<br />Slam Of Nebreeke ss
<br />Counly Of Hall
<br />On in-L day af�m.. °T. loaf betare
<br />a Notary Public wdhtn and for sold County, personally appeared RAYMOND J.
<br />O'CONNOR, Manager of THE MEADOWS APARTMENT HOMES L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited
<br />Liability Company, to me persanolh known to be the identical person whose
<br />slgnalure is of /lxed hereto, and that he did acknowledge the execution Hereof to be
<br />his voluntary ad and deed and the voluntary act and deed of said Company, and
<br />Moo' he was empowered to make the above dedkaein for and in behalf of said
<br />Company.
<br />IN WITNESS WHfBEOF, l hove hereunto subscribed my same and alffxed my
<br />official sin/ at Grand /stand, Nebraska, an the dale lad above wdlten.
<br />My commission expires LET
<br />♦ Notary Publrer�
<br />AMOK
<br />Stale O/ NeDmska ss
<br />Counly Of HaII y
<br />1003, De /ore pelyas���
<br />a Notary Public wSchn and for said County, personally appeared LYNN R. em,cha
<br />Prodders/ Of The School Board, NAIL COUNTY SCHOOL ffSTRICT 1, is me that Me
<br />known lobe the ben x person whose signature, he, is affixed tlereio, and that she
<br />did acknowledge the ex of said )School to be her voluntary ad and deed and the
<br />wake the bon and dead o{ said Schaal behalf f s d S she was empowered to
<br />make IT above WHEREOF, dedication for and at behalf of said Schaal District, it
<br />IN WNNf55 WHERfOf, l hove hereunto subscribed my same and affixed my
<br />official seal al &rand lslond Nab skin. on the dale Joel above wriHen.
<br />My cammisswe, expires - 'oo-
<br />c
<br />(Seal •"""
<br />I hereby carb'ty that w January d 1003, / completed he wcurale survey of
<br />COUNTRY MEADOWS SECOND SUBDIVISION; in Me City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />shown m Me accampanying plot Mereaf,, than Me fah, black; shosels, avenues,
<br />amy; park; cammws and other grounds as combined in said subdbision as
<br />shown on the acwipweh, fund parent are wish and .,no any slaked off and
<br />mwked. that I. markers were placed d all let comes; that Me dimensions of
<br />each tai are as shown on pis plol, that each lot bears its awn number, and Mal
<br />said survey, was made wish reference In known and recorded monument;
<br />s RnASw
<br />� /✓,ti's —•� q
<br />Reg. Loved surniqar Not 578
<br />rot eaRa�
<br />Submiffed A, and approved by the Regiana Planning Commission of Hall County,
<br />Grand Island, Wood River and lire Pillages of Aldo. Catm and Owdebon, Nebraska.
<br />Cho man Oa
<br />pproved and accepted by Me City of Crane island, Nebraska, Ihls--jL.Lday of
<br />, 1003.
<br />� �noo ire
<br />Mayor Cify Clerk
<br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION 200302294
<br />A Arad of land comprising a pars of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast
<br />Ouader (SWI 14Sf114), of Sedian Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) MeM, Range
<br />Ten (10) West of Me 6M P.M., in the City Of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />mare parlcaarly descrlbei as folmws:
<br />Regtnning at the noHAwesl comer of Lot Thirty One (dl), Country Meadows
<br />Subdivision, )nines running easterly being Me earM Tine of Cots Twenty fire (15)
<br />thin Thirty One (31), Country Meadows Subdlihian, and on on Assumed Bearing of
<br />S69'O8'08 "E, a distance of five Hundred Seventy One and forty Light Hundredths
<br />(571.48) feet, he IAe exahwesl corner of Cot Twenty Mr. (73) Country Meadows
<br />Subdivision, thence mommy N00'08 "10 °W, along Me west line a/ Cots Nineteen (19)
<br />thin Twenty Three (13), Country Meadows Subdivision, a instance of Seven Hundred
<br />Seventy (770.00) Ire? to the northwest corner of Let Nineteen (19), Country Meadows
<br />Subernsmn, and to a paint an the soulhedy right of way line of Redwood Read,-
<br />hence running 11690808'W, along the sou&erly right of way fine of Redwood Road,
<br />a distance of fourteen unit Sixty Two Hundredths (14.61) Aeeh thence running
<br />N00'00 1001W along Me wail line of Lot f5pow (18), County Meadows Subdivision,
<br />and #, exlenehen, a distance of One Hundred Aeudy One and PoHy Seven
<br />Hundredths (191.47) /eel, to Me northwest comer of Lof Eighteen (18), Country
<br />Meadows Subbersion, and to a point on the Amin line of said Southwest Quarter of
<br />the Southeast Ouader (SWI 14Sf114), hence mnning 48971 "4B "W, along the earth
<br />line of sold ..ahmesl Quarter of the Soulhwsf Quarter (SWI 14SF114), o distance
<br />of five Hundred £ghly five (585.00) feet, hence mnning 500'00 '007, a distance of
<br />One Hundred Eighty lighl and Ninety Four Hundredths (18194) feet, Mence running
<br />589'08'081E, a distance of Thirty (30.00) fact, Jerre mnnng SOO'OOLD A,, a
<br />e/slonce of Savers Hundred Seventy (770.00) fee?, b the pant of beginning and
<br />combining 12.09 acres more or Tess.
<br />DEDICA
<br />a Nebraska limited tiabihy Company and HALL COUNTY SCHOOL O/STR /CT 1,
<br />pan, , 1. SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 38, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, being Me owners of
<br />the land descrlbed hown. have caused same be be surveyed, subdivided, pluHed
<br />and Eedgnalad ae COUNTRY MEADOWS SECOND SURTALSIONI in the City of Grand
<br />lslond, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat /hereof, and do hereby
<br />dedtmfw the sheeh as shown Maroon 1. the public far their use forever, and the
<br />easements as shown thereon for the lomllen, co ehedion and maintenance of
<br />public service ulildies forever, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto,
<br />and hereby prahibifing the pAmAng of nee; beenes and shrub; or placing an.
<br />obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such easemwh; and
<br />Met iAe foregoing subdivision as more particulhdy described in the descnph'ose
<br />hereon as appears on this is made with the bee consent and in accardenm with
<br />The desires of the undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our dgenhow, harem at Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, lhiq 4tl day a/ J °...e.T . 1003, and Mis r "'_day of
<br />Swnuaeu , 1003.
<br />A Nebraska Limited Lability Company
<br />Raym n ✓. O'Connor, Manager
<br />' SCHOOL
<br />`�DISTRICT 1
<br />Lynn R. Bro l,, Presidbnl Of The School Board
<br />Rork r ell And Assae. - End In a e r leg k fur. eying - Grand Island, Nebreeke ANNa1af
<br />