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t .:,,:T.._^ ... . .,. ! <br /> � <br /> t .... .. ' : .._ .... __••,-,. . `�;.. <br /> 1�.��„a�.�v,yy,,.K,t�; <br /> ;._» �, �� . ..,,`.� — ._ <br /> ���..� . . `� ' , a�.�.'.l..•.�..�r�.��l'�T���.-�y�'/�'�++T�M.` {. b�l'•. R� �:_S"11_v .__— <br /> '—:iBYal�'YS:.�a�tifka3.:���ufr.lbkr.�,...e....�c.�.._�..�.uM�"`����� ��� _.......�.k.`._ ._v......_... _ �`" <br /> ._..1....E�� i��a'T9TE��0i1.i7R��:S"vcin-.� � <br /> COVENANTi 1�9 5'^ '1��� - <br /> t. P�y�t� Borrowar eqro�a to m�ks di aymenn an tAn �ecur�d dabt whan duo. Un�eaa Borrowcr cm! lortdor aproo otherwtaa cny � <br /> p�ym�r�tt I.�ndsr recdvu Bom 8ottow�r or�or Borrow�r'�b�ns{it wlit bs�pplted fitat to sny�mounts Bonower owea on tho eecurad dobt <br /> �xchnfv�of inter��t or ptinel�u,u�ond to inten1t.�nd tMn to pinatpd.lf p ni�l prep�yment of ths neeured dsbt oaeurs!or any resson,It w►11 <br /> not rW ua a�xeut�ony sche�ubd paqmmt unUl t!»seeund d�bt ls pwid In�ull. <br /> �.p�lnr Ag�Mwt Titl�.Bonowar wiN pay�il t�xu.�u�u1n�rm,and otlwr eha►pa atatbutabt�to tMprop�rty wMn du�and wlli dafmd titt� <br /> to tfi�pro��tk�st any eklm�whlah would ImpaM ttw Iln�of thi�dNd of trust.Lmda m�y r�puln Bortow�r to�ulpn any rlpAt�,ddmr a <br /> dotonaoa ar�awor maY h..-va oy�hut parttas vfio suppry iaba or materlals to Improve or mdrtteln che p►operty, _ <br /> a. ��.Borrowe wil{kNp tM ptopm�rottyt pIrnund und�r tums�eaepqbt�to L.�ndx �t Bortow�r'��xqnss�nd tor l�nda's b�n�ftt.AII <br /> In�su�r���d po�Na�Am I��un�nC��pt�i mty 6�pi�Nd�wtth�n�L.����c�itl^�on,�w iidther tM ristor��tion�or ieps o�in:a:m.n.e a wiy <br /> a to tM a�our�d Mbt.if L�odu roqukes mottpp�imuranc�.Bor�ower�pnu to m�intatn euah Insur�na for is Wnp at l.�nd�r rt+puin�. - <br /> 4.�ro►�yl.BorrowK wili kNp tM property in yood eonditbn md m�ks�0 r�p�k�n�ionabty n��sary. _ <br /> 6,ExpwMM,Barovwr N�w pay all Undsr' •xparssa Inetudinp�tsoeubb attorrNya'tNa.if Borrowsr brsslu any cov�nanp i thb dud m <br /> t�t l:ust et tn!ny nhUga�n�acured hy Wa�of trust.�aROw�r wHl psY tMp�mo�mt�to Ltnd�►n prov�d�d(n Coven�rtt 8 of t�ft d�ed nf <br /> dun. _ <br /> •iar�Utt�r�sb.8�atowKu w�Mi�p�t�o►�n�itl of�i o�0liQattoni�nnd�ir�any p lor moitpq�d�id o uus�t a o�se�ry��un� _ <br /> Mcludl�p Banowe'a cove�nts to m�k�p��Nn wlw�du�. <br /> 1.Ae�i�rn�t of Rrnb�nd ho11b.Borroww�to l�r�r ths�ents and proflta of tM proput�+.Untess 8anowe►and Lender h�vs�eed <br /> othww in writinp.8or►ow�r mty coiNat and ttM nms as Iong as Bortower is�ot In ditaulA If Borcow�r dsfautts,L�nd��.I.�nd�r's <br /> pan� a a a�urc�ppc�nud aaNva m�Y Uks possnslon and manps tM p►oputy�nd colMot tt�s rerrci.My nMS L�nder colkots�h�it b� <br /> •PpINd}kat to ths eons of manpinp ths prop�rty.includin0 eo�ut costu and�ttansys t�ss, commiaiom to nrft�l s�s M�,md any othsr <br /> nsc�asary�d�t�d s�nas.Th�nmsfning amowt of rar►ta wn!ttmn appiy to paym�MS oa ths�eauad debt ea provided in Coven�nt 1. <br /> •,t�s�AWd�3 Condornb�ka�a=Pl�wd Unit D�v�loprtMttt�.pBottowa•pross to comply with the provisions ot eny leese it thia deed ot trun is on <br /> un�dl�t d�co�w�ri,�b�Miw�,a r��spu�l�tioru ot tlf�ic�co dominlum a p�lnned uNt kArdvleib l�m�M.B�owa wiil pe�torm ati of Bortower's duties <br /> !. Aull�aUr d t�nir to hAonn ta�errow�.if 8ortow�r f�tis to�{ortn�ny of BorrowK's dutiu un�Mr thf�d�ad of uust,L��d�r may <br /> p�rtorm tl+�d�AMs or aua thsm to b�peKam�d. I.�nd�r m�y siQn�arow�r's n�n»ap�y�ny�maunt ii Maut�rq for prrtormanw.iT�ny <br /> corKtructton on tMptop�rty it dkwMinwd w�ot c�Msd on in a rouonabN enennet,L�nOe�may do wh�tswr b necrswy to ptattat I.�ndK'a <br /> aarity krc�at M tM D�op�ty.TAis may tnah�d�complatln0 tM eomtruotton. <br /> L�r�dar't t�lhue to p�rinrm vrill�wt pnciuds L��Ma irom exerahtnp emr of ks o1Mr tiphb under tM tsw a thi�de�d of tru�t. <br /> Any�mauMs,pNd by L�r�r top�ouot Und�r't sewrity IM�nst will b�sscwad by thl�d��al of trust.Sueh amwntt will bs dw on d�mand <br /> u�d w:U b�sr Mmt�st irotn tM det�04 tM p�ymmt untU ptid in fuil at ths irtonst at�in�fhat on th�aaind d�bt. <br /> 10.D�t�uft aW A�c�lf 8ortowK ftl�i tp mak�any paym�M wh��dw or tx��lc��r+y cowrnnts undK thts ds�d of trun or anY <br /> oblqation s�cur�by this of uust a�ny prior mortpp�a dwd ot trust.l�ndK riu1I�aatMm tM matur(ty of tM acurod d�bt�nd <br /> demen�!tmm�llat!�ay�tet�t±�x!m�y Inw�k!th�pewa of aab and any otMr rort�dbs Q�ttnitbd bY ap�abM liw. <br /> t t.R�qwst fa Nolk�of Mtault.It ts heroby rpwmd th�t copis�of the notla�of d�fauh end s�ts be smt to each prson who Is�P�rty <br /> Ax�to.�t tlw�ddna ot�ach such p�rwn,as at forth Mnin. <br />� tZ.►owK of� ths Ltnd�invok�a ths powsr o!uts,tM T�wts�sMq fUst r�ad In tM oHiw of the nylKer of dwds of�ach eounty <br /> wMnin th�trust propaty a soms{wt or p�ral tMrwf is aftwted�notics af dNault cont�idnp ths iMotmnion roquU�d by law.Th�TnutN <br /> •haN abo m+tl coal�s ot tM noUe�of d�teuR to tM ach penon who Is a puty Mrato.�nd to otM►p�rso�a��pro sorib�d by <br /> �ppue�6k� law. Not Ap tMn on�montl��fhr th�Tru�ncords ths�otia of G�fautt or tvro maMhs it the hutt pr4p rrty ls r+ot In any <br /> InoorPont:�d d►Y ar vNips�nd tt u�W in farminp oqratbns oarrNd on bY tM trustor,t!N frusa�sAW yiwp�Ot�yto notic�of saN to tP»pKSOrn <br /> �.M��b by N�i F�biiom�istiad�P►ot�atiTaNi�et.Tn�t�US s�ill o�fh�r��pr�Uiwo sip ei_�afei a�inquk�d 4y�� <br /> _ L r�idoN mFa�me►Y O�c�ha�se tl�ie p�roPertYf�t�a►Y e��by pubtie announummt at ttN Woe and pi�co of.any paviou�M sclf��Nd MN. <br /> Upon ne�Ipt of pa�rt�nt of ths pies bid.TrustM sh�d d�Uw►to tfis purch�ar TtuttM't d�ed conw�(�q tfN propKty.TM neitl�lt In <br /> T�u�te�'�dNd�hsll b�pim�facM�vldMna of ths vuth of tM stmme�U eot►qirnd tM►ein.TrwtN"afi�li apply 11►s proce�ds of p in tM <br /> - ��winp ��a1�b�t�iN t��waw�d bY��+Ie diid W�u�u�st�ind lol�btls�nce,�M am►.m M�P�na�ipilly��tltM�d m�h tNS and <br /> 18.Fm�doMn.At L�rd�r'a optbn,this dasd of trwt mty be forootoud in eh�m�nn�r provlds 6y aypllaaMe law for fanctown of mataap�t <br /> . on t�at propny. <br /> t�Y��,L�n�dsr��ntar the prop�rty to irupect It if lender pive�Botrower nctiw beforehand.Ths notics must sqt�dw nuombN <br /> 16.Ciondum�tloa.8ortovinr ssslp�m to Lend�r thep�oae�ds of any award or Wrlm for daenspes eonnsonM witb�condemnatian a oYMr takinp <br /> ��uritY�rqi im�iMOt.t1�D►aP�tY.such O�asd�will Es sPDlied ss Drovided In Covm�M 7.7MS aaipnment b subj�at to th�tKm�of�nY P� <br /> 10.WahM.By aucbir� ny n�y av�it�bts to I.�nde►.Lender dae not pivs up�ar�Y ripht�to��ter ue�anY oUbr remedy.By not ezacidnp <br /> �mr retnOdy upo�BoRO�s d�fsult,Lerde doa not walw anY ripAt to Iater co�ie�r th��wnt�defwlt(t k i�appms�pNn. <br /> 17.JaY►t �nd ifwrai Ll�tys�Co-NpnKai 6�o�s�nd As�laend.All duW� und�r thts do�d of tnut w jotM u�d pvw�l. An <br /> $t�ft0�1lK WAO Cai19M tl1t�d� of trust but dou �wt cadpn th�u debt (muum�M(s)does so ary to prar►t a co�wy <br /> eoqoww�IMK�st 9n'1M propsrty to tM 7rustN under th�arms of this�o�trwt.In�ddiNOn such a Borrowr►apna th�t�I.�nder� <br /> ' �ny MlMr Bmowe tfid��t dasd of tru�c may�xUnd.m�tt�or mtke ufy other cha�s in t�tenns of thi�dsad of trutt or ths tecured <br /> GMbt rMhhout that Barow�r'i conrsat snd witfiout nNeslnO th�t&mower hom tM terrnt of thb d�sd of trust. <br /> Thr dutMs�nd bmrHU of Mb dNd of trun ahall dlnd�nd beneNt tM wac�stor��nd assipnf at tendN and Borrow�t. <br /> .y 1�.Nok�.Ur�t otMrwia rrAuir�d by I�w,anY aoUCa to Boaower�hsU bt ptven by d�tlwrinp h o�by matlinp it Dy c�rUtUd m�p�ddra�� <br /> Bortaw1r at�th�proyerty eddna or�r► otMr a0dre�s thK Borrow�r hu 0tven to I.sndsr.Barower wtU(�Nrs ar�y Lender by <br /> matl to I.�ndK's aQdras oo pap�t ot t�d�sd of trust,or to any oth�r adrn»wAtch Lsnd�r ha d�slpn�ted.Any otMr notia to L�nd�r tMN <br /> . ' bs ur►tto tsr�'i addreu u stat�d on pap�1 of tM�d�ed of uust. <br /> Any aDtica�Intl M dNm�d to lwvs bw�yiv�n to Barowe�or Le+►der whsn phren In tlw manrwr�tmd�bove. <br /> �� w9��T��o�1M howet�r a�O�nNktN ht�nst In 1M Barown.!t dt or any part of tM pra�or�ny IM�nfR In h b sotd or vwt�nd <br /> g�prior" itten coruaM. Lspndsr may demend Immedtete paymsM of ths senxM eEt. Lendar m�y ako dem�fd Immsdtm <br /> dem�end paym�ent in d�s sbove situeN�o s H�it is�prohib�ked by tederoi lew aa of the dat�of twA�li deed ot tru�tt��. „ovinver.ltndst mty�wt <br /> 20.R�.When tM obllpation securod by thia deed of truet has been paW and Lender hea no further oblipaUon to m�ks advancea <br /> uMu !Ir intlnun�e�nr�nrrme�seeured Ev thlo dned c!tru.�t the Truttee dWL umn written reauest 6v YM Lender.ramnvav tl�trus! <br /> o�atlon so ie�Us�N6d�8�no�war shali pay em ro.�ro�detlonBc n8o�wer's eueceasor in IMereaf.tho t�wt deed and the note or other avtdenoe of the <br /> 27.6tkcNta T�uttN. LeMet, at lendeYe o�on, may remov4 Trostoe �nd_eppoint a eucoessor trwtae by fln4 mNtlee e copy of the <br /> eubRitutlon of trutte�as roqutrod by applloabts lew,and then,by filtrq the suastituUon of trustee for rocoM fn the offfos of the repiater of deed� <br /> of uch aourrty in wAteh Me trust praperty,or�oene part thera�t,I8 61tU�ted.Ths we�essor truetes,wiMout corrveyance of the propert�l.shatl <br /> eueee�to ail the power.duties,eutl►ority end tide oi the Truetee�amed in the deed of bust end of eny sueeeeaot truatoe. <br /> fp�2of� <br /> p►t�ElqgygTF►18,Y1C„Bf.CtOUD.MN6E.101 H�tOW�ldSatIFO11MOCRMTO�NEe/t9N1 <br />