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�.�._._.._________ .._____.�._..�.__._.�.,,.,..^._...�_....., _... _.._-,r,,.._-....,..,�...�:_.-....�...���_—_��- - _ ' . <br /> � _ __ . - -- -- _.1=-_.,.,�.........�,-.- . <br /> � . _ - -- — --- �.. :..., <br /> � __._--__ <br /> ��x.,"`r�� <br /> '�"� ' �t <br /> ��� <br /> �":.-� <br /> -•:,�;y� <br /> �:.�:� <br /> �� <br /> ����': <br /> �;�.:� <br /> �':_ , <br /> ��.,.,�_ <br /> t'-,i.°�;,K • <br /> ��� <br /> .p <br /> �?L:"� <br /> �£� <br /> ��� `9 5`�0l�961 <br /> TOGETHER R%ITH a!I the smprevements now or hereafter erected on the property, a�d a11 easements, appurten,.nces, and <br /> fixtures now. or hereafter a part of the property. Alf replacements and additions shall also be covered oy this Security <br /> i.^.strument. AIf of the foregoine is refetted to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." <br /> BORRO�VER COVENANTS that Borrowe�is lawfullv seised of the estate nereby conveyed and h2_s the right to grant and <br /> i; ; convey thc Prop:m- and t�^� the Property is unencurr�bered. �xcept for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and will <br /> ��-� �;efer.d �cnera[1y the titie to the Propeny against aii claims and demands, s�bject io any encumbrances of recard. <br /> �° TN.IS SECL'RtTY INSTRUMEtiT combines ❑niform covenants f�r national use and non-uniform covenants with lirn;ted <br /> kr=�� ��ariztinns by jurisdiciio� to constitute?uniform security instrsmznt covering real prepe�y. <br /> � �. <br /> 1= UNIFOR'�t COVE":ANTS. Bcrrower and Lender cevenant and a�ree as follows: <br /> �' ` 1, i'aymen: c�f Principal arsd Intere,!; Prepayment and I,ate Charges. Borrower shall pro�ptiy pay when due the <br /> �°'b-� p:incip�ii <�f anc; intercst c�n thr_c{ebt evidenced by the Note and any prcpayment and late chargrs due under the N�te. <br /> f`°� � . <br /> � . i�uoc�s i'or 'I�axes and Insurance. Subjec� to spplicable law or ta a wr;tten �-.•aiver by :_.endcr, Borrower shafl pa}� to <br /> ?:�' 1xr��e;ori tfie day� monthl�� ra}�ments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in fu�l, a sum�"Funds") fo.° (a)vear!v taxe� <br /> ' � and a:;ec,me�ts which ;nay attair.priorit}�over this Securitv Instrument as a lien on the P:operty; (b)yearly leasehold payments <br /> '��.a c�r`_-ound ren,s on the Pro rt if any; {c �zarly hazard or preperty insuranc°premiums: (dl}•early flecd insura�ce p�emiums, <br /> � t �' Y• ),� <br /> �w:= �`z.^.c: !el vcarly rnort�aoe inserance premiums, if any; and (� any sums payab(e by Burrower to Lender, in accordance with <br /> ?��'��� !Fc provisio�s o�paraeraph 8, i�, liee of th� pay;nent of mort�a_e insurrJ?ce premiums. These iEems are ca(led "Escmw Itemc.'" <br /> k � L.en�i�r ma�:. at an�� time, cnllect and hold Funds in an amount r,ot to e!cceeu the masimum amaunt a lender io* a federall�,� <br /> ,�� " <br /> .�r� .�:::teU rnort,•aee Ican may reyuire fo; Borrotir�r's escrow account under the federai Real FstatP Setdement �'rocedures Act o; <br /> -,.� ,'n,µ <br /> ,� �, as a,,.end�d from time to [ime, ?2 li.S.C. S_ction 26Qt er,reg. ("RESPA"}, unless another law tF:at app!ies to the Fun3s <br /> �;� sets a :es.;er amount. If so, I_en�er may, at a:�y time, collect and hold �'unds in an amount not to e°ceeu �ne Iess�r amount. <br /> � " Lender may e.,timate iFe amo��nt of Funds due on the basis oi current daca and :easonable esti�r:stes of expenditures of fature <br /> � <br /> �� Escre�F•Iterr.s or otherwise ir accordance with applicable law. <br /> �� The Func{c si�a!; he held in ari irstitution whose deposits are insur�d by a federaf a2enc}�, instrumentuGty, or er.tity <br /> .� �inc:udir,g Lender, if Lender;� such an institution;or in an� Fed:,ral }�ome i�an Banic. L.ender shall appiy the Funds to pay the <br /> . SCfO.'�' �(Cii:. L�rl:}°_�7113}' I::�I C�1��rvC bC:CO:':C: f0i f10�(:IP.�L'8i1C1&rplying !he F�n_:, afl(1U��:�� BTttiy'll�a !�iC CSCfOl4' 3CCOFIIII. :;f <br /> � .� ��er��in� t}ye rscrow Itemc, unless Lender p,�s Borrewer interest on t;�e Far.;;s and a�,�iicah�e law permits Lender to make eoch <br /> �, a,r. flc,�ae��e-. Lencier m.�� require Borrou•er to pay a ene-time cha�gc for an inuependent real estate taz re,�rting ser�ice <br /> �:��: u,eti h} Ler3:r :� :onne<tinn ��;!h this loan. un(ess applicah;e la�, prevides othen�ise. Ur.less an agrecment is made �r <br /> '��"+ '� w te�uires interest tc be 1i�i Lender chall not be required to Fay 8orrower any in�erest or earnines on the Fund;. <br /> �,.�>i apr�=,c2bieia a p�' , <br /> Y. �: ` <br /> ���: Borrc��tie; a:.d Lender ;nay a�ree in �vrit�ng, however, tnat irterest shzli be paid on the Funds. Lender shall �h-e ro Borrower, <br /> „+?�! �s�t;�out cF:;�•e, ,n a�inual accoun;in^ �if� th? Funds. showir.Q credits and debits to the Funds a:^.d the purY�,� for �thich e�ch <br /> ��``�" dcnit to the F�m,ls �as m:ide. The Funds are led�ed as additional securitv for al! sums secure�by thic Securi,�� Instrumem. <br /> ` ;i � . - <br /> r i <br /> I*;he Fue�'s hcld tn• Ler,der exceed the amounts p:rmitted !o be he!c`. b;� apniicable law. Lendcr shali account t:� Borro��cr <br /> Y� <br /> yry?..: <br /> �,��j t-�* the cxces� Fur;ds in acco;ciance �rith tf;e reyuirements of applicaole law. if the amount of the Funds held b�• Lender at ar.v <br /> '�`y`�'` ti;ne is not sui!icient tc�pa} the �scrow Items«�iie�due. Lender ma}� s� notify B�rro��•e*�n writine, and, in e�ch ca5e Borro�t�er <br /> r_�;;i: <br /> �a;:;?�: �hali pay tv Le;�der th;. an;ount necessan to make up the deficiencr•. Borrower shall malce up the deficier:cy in no more th•an <br /> , ` twcivc morth!v �;���, at Lcnuer's sole discretion. <br /> �`� L'Eion oa}ment i�� fall of u" ���.�rm secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shail prompUy refund to Borrower ar,v <br /> �r;;; <br /> �� (�ifr.ds i�cld b_r I.ender. IE, under ,:.::_,graph 21. L.ender shall ^cquire or sell the Property, Lender, p�e�r ro the acy��isitien or sale <br /> ����" �,f th� P;operty. shall app;y am� Funds held by Lender ai the time of zcquisition or safe as a credit against t,`�� sums secured bv <br /> {,rk*i <br /> N`'�;, this Security Ins�rument. ' <br /> 7;�`., <br /> f``' i 3. Application of Puyments. Unless applicable law provides ottienvise, all payments rccei��ed by Ixnder under rara�raph� <br /> 1 and 2 shall bc aE p!icd- first, to am• prepayn?ent charges due under the Note; second, te amoun[s payable under Faragra�?h 2; <br /> !�; ;:ii;d, to interes:due: t��urth, to �inci ai due; and lac?, ta any late cliar ee due ur.der the Note. <br /> y.;, P P g . <br /> � �. Ctiar�,e;; Licnr;. Borro�.�er sh�ll ptiy all tares. assescments, chargcs, (ines and impositions attributable to the Prnpert� <br /> which rn:�v attain piic�rit� civer this Security Instrume�t, and leasehold payments ur ground rents, if any. Borrower SI73II �:1� <br /> `-�ri these o��G�a±ir,ns ir�� t;re tnanner provided in paragraph 7., or i:nat paid in that manner, Borre�w•er shall pa�� them on t;ine dire�•tly <br /> ���`��'' to the �r,on c�wed isrnent. Borro�,ver st�a!! rom tl• furnish to Lender all notices o�amounts to be aid under this �Zra�r� h. <br /> � �,. �'� . P P y p•' �, �. ,�, <br /> �-=��y 1� F3urrowcr rnake�; these p•�yments direc!(y, Borrower ;hall �mr;�ptly furnish to Lender receipts evidenci.ig the�p�yments. <br /> X...� <br /> �.�,�{ F3or.*o�.vr_,-;liall prr�;»����-���;�har_e any lien �ahich has nriority over this Secutity Instrument unless Borro�ver. (a)agrees in <br /> :�;3�� wri!in� �•� tl;e pa��men; of ttie obii�a!ior. �ecured �y the lier ir a rnar�ner acceptable to L.ender, (b)contests in goocl faith tl�e lier. <br /> .is h}�, c�r clefrrid; a�:+in�t enti�rcemert of the lien in, ;eeal prereedings :�hich in the L.ender's c�pinion operate to pr,��ent th� <br /> �' r•n?or�-crnent o[ the lien: nr (c) secures frorn the hiilder oi�tiie lien an aerc�ement satisfactory tc� Lender suh�>rdi:�atin� the lirn te� <br /> �',.; ;��i�� Sc�.:�in!� i��.�,?rumcnt. ]f L�:nuer determine•s that an}' puri of tnA Proper-ty� is subject [o a lien which nZ.!y attain pri�irit�� <;�cr <br /> j"� <br /> �,,, ;hi�; Sccurit}• ;nstruiT;cnt, Lender m;�y n.ive Bc�rro�ver a notice identi£��ing the lien. Borrower,hall satisfy the lien or take�ne vr <br /> °'�� �nor�c,' �itc actic>ns set forth abo�•e�a-ithin 1C days n;the giving of nc��ice. <br /> f:, <br /> ";i <br /> �a`•'d Form 307_8 9;3U <br /> i��:; ?e�n 2 c'6 <br /> �'y'Y,A � <br /> �� <br /> ��J� • <br /> ��-�. <br /> � <br /> �". <br /> �� <br /> ��i��` <br /> �•.'F <br /> ��'iY <br /> +;,9, . <br /> .F5'�a <br />