the sum of -Sir_ thousand, three _hnndred..arid
<br />_( ;6.300.0.01._._ __._.. ____ dollars, which pale .efterward.1Mw_....1st -- __Term fsu.d,ww1,
<br />A. D., 19_99, examined and confirmed and the said Jerry _Watson ____ _.___ _____ ..as such Sheriff, ordered
<br />to orrwey the said Premises infee,imple to t/e paid Lonnie Henderson - - - -- - - -- --1. -- _.
<br />Poto Mberefort, 1, me sad____ Jerry Watson .Shnif fIe County if
<br />.. -Nall . aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by vi.(we of the powers tested in me by law and the
<br />decree f said cram, do h,.reby Give, Grant and Convey to the said
<br />...Lonnie_ Henderson _____ .. _..______ ___ -_ ___._heirs and assi es, me pr,mues as as aforesaid sold, to wit:
<br />-& -part of Lot Ton _( 101_of_the.- County.Subdiviaioa of - part -of -.the South one- half-- (S1 /2)
<br />of Section _Five ( S),_. fn_ Townshl.p... Nlae _(3)_..Warth- ,_ Range _Nine _.(9). West of 6th P_M_.___
<br />Hal l -County . Nebraska, _ -More _ particular.Ly.AaacrIbed -as- follows .:. Commencing at the
<br />---- -
<br />,Northvest _corner of the Lot Ten( 10), -theacg_f o.fl._ta6tkrl4t_ _dd.ratt on- along_And upon
<br />._the _North line of Lot Ten ( 10)_.a.distance_of..nne._hundred- eighty -one and five tenths
<br />.(lBl_- 5).. feet -which is the point _o£...heginning.,._Lheace- Southerly .- siscty- six(66)feet -, - - --
<br />_.t.henre_Fasterly_ one _hundred forty( 140) feet.... thence ..Northe1 -y sixty- six(66)feet, thence
<br />_Westerly along and upon. the North line _of._Lot_Ten(jQ ) a distance of one hundred £arty
<br />(140)feet to the place of beginnings subject to esseneutS... and ... L.,gst%fctlds. of record,
<br />and all._Appgrtenances_therto,_ .. ...... . ____. -.with the appurtenances
<br />To j4abe anb to 3001b the Game ,.w, Me said_ Lonnfe.Heuderaen_
<br />.. Joire and asaiyv, and to /hem and they use and belunJJarrver.
<br />3n Zemimoup Whereof, I tan, as such Sheriff, hereuNo set my, hand th,a _____. _ ...._.....day of
<br />____ ____ __......__A. D.,3R_2002 C
<br />/ . u
<br />Funded and delieered in the presence f S /heel b hall
<br />_ _ _._ _ CouMY. Nebraska.
<br />Hall J . y f -
<br />DnN ��.r... .-...day o.
<br />in andfor ,aid..Iy, p .,ally appeared tha ,aid Ter f. y.__LJQ:7YS.G ?y..____ ........
<br />rw
<br />rtl h ',fA
<br />ent . prador, and
<br />"sea and pawpoee,
<br />)NALD D. CCHSNER "Itne65 any hand and o the day
<br />February 14. N �7a
<br />w.
<br />__._
<br />