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� ���-- ��,��� <br /> I6.�3or.or�e�°s Copv. Borrower shall be�aven one conformad copy of the Note and of this Security' s �: <br /> 1'.'i'ransf'e�of�Fae Pro¢erty or�Beneficis,!Iat�rest in Berrower. I:all or any pazl oF th�Prope::}•or any el�tcrest in it is <br /> sold or �rans{erre� (oi if a beneficial in!crest in Bc�rrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natwai pe:s��n) wibhout <br /> Lender's prie: writ�en cnnser�c, L.�nder may, at i;s�ption,requ:re immediate payment in full of alI sums sec;uted by thi; Secarity <br /> Tns�ru:ner,t. Hou-evcr, this oQtion shall not be eze*cised by Lender u ezercise is prohibit,� by f�eral laa� �s of the da4:of this <br /> S�urity Instrutnen[. <br /> If L,Cnder exerCtszs this OptiQ?:,i.ender shall,giYe k�rrower notice of aeceleration.The notice shall pmvide a pc�io.�i af��t less <br /> �,'t^, ?� r�ays from t�he ciate !�he'notic;e is d�'.it�ereti or mailecl within which 8orrower must pay all s�ms scxured by ehis �ecurity <br /> Trs�r'�m���. I{BOTYO'xei Fail; t�pay t;�ese:��.�rri�'�ticr tc� the e�piration of Eh�s period�I.,en3er may invoke any remedies�:,�rr►itted <br /> �y�f�:s je:.urity'Ir�sir�mcn!witj`iaut furihet'Pia�ce'et dem�d on�e.-rower. <br /> aS.�orruFr��er's�igt�:fo�t�ir�state. If Rormwer meets cea-tain conditions, Bo:TOwer shall fiave th�; right to h<:vc <br /> <�°rAorcc^�en� ;:i �is S�;.uity L�s�vmeni discont:nue� 2t any 2i,�ne priar to :he earlier ��f: (a) 5 days (or sech aiher periac as <br /> ar;a:icab:e :�iy :rta_y Spe�ilfy fia[�ei,�sf3i.emen:) before sale of the Proner;y g�-suant to any power of sale contain�d in �hi,5t ruriry <br /> i�?s',�u:nent; or�b} e*.i:r;•of a judgment enfarcing this Security Instru:nenL T'�c�se conditions are that Bo.�rower:(a)pays Lender ali <br /> ��.�f�: x;i�cti �nen v�c�ui;i i� du� under this Security Instrurnent and the �ote as if no aceeleradc❑ had occuried; (b} cures �y <br /> detault o�any �iher cov�nsn� �r zgr�ments; (c) pays a;l ezpenses incurred in enforcing this Security In��rument, inciuding,but <br /> t:�i iL,�i!ed :�,rcasor,a�le auorneys' fces;and(d)tak�;s suct;�ctian as Ler.�der may reasonably require to assure that the lien of chis <br /> �x�uitr ::�strumen�, ier.d�r's righLs i� t3;e Fra{r.sty and Borrower'�, obLgati�n to pay the sums secured by this Sxurity <br /> <�s;ru.rzient shall c�ndnue unchanged. Upon reirstaiement by B�rrowef;, this Security Instrumen[ and the obligatiozs ser_ur,^d <br /> ��:�*ct��� �?:a11 rs:nain ft�lly�ifccive�s�f'no arceleration had ocec:rred. Howev;:,th�;rig}�t to reinstate shall not apgly in the c�.�x of <br /> ti;:�.'<era;ic� �ndvr pa�-a�ph 17. <br /> '�.��t��i'i*:cte; �ha:���af'Loan 5�rv3cer. The No?� or a parti�al interest in the N�t; (io,qecher wiih this Se,cu.;.y <br /> '::�;t�ur�:c°..t; rr.��}� tx; sc�Id one er mo�e ti7�e� withaut p�ic�r n�tice to 8�rrower. A �e may resuit in a ensge in the en[iry lkno:•:n <br /> .� �':° "La�?.� Se:�e-i�cr"j ±,�a?cal�e;,ts mont'tiiy psymPnts due under ihe No�e a�d this S�:unty Instrumeni.There also may be onc o: <br /> .r�;�rc ci��,��:�s �:f�Fl Lean Se*vicer unrelated to a saie of tne Notx.. If tl�ere is a ch�nge of the L.oan Servicer, Borrower will � <br /> ,_,i��,;Y, w-:itt�r. noace^f:h� cha�gc in zccorday�ce with para�raph 14 above and appdicable law. The notice will state the namc and <br /> �� of t,':c new Loan Sc,rvuer an�i the addre,es to �vhich payments should be made. The notice w'Ll also contain any ot��er <br /> :-�`^:�?a��n r�;y�?secl b}•appucab�e;�w. <br /> r.t7.Ha:�r�of.;S�I�cta��es. fior��wer shall not cause er[ ihe prese!�cc, use, dispfl�al, storage, or relcase oi any <br /> o�a�a�o�ss S��st�u7c�s �,a or r�n the Property. Borrowes sh;ll n�t do,nor allow anyone else w do, an}thzng affecting the Fro�rty <br /> thai is in �io?a:ic� �i�ny Envirr�nmental Law. The arecedinL tv�.�o sentences shall na!apply to the�resence,u�e,9r storage on ;he <br /> �rapc:rty oi sr?al qe-stit�es of Ha:ar.lo�s 5uhsYances that are generally recognized to be appr�priate to norm3l residen�iaf uses <br /> �r:<I !n m�r„s;ran�e of t�he Prop�rty. <br /> �c�rre�.e; sha11 promp3y give I�,rxdt;r writtc� n�tice of �nny investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit er other action by sny <br /> gcycrnr,;en�ai or r�gu?atary aEency or �rivai° party involving !h�Progerty and any Hazardovs Substance or E�v'uonmenta] Law <br /> �f;�hich �Sfl-r�owe* has ac��al kn�wledge. If Barro�.ti•er learns, or is notified by any govemmental or regu:atory authority,that any <br /> rem�•r�S or o�'�cr re�ediaLOn of any Hazardous Subst�r.ce affectin� ihe Froperty is necessary, Bo�rower sh�ll p*ompdy take all <br /> ;:ecessar�rerr,e,d"L;:actians in as,cordance wi[h Enviro:�menta! <br /> �s used i� this pa�-agraph 20, "Hazardcus Subst�.nce:�" are those substances defm�.d as toxic er hazardous substances by <br /> L�vironmer.ta! Laa� a��d �:e foLowing substences: gas�line, ke�osene, other flammable o.r tnr.ic petroIeum products, toxic <br /> �s��cides and herbicides> vola:ile �oivcnts, mate�-�as coniaining asbestos or for.nt�d�hyde, and raciioactive materials. As useci in <br /> Lit,s para��a� ZG, "Environ:nentaS La�." means feder�l i�ws and laws of the ju.*:�_a;c�on where th�Property is located ihat rcl���e <br /> t�'~cal�h,s�'ery or envir�nmental pfotec�ion. <br /> n'�J^?-L'�ITx��J�;�,'f C()VE3�'�,i�TS. Bonc���cr and L.ender furthe�coveRanr_a�d agree as foliows: <br /> �i. ,4-ce�=�ra�zQ�; �tenre�ies. I.en�er si��li give notace fo �3arr�w•er prior !� aczQieration fo:lowin�; 1BQCro��er's°�reach o� <br /> ��r c�r�fe�ar.t c�r agreemer�t 's�s 2his �e�urity InsErt�tne�t (Lut no3 ��-ior to accelerat�an ►�nder �ara�rapb 1`' unl�s <br /> �p�f=�a,�l� 4acr Qr,�vic�es otaers�,:se).The notice stzail spgcify: (a) ttse deEault; (b) the gction requited to cure the dpfault; (c` <br /> a dai��, s+o4 �es.� �han 3(P days from t�� date 4hc nolice is given to Borrower, by which ihe defa�le m;jst be :u�ed; and �d) <br /> th<:g iailssre fo el�re t,3e c�e.s�ul� e� ar before the�ate speeified in the notice aray resui! in acceieration of t�e sums s+e�:are�i <br /> �� �r� ���r:t� Inst;�;n�nt ar.d sale of the ?rop�rty. The notic� s�eall furtiher irform Borro►ver of t�e �ight to reinstate <br /> after s�:c�ieraPi�e.� a�� �h� rigfat to br:ng a court act'son to assert t[�e non-existencP of a default or a�y athec d�fensc r�f <br /> p�ra���e; t� �:�!'p?eY'IIteri:E 27s3� S29g. if fiihe deFanit is not cured.�n or bsfore the d�te speciieed p:� the notice, Len�+�er, a* its <br /> a�2���, r:aay :e�u9re ir►3mediate payment in tu�l of all surns securec! try this Securi�y Ynstrasmeat withoUt further demand <br /> �rsd r�say i*;voke xhe powe� af sale and any ot�er remedies �erm6ttQd by applicablP law. Lender sh�[l t�e er,Eitled to cczli,ect <br /> �s ex�a�n,.�s inearred ar. g.srsiing ihe reme�lies pr�vi�ied i.n th�s �aragrapb 21, including, but not t'smited to, reasona�lP <br /> a?to�ey�' €'�an�;cr�s4s of Cit�e ev€rlense. <br /> �f t,�:? �c�w�r of salQ is inr•aked, Trustee shal! recard a notice of def�u6t fln each co�tnty in which �ny part of the <br /> P:operty�.S :��t� �nd sh�I!mai9 cvp�:�of s�ch no�i�g in tne ma�ner presca-ibed by�pplicable Da�,v ta �orra.ver and ±a tt�e <br /> Q�P;iT �f'��t35 �jD�'�:SCTifiQt� �'Jb' 8�2p�9C8�1? law. A4't�r the tirtie sgquired b� appGcab;� law, Tr�siee shal! give pnhiic notice oi <br /> ��'n #t� t3�� ;,er���s sanci in ihe ��� prtscrib�€� by appii��b{�la�v. 'Trust�.�, R•ithaut,demancl o�� �#orrower,sh�t! seU the <br /> �'rcrper�J �4 r�h!ic auctnon ta f',�e t�ig�fst bidd�r �i t1�e t;�ne an� place and under thQ ter°ns des;rin�tQd in the nc�tice of sale <br /> Form 3G28 9190 <br /> -"'�,� -6R{."�Ei(,;i2; ;t Fa eSo18 <br /> �a a Inl�inla:__ __ <br /> ` X <br /> . „' ' 7= <br />