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<br />.- rmrmler 112" 4. ?, r . Get. oNermre Atha
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<br />A - /,a 1 ACruu
<br />xw co. swr /a, sK. a, a mo r RECMWD AI
<br />' r9N -R9W rowC
<br />pl. SWI145 W0, Section e, W -flow
<br />5 T
<br />-r !/nplilled
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<br />Lot f s
<br />�vu vxvr or BECnwnc
<br />�NwllxvN Nryfil 0/ ebY One C](nn Mu0
<br />lw 1$C'itrx
<br />YY nn xarrzsFw
<br />— 5%llner Sned
<br />�s.1an ono
<br />SSW ae, scare 9 1. 1e, m iF 1 — I A 1, s� e
<br />(r9NCF l'Owa 1ex —Few FOma
<br />n m (op Nunnum R.q
<br />I hereby certP, that on December 10, 1002, / completed an ac urale sorvey o/
<br />RIFFLIN SUBDIv15lON; Hall County, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat
<br />ihere,fr MAY /he ph, blocks, sdros /s, venues, alleys, parks, .., and o /her
<br />grounds as cenlahRaf in sold subdivision os shown on the accomponteng plot
<br />thereof are well and accurately slaked off and marked; Mal iron markers were
<br />pfe,od At all lot comers; that the dimensions of each tai are as shown on ?he
<br />pia. mot each lot bears its mm rmads, and that sold survey cans made with
<br />reference to known and recorded monuments.
<br />Fncrc90.c lustamea: I!r.
<br />n ooh one Rio
<br />Th�
<br />W�
<br />Oeryl 0. Sorgenfiel; Reg, LandlSuiveyar No. 570
<br />(Seal)
<br />Subm/Hed to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Had County,
<br />Grand Island. Wood River lad the Villages of Aldo, Cairo and Da,,pban, Nebraska.
<br />_� he,
<br />a/r m an !late
<br />Apprwod rd .,,,led by /he Half County Board of Supervisors, No, / day
<br />of 2001.
<br />T/wirman OYr�e _ae�id (early Clark
<br />.(Selo)
<br />j
<br />Apprayed and occepled by the Khoge Beard of OanlpmrH Nebraska, hme /d5— do,
<br />or 2005
<br />,oA1rv� �f The
<br />r fbolmron 01 the Board �� Yrll,gewiGl rk
<br />(seal) R I E L I N
<br />Loaelian S k 6 t C h
<br />A Imo/ of /and co.MdHtoq a pad of the Saulbwesl Ouarter of the
<br />Saulhwesl 0.eH,, (SWII46WIIA), of Sec Non Four (4), Township Me,
<br />(9) Nvih, Range Nine (9) West of the 6M P.N., In Nall County,
<br />Nebraska, mare punkelmly described us fellows:
<br />Beginning at the seufhwert comer o/ the sold 5outhwesl dead, of
<br />the Southwest OucHer (SW/ 14SW114); thence waing easterly along the
<br />s,u@ It,, of said Sodhwesl Ouorter al the Southwest Ouader
<br />(SWI 145W114), on on Assumed Bearing of N90'00'00 "F, a disance of
<br />One Hundred Ninety Eigbl (1980) . feel; thence running N00'11'07 "W, o
<br />distunoe of Forty Sa and One Tenth (46.1) feel, to a poial on the
<br />northerly rlghl of way One of CY/Mer Road, and to the ACTUAL point of
<br />begin,/,,; /hence c,ahmanO NOD'llL7'W, a oHlenae of Two Hundred
<br />Flffy and Nmely Hundredths (250,90) fee. thence running Na5958 f
<br />a distance of One Hundred Ninety Nine and forty Two Hundredths
<br />(199.41) feet Memo, .,,, 500'1531 "E, e upheave of Two Hundred
<br />Flfly One and Ninety Hundredths (151.90) Tee( to a polo? on the
<br />northerly nghl of way Ilne of G'ihner Road; tbence running N89'42'53'W,
<br />a distance of One Hundred Ninety Moe and Seventy FWv ThmersoMe
<br />(199.75) feel, 1, the ACTUAL pain/ of beginning and contabomg 1,152
<br />aver more ar less.
<br />husband and wife, being the owners of the land described hereon, hove used
<br />me to he surveyed, mbdlvlded, plotted and deslgn,led as "RIFFLIN SUBDIVISION;
<br />Half Counl, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plot 164...1. and do hereby
<br />dedle,le Ms easements, if any, as shown thereon for the to c,fian, cans)rudle, and
<br />momhunonno of public service utilities forever, together with the fight of ingress and
<br />egress therein, and hereby prohlbding The planting of frees, bushes and shrubs, or
<br />placing other ob,hoxNeo, upon, over, along or malem,mb the sud,. o/ such
<br />malls, and that the foregoing sobaldleem as more pmeh,, aly described e, the
<br />description hereon as appears on this plat 1s made wdb )be free consents and in
<br />,,cordon,, with the desires of the undersigned owners and proprielurs.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have affixed our signatures hereto at Grand Island,
<br />Nebmsk,, lMs--LLday of a,,RrsLu_ , 2002
<br />Itasca VIA atle, .06a
<br />Duane C. MINI Vad2
<br />stm, Of Nebraska
<br />Senate of Nall
<br />0, the LL 2A CY of Ii �6. 2002, before ae L)11X(
<br />o Note, Pubh , within ad for d Caanly, personally appeared OUANf C RIfR/N And
<br />VADA N 9I6fIN h b d need wde in me personally known to be ibe ldenireal persons
<br />whose signatures are offered Monte, nod Mol soon did ooknowledge Me erecohm thereof
<br />to be ms or her v,lunlary ed and deed.
<br />IN ONNFSS WNfRfOf, / hove bereank - Miabed my name end offered my offioiol
<br />seal of Grand /shod, Nebresko, on the defe lost ,bare wrPH..
<br />My commission e"E" fAetmess, 4 z = -4
<br />A7 ry Pub I (Sw) !
<br />