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4� <br /> ' . ��__ ���V� f <br /> � co7det�uia:;on or cther tak:ng of any part of the Pro-3er:y,or for conveyane� in lieu of condemnation,are hereby assigne�and <br /> ; shall be,�aid to I.ender. <br /> in ihe: event of a toiat takin� of the Propen.}, the procaeds shall be appiied to the sums seeured Uy this Security <br /> ]nvtrument., whethcr or noe chen due, with any exc�ess paid'to Borrower. ]n the evene of a partial taking of the Froperty in <br /> which the #'air market value of the Propert} immediately beforr.the takin�,is equal to or�reater thatt the amount of[hc�ums <br /> secured b� this SLcurity Insttument imme<iiat�ly before the ta':<ing, unles; Bormwer an� Lender otherwise �gree in u•ri�in�, <br /> . the sums secured by chis Securiry Instrur�ent shati be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muitiplied hy the followtrb <br />��.�`��3�.- f';action: (a) the tntal amount of the sums secur;u irnmediately before the taking,dividPd by(b)the;a:r market value of the <br /> •.��, ProY_rty ii:�med+.ate�y hef�orc the taking. Any balance shail be paid to Borrower. In the event of a pzrti.31 taking of the <br />�;��' F=ro�e:t� in which :he fair!.�a.:cet va[ue of th�� Property ir,imediateip '�efore the takirg is Iess than the�amaunt of the sums <br />�; ;: secureu immediately Cefo;.e the taking, unless Betrawer and Lender othenvise agree in writing or unless applicable law <br /> othenv;sr.provid�s,the prxeeds shall be apPlied to the snrr.s sersred by this Security Inswment whethe:or�ot the sums are <br /> �;�" then due. <br />�''"" � lf the Property is abandoned by 8arrr�wer,or if,after r.oci��by I.ender to Borrower tha:the cendemnor ofCers ro make <br />� �`�! an a�oard or settle a claim for dama�es,Barrower faiis to res�x>nd to Lend�r within 30 days after the da[e the nctice is given, <br />���` , <br /> Lendes is a�.ithcrized to coliect and appl�: the proceec,s, at its option, either to restorauon or repair of the Propert� o�to the <br />�b, sun�s secured by this Securi?y Instrument,v.hether or r,ot ihen due. <br /> linless Lender a�d Borrowe-othervrise aeree irt writing, any a�p]icaticn of proceeds to principai c�311 not extrnd or <br /> pestpone the due date of the monthly�ayment:referred to in paz3grachs 1 dnd 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> il. Borrower Not Re'.ea�ed; Forbearartce By Len�er ;'+Iot a W.�icer. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> modific.tior of amortization of t;�e sums secured by this Securty Instrument granted by Lender to ar.y successor in inter°st <br />�� I of Ba:rower shall not op�rate to •elease the l;a6ility of the original Borr�wer or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender <br />����� sha;! net be required to commence proceedines against ar.y successcr in interest or mfuse to extend time for payment or <br />� � oth�r«ise mod�r`�•amortization of the sums secured by!his Security Inswment by reas�n of any demand ma�e bv:!�e erigina! <br /> '�,��� Borrovrer or c�orrower'c successo�s in irterest. Any forbean.nce by Lend�r=n exercising any right or rernr.;y shill not be a <br /> t, waiver�f or precl�de the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />���`�` J '. Saccessors and �lssigns$ound;Joint and Sever�l Liabilit��;Co-sig�ers. 'ilie covenants and agreements of this <br />��a �` Secur= : Instniment shali bind and �unefit the successors and assi�ns of Lender and Borrower, subject to !hc provisions of <br />��.� � paragra,�h 1?. f3onower's covenants and z�reements shall be j�int and several. Any Borrow�er �t�ho co-sign: this Securit} <br />��� lrst�tim��nt hut does not esecute the tiote: (a) i�co-signing this Security Irtstn�ment only to mortgage,grant and convey that <br />�s�-�° Borro��.cr's interest in t,�e Progerty under the terms of this Securi�y[nstrument; (b)is�ot fersonally obligated to pay the sums <br />'��:",':; • <br />�� secured E:y this�ecur:ty Inswment;ar.d(c}a�rees that I_ender xnd any other Borro�ver may agree to extend,mc>dify,fo:bc:ar <br />�> or rnak� an;� �iccommcdations with regard ro ?he terms of tnis Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's <br /> ? consent. <br />� k""' <br /> ��� 13,. Loa�,i Char�es. If the loan secured by this �erurity instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan <br />*��'� chart;es,and tliat law is finall}� inierpreted so that the intere�t or other loan char¢es collected or to be col!ected i�i conneceion <br />�:s�,, <br />�,;x;;. wiih the loan exceed the}�sermi,ted limits,then: (a)an�such ioan cha:ge shall be reduced by the amount nece�:s�ry to reduce <br />����, tf�e rtiaree to the p�rmi�ted limit; and (b)ant�sums already collected frem Borrower which exceed��permitted limits will be <br /> refunde�3 to Bo�Tower. Lender may choose ro make this refund by reducmg the principal owed under the Note or hy makir,g a <br />�`; cir�ct p;lyment to Borro•.aer. If a,-eCund rednces prir.cipal, the reduction will Ee treated as a partial prepayn�ent without any <br /> ,•:: prec:;�;rr�ent charge t:ncier the h'ote. <br /> t�, '�c�tices. Am� naiice to °orcower pro•rided for in tnis Seeur:ty Instrument �hall be given by deli�-ering it or by <br /> mailing it by f;rst class mail unless applica�le law requires use c�f another meihoci.The notice shall be directed to the ProF.;rty <br />� F�ddress or any ather add;ess Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta Lender shall be given bv first c{ass <br />�;=:` • rnai: te Lenucr's addrets stated herein or anv cther address�:nder ciesiena'es bp notice to Borrowec Any notice provided for <br />,.t��� in th> Seci�rit}� Instrume�t sh.1i1 be deemed ro ;�ave be.:n �iver. :o Bonower or Len��x whN❑ �iven as pro�^:ded in this <br /> ,,`� <br />�s�+.''� paragr.iph. <br />����';"' i,5, Governin� Lati�; Several�iiity. "T'his Securi!y Instrumcnt shall be governed by federal faµ• and the law of the <br />�' � j�risdiction in which the Property is loc�?°d. [n the e�ent tha!any provision or clause of this Secu�t}�Instrument or ihe�Iote <br />�;��' conflicts w•ith applic:;blc law,such confiict shal!not ai�fcct other provisinns of this Sec�lri[y Irstrumen[or[he Notc• which can <br /> rf" � i be gi,��en �ffect withou? r.he conflicting provis�on. To this erd the provisior.s o;this Security Instrument and the Notc are <br />`-'��� decla:ed t��b:5evcrab�e. <br />^_:. <br />-w•�� <br />;ti�°�"'�'• IEi. 13orr��ser'.5 Cu � b�rrower tihal!be giver one conf�nne:i copy cf the?`.ote and of this Securit�•[nsiniment. <br /> '�`,`����'R P.'• , <br />��;�.,, P7. 'I'ransPer�f t�c PropQrty or a f3ene€+cia1 interest in Borrower. If all or an}'par,of Fhe Property c�r any interest in <br />���, f� it :s so!d or tra�uferreii (or i�a bcnencial in,erest ;n Borrower is sold or transferred �.�d Borrower is rot a �atural person) <br /> �} «i;hout Lender's prior written consent, Lender�ay, ae its uption, require immediate paymeat in full of al! sum; secured by <br /> ci�is Security f�stn�ment. However,this option shall no:be exercised by Lender if�xe;cise is pronibited by federal �aw as e. <br />����� tne date ef thic Securit}• �r.strument. <br /> j��t Ifi Lender exercises dyis c�tion, Lender shall oive Borrewer nct:ce of acceleration. The r�otice sh:tll provide a perioci of <br />":�'�".�,-�-;,�� not Irss than 30 days t�rom the date the notice i,delivc :u or mailed within whick Borrower must pay 111 si:ms sec��re�by i(iis <br />�;,�: Security Instrumer;. If Bo�rvwer fa�ls to pay ifiese sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invo(ce any <br /> a�; r��;�edies permitted by this Securi�y Instiument witho�t fu�-ther ncKice or dem?�d on Borcower. <br />�=�<� 18. I3or��:��er's Right to Reir�state. If Borro`��er meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have <br />�;;�;;:=w <br /> a,;��; e��fo,-cerTtent cif th:s Secuntv Instrum�ni discontinue�at any tim�prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other periocl as <br /> Sinzle Fa.�nily--Fannee?AaeJF�eddie bfac lJ�i(FOpt,Lt ItiS;RU14E1VT--SJniform Crn•enar.ts 9/90 (po,qr Q o,�6 pa,qesi <br />. � ` - • <br />� <br /> ra��„w'� <br />�-;� <br />��'«�� <br />`�� <br /> F�� <br />��9 <br /> F f-- <br />���� , <br /> f iv�":-z <br /> :,,�;i <br /> t�1�`� <br />_.,,�,'2 <br /> ;et <br />���x� <br /> t�`"a.�;� <br /> r�"� <br />�re�� <br />� <br />�3 ' <br /> S-"�J'�"� <br />���'z <br />�Y�::,;, <br /> F'����Yt"� <br /> i'a�'J.: <br />...A;,,�,^� . , r <br /> a+f�,e <br /> �"f <br /> �?�(:,} <br />