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<br /> paymene.s may no longer be required. �t th�egtion of Iender, if mortgage ir.surance coverage(in the arrount and for the period
<br /> t}:at L,enr',cr reyuires} provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is obtained. Borro��•er shall pay
<br /> ,f;e p�cmiums required t� mairiain mortgage insur�nce ir,effect, or to pmvide a tos� reserve, until the requirement for mortgage
<br /> insu:ance ends in accordance with an;��critteTi a�reement heirreer Borrower and 1 entier or applicable law.
<br /> � °. ins�;ec:ion. Lender or its a�,er: may make reasonable entries upon and irrspections of the Prop.rty. Lender shall give
<br /> �
<br />,s,�,� B�rro�scr nctice at ti;e time of c;priar to an insFection spe,cifying reasonab!e cau�e f,�r the ;nspecti,�n.
<br /> �� �_�. i.or.dem�iati�n, The proceecls of any award or claim for dar?a�es, direct or consequentiai, in conr°ction with am�
<br /> '� co �ie r.^ati:�n �r n!her takin� of any �,ai+ of thc Prop;.rtr, or for conveyanc: in ti�u of�ondemnation, are hereby a�csicned and
<br /> :
<br /> .�,,�t h�raid to C,cnde:. ,
<br />� �� I�� the evcn!c,f s to.�! tahin; of the Proper}�, the proceecjs shoil be applied ro the sums;�cured by this Security Inswmcnt,
<br /> �t'•ett;er er r�t thcn due, with any escec� paid to Borrowzr. in the event of a partial takino of the Pro�rcy in tivhich the fair
<br /> fi :5�� R1.z;KL'2 ':B�U� 7F Ihe PrOPCI'(y 1I�;:2��(�j�CC� Oc ore ±he takin !S o � �
<br /> Y f � equal to or�reater than ne ar�ount of the sums secured by t:;�s
<br />�, � S�cn:�ty inctrum�ni im;r.ec�ia!ely be;o;e the taking, unles. Berrower a�,d Lender othenvise agree in v:riting, th�sums s?cured i�y
<br />��.-�-y t�;s Securit} I�stn:;neni s},all be reduced by the amount of the pro�eeds multipli:d b}• the following f�raction: �,a) the tota:
<br />� ��� amaint of?he sums se�=ured i;nmediat�ly before the taicing, divided b�• (b) t�e fair market value of the Pro rt �mmedictelv
<br /> befo e u�e ±ai;ine. .�ny baiance shalI be paid to Borrower. Fn the e�•e�t oi a partial taking of tre PropertyPn a•hich the fair
<br />�, '� rn 2rk t :s;ue e;t;�e P-��err; imniediatciy beforF the taking is less tha:i the ameunt of the sams secured immediately bcfore tf?e
<br />�� tz�an�• ';riless Borrower and Lc�de: ot�ienvise agree in w;iting er unless appl[cable law c�henvise provides, the proceeds shall
<br />��,.� �e al,plieci te th�sums secured by this Secwity instrument w�hether o*nat the sums are chen due.
<br />` � if tE�e T�mnerr is abandoned hy Borrawer, or i�, 3fter�otice by Lender to$orrower thai the condemno;o(fers !n make an
<br /> z�..ard �r �ettl� a daim for d<:ma�es, Borrou�er faiis to res�ond to Le�der within 30 daps after the date the notice is given,
<br />=`�� Le�der is,authorized to colle�t znd a �ly tFe rocee�;, •
<br />�:".�� P, F �t its c.�ption, either to restoratior.or reQair of the Proaerty or to the sums
<br /> p,��* scru*ed h�; t:�is Securitt� �n;trumenr, whether ot .-�t t(�en due.
<br />' ;� lir.!es, Lerder and Borro«e� c�tiierwise z�ree �n �vritin" any� application of proceeds to pnncipal shali not extend or
<br /> r ' r'os:^onc the due�at: of the monthly pa}ments reicrred to in paragraphs ; ard 2 or chan�e the amount or such payments.
<br /> n �' .
<br /> r '`� ?i. i'>oircnaer 'Vot Released; Fc�rhearanee B�• I,ender tiot a ��'ai�•er. �xtension of the time for payment ur mcxli�ic.tion
<br />, c,i ,mc,rtir<uion ��i tl�c snms sccurcd by !hi� Sccurity 1ns�rumcnt �rantcd hy [.,r_nd�r Io a;ty succcsso. in intcrest of Bnrrowrr shail
<br />�r'",,;' not <<���r:�tc t�� rcicase tlie liability <�f!.he origina; 6orro���er or Borrower's snccessors in interest. Lender shall not be requ�red to
<br />��j co;r,r„ence proo:�ding; agair:st an, ;:�cces.;or in interest or refuse to �xtend time for pay•nent or otheru�ise modify amortiz,�,tion
<br />���n� oF the suR1s secured by �his Security lnstnament bv reason oE any demar�d rr�ade by the orieinal Borrower or Borro•.��er's
<br /> successors in interest. Ar;y ;'.�;��;;,3r�e bv Lender in exercisin an � ri�h! �
<br />�'�';� - � y c �r retn°dy shaU not he a waiver of or preclude th�
<br /> exerciee of any ri�h;or rernedy.
<br />,.N� I2. Svccc,snrs and :lssigns �3�und; Joir.t and Sev'eral Liabitity; Co--sigc�rs. The cov�r.ants and agreements of this
<br /> -�� Security Ins;rument shall bind and benefit the successors and assi�ns of Lender a�d Borrower, s�bject to the provitions of
<br /> , par:�graph ;7. Borro�:�er's co�•enants and a�reements sh,all be joint anc! se•.eral. Any Borrower who co-sigr.s !his Security
<br />���' instrvment but docs not ex.ecute the Note: (a) is co-si�riu� this Security Inetrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br />'��; F3or�c��er's in�erest in thc Propeny under the terms of this Security instrument; (b) is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br />�'�f ,ecurrd b� t`�is Security Instn�rner,t; and (c) agrees that Lender and am�other Borro�e•er may aeree to extend, mcxlify, iorbear or
<br />- ' make cu7} acconimodations wit;� re�,ard to[he terms of this Security tnstrument or the Note w;thout th::!Borrower's conserit.
<br />�'��, ]3. Loan i.harres. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is sub;ect t�a law �^hicn sets maximi•n loan charges,
<br /> rrd that l�ti.� is finafi}� interprete� so that the interest or other loan charges collected or ro b� ccllected in connection with tne
<br /> I! ;oan exceed the permi!ied iimies, then: (a) any such loan charge siia(i be reduced by the amount necessary to redur.e the charge
<br /> ,o the nermitted limit: ar,d (o) any sums already collected from Bo�rewer which ezceeded permitted lin�its will he refunded to
<br />�;�� Rc,r;o��-er. Lenci�r rnay choose to m�ke ':,:, refund 6� reduciu c;�e p
<br /> } � princi al owed under the Noce o� by makin, a di;ect
<br /> F} payn;ent t� Br�rro�;�er. [; a refund redu;_,; principal, the reYluction u�ill be treateii as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> ; prepa}�m�nt ct��r��undcr thc Notc.
<br /> 14. '�otices. Anv notice to Borrower provi�ied for in tPiis Security l�strurneni shall be given by aelivering it or hy mailir,g
<br />��� it 't-,; frst class mail unfess applicable !aw requires use of ano�her method. The notice shall be directed to the ProNertv Addres��
<br />�,� or anv c�ti�er 3dd�es� Borro�ti•er designates bv notice to L.erder. Any notice to Lender shall be giv�n by first class mail to
<br /> Lcncicr's a�lar� s stated he�cin or any othPr acldress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for i� this
<br />� Security Instrument shail oe deem�d tn have beer.�iven .o Bormti��er or Lender when given as provided in this paraeraph.
<br />�� i�. G�vernin� I.a�,; Severability. This Sec�rity Instrument snall be governed by fcdc;al I�w and th; law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in �t-hich the Pri�p;ny i.e located. In the even; that an}� provis;on or clause of this Sec�irity In,trument rn• the Note
<br /> t� `°r'f!'c�`,ti�=��'r� �'nPii<,ah�c la«', cuch conilict shall not affect r�ther provi;ion.e of thi�Seeuriry instrument or the Nete which can be
<br />� giveii effect wi(h��ut the corrflicting provision. To this enu th� pro��isior.s of this Securiry tnstrument rind tlie Note are decl�red
<br />�;�
<br /> to bc sc•veraiilc.
<br />�=t1
<br />�-' }�• :;nrrnsae►•'s Lr���, Borrower shall he bi�•e�z oae conR�rnied copy ot�the Note and ef this Security Instrumcnt.
<br />�ti .
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