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� <br /> � s,�_ioss?� , <br /> � fi%IIIUIT. •'A" � : � � <br /> A Ueet of� land cvmprlsing a pert oC lLe Eesl Ilelf' of the Soui��west Querter <br /> (E i/2 SW 1/4) ot Section Tnenty Four (24). Township Eleven (I1) North. - 0.ange _ <br /> Ten (SO) West of the 6t6 @•M. In the City of Grand [sland� Nall Counly�� <br /> Nebraska� .more parlicularly descrtlied as Lollowaf . . . . � . <br /> Begfnning at e �point wDere the norlherly Rfghi of Ney Iine� oC t6e �Unlon _ <br /> Peclfic Asllroad Compeny intersects the easterly lfne of said EasC Nalf ot . <br /> the Soutiinest 9uarter (E1(i SWi/b) p lhence �unnlag •sout6westev':y _elonB. t��e <br /> noriherly rigLt oL aay : -a of the Unton Pacific Railroad Com.pnny� a dtstance _ <br /> oP Ninnty ffive (99.0) �feet to lhe actual Voinl oC begSnningp tlience <br /> cmitinuing saulhnesterly slong lhe noH6eriy right oC wny 1 'rne af the Union <br /> Pac�fic Rai Uoed Compeny� e Jislance o7 Ninely 76ree and 6ighlY F(ve � <br /> IlundredU�s (98.85) [eet� to the soulLeasl corner of Lot Nine . (9) � Reulin¢e _ <br /> !'irst Subdlviaion; � l:�ence running «orWerly nlong lLe enslerly llne vf <br /> 'ReuU ngs Flrst Subd�vislou, a disfenc¢ o[ �our Ilundred F3Cty One end E{gLIY . <br /> E4ghl Iim�dredths (451.88) feel; tl�ence defleclin¢ riQht BB deQreee 5H' 12" . <br /> and runn[ng easterlY o ���stn�ice oI &tghty One nnd TAenly Four FlundredWe _ <br /> (21.24) feet� thence deflecltng right 90 degrees UO' 27" nnd running <br /> soutLerly. a distance of Four Iiundred Pour and Nineteen Ilundredths (d04. 19) <br /> feet� the to Aelual Point oC beginning excep[ing a nerlain tract Lo lhe Cily _ <br /> of Grend Islend, ilall Caunly� Nebrflska more pnrlicularly described In � <br /> Warranty Deed recorded in Book lOC� Pege JBS. � <br /> J : <br />