<br />Side 0I NebraNObrasko ss
<br />County Of thni
<br />On tha.L.3_doy of SwIsix-Lel, 2002, before me -Irry(. D. n4 V
<br />a Nclary Public wlibla and far said Cauny, personofly appended VIRGI( EI USfN
<br />Manager of INOLINHEAO GOOF CLUB L.L.C., a Limited babdily Company, and to me
<br />persawlly known la be the identical person whose signal.. h off /xed hereto, and Thal
<br />he bid acknowbdge the ,mutton thereof to be his vouninry act and deed, and the
<br />voluntary It and dud Of said Cn pvny, and Mal he was empowered NO make Me
<br />above dedication for and in beholl of said Company.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, f have h,eunio subecrlbed my name and affixed my official
<br />seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, on the date test above wrAfen.
<br />My comme lid, expires_ /3 bed
<br />a�1
<br />a 'rGr
<br />L hereby certify That an September $ 2002, I completed an accurate survey of
<br />17ND/ANHEAO SEVENTH SUBDIVISION; 1, the City of Grand island, Nebraska, as shown an
<br />the accompanying plot Iberia$ Mat the /oh, blocks, sheers, - avenues, alleys, parks,
<br />!nommons Ind Other grounds as canlafned in Red sibdfvinin a, shown on the
<br />aceompanpng plot th,eal are well and accurate off and marked; that iron markers
<br />l were placed at all sit comers; that the dlmensfons of each sit are as shown an the
<br />plc¢ Mal each lot bears its own numb,,, and that mid survey, ores made with
<br />�retwerea to known and recaNed monumentx
<br />i
<br />a sovta`
<br />OeSmyea req ROD. Land 5 vAr No. SIR
<br />S,emMed to and approved by ld, Regional planning Cammisslaa of Hall County,
<br />Grand /stand, Wood River and The Villages of Aldo, Cofm and Donfphan, Nebraska.
<br />A �
<br />n
<br />Approved and Iacepb f by the CBy of Grand Island, Nebraekl, hes $21'=
<br />day of Lc, n or _, 1001
<br />(Sea)
<br />Ld[, Ra'.D.,,
<br />Mayor City Clerk
<br />J
<br />eooaooasT
<br />A heel al land eahm4king all of Lots Twa+0ne (21), Twenty Two (22), Twenty Three
<br />(23), Twenty Four (24) it Twenty five (25), Grand Island / ndustal Park West
<br />Subdivision, Vacated FOrIOae Stieel and a PUT of Me Southeast 0uader (SEI 14), all in
<br />Section Twenty Six (26), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th
<br />Pa. in City of Grand /stand, Hall County, Nebraska, mare Por/icuEdY described as
<br />Sollows;
<br />&,jamng at Me soNM,D t Smo, of Lot Twenty One (21), Indianhead Subdivision;
<br />thence rvnning nodheedinly along Me ndadw,h SV line of Indfanhead Subdivision on
<br />ON Assumed hearing of N4546'20 "W, a distant, at five Hundred and Twenty Nine
<br />Hundredths (50029) 1111- Men. rvnning N71702 "W, using the nodhell line of
<br />Indfanhead Subdlvf,, , a distance of One Hundred Sevenly Three and Sixty Six
<br />Hundredths (vi66) feet, b the northwest comer of Lot Twenty Fire (25), mdfmiheod
<br />Subdivision; then,, running N1830331, a distance of Two Hundred Six and Nine
<br />Hundredhs (206,09) feet thence running X53'20'55 W, a distance Of Three Hundred
<br />Twenty One and Eighty Three Hundredths (521.83) lee% thence running 11001613 "f, a
<br />distance of Three Hundred forty (340.0) bet, to a point re Me soulhody right of way
<br />line of Trvsf Street MGree rvnning 989'26'47'E elan, the southerly right of way line
<br />I Trust Street, a distance of five Hundred Sfrly Seven and fight, four Hundredths
<br />(567.84) feel, b the n,thwesl comer of Lot Twenty Six (26), Grand Island Industrial
<br />Park West Subdlvlsion; /hence r ✓nnfng SM16'11 "W, Dion, Me west line of Lai Twenty
<br />Sir (26), Grand Island Industrial Pad Wesl Subdivision, a distance of IDree Hundred
<br />(300.0) feel, la the soulhw,l ,D R, of b, Twenty Six (26), Grand Island Indramol
<br />Pad West SUMIeld.; thence running S891357E, along the South line of Loh Twenty
<br />Six (26), thin Thirty ffve (35), Grand Island Industrial Pad Well Subdlvlsion, a distance
<br />Of One Thousand forty and Eight Hundredths (1040.09) feel. to Me soLdhicef corner of
<br />,a, Thfhy five (35), Grand bland Industrial park West Eedfvfsfon, and b the wesl,ly
<br />rf,hl of by line of North Read; thence conning S00'IY00 'W along the westerly right
<br />of way line at North Road, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty end Six Hundredths
<br />(320.06) fee( to the northeast comer of Lot SLdy live (65), Castle EGLAN, SobnfiViiaal
<br />Men,, .nnfng N897437N,, along Me n,dhDly line of Castle Estates Subdivision, a
<br />distance of four Hundred four and Eighty Nine Hundredths (404.89) feet thence
<br />maning 544'1214 °W along the nodhelshhy line of Castle Estates Subdivision, a
<br />distance of Six Hundred Money Six and Forty Nine Hundredths (696.49) feel, la the
<br />point of beginning and ,anicoung 20.654 acres man or /ors.
<br />Liobilily Company, being the owner of the land descrbed heron, ha, cmInal same to
<br />Ed surveyed, subdlvided, plaited and designated as NIMANHEAD SEVENTH SUBDIVISION;
<br />In She C f l y of G O d Island, Nebraska, as shown an he accamponying plat /hereal,
<br />and do hereby dedicate the sbeel as shown hereon to the public for their use forever/,
<br />and the easements as shown Ihereen fm the lecalian, ,Instruction and maintenance oA
<br />public service utilities the., together with the right If ingress and egrem Marvin i
<br />and hereby pralnbfting the planting If frees, bushes and shrubs, a1 platlng ether I
<br />obshuctime upon, over, along or underneoM the surta. of such easemenis; and that''.
<br />the foregoing subdfvfsfaa as mare particularly described in Me doxcluafoa hereon as
<br />appear In this pfd fs made with the /IN, censenl and in accordance with the Oradea
<br />Of the und,Slgnei awn, and prapdetan
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have affixed my signorine hands at Grand Lsland, Nebmska,
<br />MV,_& _day of _, 2002.
<br />INOANHEAD GOLF. CLUB LL C Li f d i bTly Comport
<br />�ViNanager
<br />in
<br />