- ` .. _4.. . ' t .p�. . . ._F .. �. ' .
<br /> ,r• g` n k' ' `
<br /> ' t
<br /> ,�� • ��������� °
<br /> r:�"
<br /> . • .
<br /> , � . .
<br /> rea�ived aa.l �feam�tio� reae�aaably requeseed by 3t, tla�n the giaa
<br /> or epeciff�a�ion s� ��itte� shaZi be dee�ec4 t�o Yaav� b�an appx�a�re8
<br /> , far the p�a�poses of thge Areicie.
<br /> v`.
<br /> 7. All dtecisions by the As�eesaeion uxide� tls� provi�ioma e�
<br /> �. ttnis AacCic2.e ahaS.I be b�aed upon �asonabZe ata�siard� �ahic.�. shal.l
<br /> not df.acrimi.n�ate agaix:a�c any person on any gro�an� but whir.�a �
<br /> r_ reaso�ble sta�art� eh�ll givo �all effect ta the piazposes c�E tha$ -
<br /> • Article as expzessed ira parcagrap� � hereof. Rs to ttae rQaS. estate,
<br /> thtisa zea�+onabae et�dards shall include bu� not nacas�ar�tiy be
<br />�;;;�� limi�e� to the folloari�g: �
<br />--6`� a) �tard sgace b�te�eex� exterior buildiag s�alls as�d adjaaent
<br /> aite li.as �h�ll be mc�a�s�d paxpendi.cular to the sid� li.aae -
<br />���,;� opposite the bu�lc�i�g e��16 a� all pai�zta;
<br />;.;.;•
<br /> 10) The mi.nicaum r��c� b�3tv�eeu an exter3.e� huildivag e�a7.1 and ' �
<br /> � tYas £�cox�'� s�te li.no �Iz�.7. be t��enty iZQ� f�et;
<br /> :.:;;,. _
<br />.`.`;F-� c} The 4ninin�vm sp�c� Bz�t�¢�ea aa ex�er3or bnild.ing r��]1. and
<br /> ':� �: the si8e ef.t� ifaa� s1aa3]. be aeven a�ad one halg t� 1J2). ;�e�t
<br /> '�"��-. glua oae (13 foot f�� �ach story fn height; he�e�x, �rst;.� t�ie
<br />;yf^� � , grior w.ritten conssmt��cef the then �e�ner of reaorc� ��..the
<br />:_;�;��
<br /> adjacent lot avhich vr�� be affected, the Associatie� may
<br /> ��;a�. � approve constructfon of a bui�.dsng wgtla no gide yard. ���`�iis � .�
<br /> r��..;. � appra�al eh�ll only be given aE a3ther:
<br /> ;,-�.. •
<br />.°����. . i) There is mini�tum dietauc� l�t�een bufidiag�s af <.:;`,;�� . �
<br /> ���� , fifite�n (25) feet plus one (1) �S� for each �stczx;�r. in •
<br /> °;;=�,�- � � �.�l�t� �f each bui3.dingt or .
<br /> >;:,�:�
<br />..'[l,N.rS�. ; _ . . . , .
<br /> r�9j�f r�� 3i) �c� �vim�v�oar�ers agree ia writiag to 3�.1d adj ace.�xt •
<br /> <,x�x:•.�,. .
<br /> °��X� :; • buf 3di.�gs. ,�fch a cammAn w3as3omless and c�oarie�r, wall �
<br /> � locaeeai �agcaz� t�� �cr.� 3.ine; . �
<br /> t�`�' : • d) where adZ:�r��.,�,t buildingo 1s,�vs�.roaf over�ange, the minimum � ��
<br /> ':7�';`�'' F, ' distance beitw�-.���'the ed es of �..�varhan � sY�il be sisc .l f) � '.
<br /> �/3����.'� . feet, u�].Qr�� a aa�non co��7.1 is ap��v����er aulo-p�ragraph c).
<br /> ,.��„•�, , .
<br /> i� � S�OVGe , ' .
<br /> :.I�i'`'y; • , �.
<br /> r ��y, . . e), Th�` psoyr��ion of open 1Oalconio§; �� oviadome a�d
<br />-.ra��;�:�.: u�oovc3red po�^���r i.nta opea epa�e .is ac�epta�:�L
<br /> _ _ ,,,,. ,,, .
<br />`:;�i;„'.' . . . . ., �, , .,;.. ., �,
<br /> ,�.•. �) �he Assac�.�t%on �..�/,�equire the laudac�pe p3�•�:z��.].ude
<br /> �,.., ., ..
<br /> -��'j,;. . • , , each +o� �he fe��a�wi.ag: `c ,'.
<br /> :v,xmr,. �• `..,�`:,�:.� �'t.,:,,� .
<br /> ';%��i;;�.� . � iI . Re�����,�Za loc�tion ��f�.�a11 improvemesa��:'c��upan the lot. .�.
<br /> �
<br /> ,a�` �it;�x'�� ���cvr.:�.to economy � 1a�va ma�.utenan�e an8 sncw . ..
<br /> ..r ��t�ar�al; '.:` �, . . , .
<br /> �'� ii}` � Sidewalks whiah comply.with the Cositinental l�ardens -
<br /> ... :; . � Subdfv�.sf.c�'�greernent wfth ��ie City of Granc� islaadi
<br /> i$��...Pxovgr��on f�r p��ved parking .sZoace� �ar aot le�� than �
<br /> �'S t�rc��..+f�,9. �::�tameb3���.� f�or eac& resi��a�, in ad.cllfeion �o -
<br /> ";i,��� � . ���?�9�u.. ' . . � ,
<br /> ••.��,� n u+A... `� '�I1:a.tr .�. �. wA. ..w ...�sj ++� �1 ef a�; . .. _
<br /> �" Q. z� �s����.io� �r�,� �o.. .w.�x�� ar .......s.�. ��:' �13�.uc� ..ir
<br />_:s+�'��`..�. � the ge�ieral �r�stricit3ons place8 upon �locka �� 6�b��„ '�'r�a t21 . 5ix _
<br />.;:;,;..;
<br /> �: :3; t6) or Sav�� t�) of the rea). es�ate by A��i�.�r�. X�1!'��:�h,�. �his R�r�ded •
<br /> Deciar�eio� or piaced upon the xeai estate un��r �3�r.��.:�sovisitsas of
<br /> .;,;�.s Article X hereo�. Aa�r arrittea agprovai of �he Assda�i���on or Board
<br /> �� o� �Directors requix�d ia Articleo IV or V o�.: C�aais Ameaded
<br /> '���� D�alar�tioa� ehaa.l be fnci�sde� �n its mi�utea and ehaY1 not b� valid
<br /> _`� unless incorpora��d fn the minutea o� the Asaoci.ation or Board oE
<br /> y_ Directors.
<br /> . 9. The Aseoc9.ation eha11 by ��e �oarfl of Dir�ctor� appoint, �
<br /> �� each year at ite annual meeting, an indivi.dual from eacb of 8lacks
<br /> � One i�) tv�.a Trivolf) , Zt�ro �l2) (via Como), Sfx (6� iChantiliy) aad
<br /> ,� .
<br /> . 6
<br /> +.
<br /> • .
<br /> . . .. _ . ... � .. ., . . ., .. .`: . .. , .
<br /> . . . ... • . ,.. ',�� . .,. . � �. .,� .. .. �� .. . : .:.� . ,.. - . .' .
<br />