Togethdr wills all buildings, fixtures, improvements fall app irlenauces belonging to such
<br />premises.
<br />Dated: March n 2n(n
<br />COUNTY OP Hal) )
<br />SS
<br />U.S.11ank, Nntional Association
<br />Gro Td Isla d Nebraska
<br />Sly:
<br />'IAA Bz nch MAnager
<br />ATTEST:
<br />Oil Ibis ?o (Jay of Mareh 19 20ol before life ilia undersigned, a Notary
<br />Public duly commissioned and qualified Rn'said County, personally Cattle Corinne Kerterli�
<br />of U•, Nnlioual Association, as'I'ruslco, to me known to Ile (lie identical pel:son whose
<br />unute is subscribed to (he furcgoing histlouleut and acknowledged Ihcrcof to be his voluntary act
<br />fall feet[ nod the volunlnl'y let mul (Iced uu bellaro1'U.S lino , ns'Pruslee.
<br />C
<br />My Cmnm `
<br />issiml expires: p — —O y I I \19,Q k,�
<br />o01ry Public
<br />This is to eel lift' (bat (110 above unnlcd'I'lustee bas been regacsled ill writing to execute the
<br />furcgoing i)ccd of Itcconvcynnca nud his action in doing so is l tilied and confirmed ill all
<br />aspects.
<br />� (lEN €nAL NarAnV - alntn al Nebraska
<br />VALERIE NIELSEN U.S. flank, Natimlal Associf floll
<br />My Comm. Exp. AUG 20, 2004
<br />nnnnd ref, d Nebraska
<br />m rn
<br />rri
<br />T
<br />—i r1 E:
<br />z w
<br />.Z T o u m
<br />—1 O
<br />N
<br />frl
<br />L
<br />_v
<br />0 y N O
<br />N
<br />• (Under Nebrnskn 'Trust Dec is Act)
<br />G
<br />200303420
<br />Know All Men fly 111eso Yrbseu(s:
<br />THAT WHEREAS, nil /pnrl of (lie indebtedness secured by tho Tillst Dce(I executed by C� O
<br />Russell D. Shaw Carrie S. Shaw
<br />and
<br />--- to U.S.Ilauk,
<br />National Association, Crnnd Island, Ncbrnsi(n, nlc Ilcncficinry nnnled therein, dated
<br />November 10,1998nnd recorded in Ill, oflice ohlhc itcgisler Ofi)cc(IS Of Hall C011llly,
<br />. _Crand Island, Nebraska Ill Ilool( 98 ;II P;Iga 111046
<br />_ _
<br />has been paid, and said Bencliciary has rcgticsfcd ill Writing that this deed of reconveyallce be
<br />cxccIIt d 0(Id dCliVCrc(I as C011111'llled by its Cntlorscoief( beloW,
<br />NOW ' HIMITORE, in consideradoo of such payment oo in nccordlluc, Willi ilia request of ilia
<br />Ilcoeficiary nnnled therein, the undetsil;ncd foI Ttilstec does by these presents, grant, renlise,
<br />10ca Fe, and 1'eculivey l0 (lie pelsoll of pemolls colitled Illefeto all (Ile Ill(el'est 011(1 eslate del'IVcd
<br />to said'I'luste..ed by Or lhroot it Sniff'I'1'lisl Deed in Ilia fOnoWing desel'Ibed prelllises bill only its to
<br />Stich preinises.
<br />Lot 1, Prarie Creek Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Togethdr wills all buildings, fixtures, improvements fall app irlenauces belonging to such
<br />premises.
<br />Dated: March n 2n(n
<br />COUNTY OP Hal) )
<br />SS
<br />U.S.11ank, Nntional Association
<br />Gro Td Isla d Nebraska
<br />Sly:
<br />'IAA Bz nch MAnager
<br />ATTEST:
<br />Oil Ibis ?o (Jay of Mareh 19 20ol before life ilia undersigned, a Notary
<br />Public duly commissioned and qualified Rn'said County, personally Cattle Corinne Kerterli�
<br />of U•, Nnlioual Association, as'I'ruslco, to me known to Ile (lie identical pel:son whose
<br />unute is subscribed to (he furcgoing histlouleut and acknowledged Ihcrcof to be his voluntary act
<br />fall feet[ nod the volunlnl'y let mul (Iced uu bellaro1'U.S lino , ns'Pruslee.
<br />C
<br />My Cmnm `
<br />issiml expires: p — —O y I I \19,Q k,�
<br />o01ry Public
<br />This is to eel lift' (bat (110 above unnlcd'I'lustee bas been regacsled ill writing to execute the
<br />furcgoing i)ccd of Itcconvcynnca nud his action in doing so is l tilied and confirmed ill all
<br />aspects.
<br />� (lEN €nAL NarAnV - alntn al Nebraska
<br />VALERIE NIELSEN U.S. flank, Natimlal Associf floll
<br />My Comm. Exp. AUG 20, 2004
<br />nnnnd ref, d Nebraska
<br />