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<br /> 4b) ea� azsy F�a�a�o �all 1� za�itt�d to � Trer�tor. �eiYScraeoo
<br /> �
<br /> ovi�s�ci�.� �h� �c����co o! mil o� the ir��ranc�ncca reqsaf�ad �da� �hr� __
<br /> �mgrz� 08 t�Yeio Osa� o� �u�� sh�ll h�e ��aimhe� to �hs �3�n�li�iaa�y ::
<br /> � � t�dte �rigi�al ��liaiofl provi�� ��� �raauranc� �hal� De ;�r:
<br /> �ril�v�� to t�s �an�ticia�y mt �� �e��tfc$a�y's rsque�t. e
<br /> 6. ti�n �-u�sa� an+3 Yaflv��a af th� 2r�ncs�og so to do, t�ae =
<br /> ala a�a «.
<br /> ��.ra�i���{ s��, f�ta f.�s di�cre���n, adva�a�e an� �ay _
<br /> nraeQSR��* � �a'�+�st�� aa� g�s��tca tha P��iac3s�, �a� a�1L a� ao __
<br /> advame.� �ffi �a3.G� b� t3� �erto8ic��ey �B�LI becos� a y�� og �n� __
<br /> �p�tsl$YI+�i11St t��1.'1S@� $ASA$3ys 98E33F. � �.I1$H�Q£�1$ ��OIti1 d��@ i?g _
<br /> . payaent at e $ag� eq�al t.o tlac� BQ��� o� �o �'fmca I�a�a plua Ra� _
<br /> �c�at (�3) � annua oa �IIar� �s�hes� rat� pfl�c�mfla].e er.sr�� __
<br /> . b�p23..�ab1� l�e�, � ��all De �yat�le to the �e�o��.c�e� �a�� _
<br /> 3
<br /> �2�a+��eA. S'�r� sa�m� sF�all itaclude, but =tat by wag� o€ lf.ffi.i��lt��na -
<br /> � Emp�or�4s or ��� affio��s s2ue an� payamie to �e �diaa� �c3e� �e _
<br /> b,e�e aa�d aaz�p o�� amoun�s necess�ry to cure .�y de��u�t by the _
<br /> �raa���� s�d�s 4�i Y�ase j (bj �c�;s• asaessnen!� �nd other ctiarqes :
<br /> �hl�h aay t� or taeccma senfor to t�i�s �eed aP �� as Yiena �n the
<br /> �r�aiets, or au►y Bsrt t�ereeP; (a} t3ie �at of any titls insurance, -
<br /> ��rvQp�, o� oth�r evide�co vbfch �� t3ie disc:retion oF �� �'
<br /> h
<br /> --. HeYae�ici�ory �a� � reciuias� in ordas� to ��fi8enr.a, Sns�ce os _
<br /> pres�xve the lien o! tPsis �eeo1 ef �rust; (c�} ��1 coste, expena�s,
<br /> and rea�a�ble a�tosneys' fess i�curred by the Beaiegiciary 3n
<br />`..';. se�pect of a�►y antD �gl leqal and equitabbe actioris wAich ralat� t�
<br /> �hfs Daed of T�a�t �a5 � th� Prenise�, aansl (e) the cost ot �n�
<br /> 3epaira �s����mg � Premis�s which are re.�sonab�y d�e�ad _
<br /> � sdeces�a�P b� � �oaao��ci�y. �s u�edl in t�ir� �Deed o� Tru�t, the
<br /> �� ■Priae Ra�°� aean� a var���+l� p@r anr�uza a��s of inter�st av�sai
<br /> ' ;.; at a�g t�ats to �3ue rate o! interest estabifeY�i �� quo�ed by tffie :
<br /> � H��;����$�sy a� its Pri�e Rate, �ucta rate to chanqe
<br /> �' ''� ������aslY t+ith each chanqe in auch ea�bl�s�ed and q�aote�l
<br /> . '..,� �ca�ef p3��d�8 that it i� �.��3ere�oad t.3i� �� 12ate �haii not
<br /> � n�ces�#3y Bre r�gresea►�ati�� ag tha ra�� a� iaiterest aet��� _
<br /> :�,.�_;` �q� tr,� f.h� Se�eliciary o�a any lor�'� o� a�asa oS loans.
<br /> : ,:.; Benetfa� s�rn].g b� aubroga�e� to t3ce ��.gl�.�c� �� tt�o ho288r of eac3�
<br /> :.� "; lie� or a2afm p�fd �ritt� moneys secuse� �tc�eY�p«
<br /> 7. I� �A or an� part a� the P�ce�a3ser� � dma�aqad, taken, or
<br /> �.;�.;+�� acqa�irad, ei�Pr� t�arily or pe��erttly, �n any �orc�e�a�fan
<br /> . .,..�: .
<br /> proaesdfng. c�z �y ����ie� o! �ho r�;� o� sainont c�c,+aa3n, aP �3�
<br /> = thv a�t�ratt�i�. o! tho qrado of nny s�z+eet a��,�cking tho Pr�nisa�,
<br /> � ` ttis aiow►t o� mea►y axar� or oth+e�e payaer►t tor �arcb �akiatq dr dasaqes
<br /> � r �ads ia conisi8eration theraof�. to the osx�en� �c�� tRe full ���� op
<br /> <.�,,Y f t� Y��n r�ssfn;ng tuipa i d O b�.�s�i o n s. i s ri e�r o b y a s s i q n e d t o t h e
<br /> :�;;v,�� gea�ie:�'.��a�.ary, which ir e�gow��.�o cca�.l�c� and receiva �the sasa and
<br /> :-:>,,,�: �o cg$vaa prape� acaco ipts t her e s��r i s a ��e a ��m e of the Tr�ns�c�, and
<br /> �;;:`"'".� a13 su�� a�m�z ��nali be pai.� t��wit� dfractly to th� Be�ePiciary.
<br /> ?:-:=,Y:.ri�
<br /> �;���Afry;� • as�a�c6 �:: ��e�� �o �re��ii�vc�a7 by the Bert��ici�ry may, a� the
<br /> >f;`�'`�k' optiare of t��a �e�icfary: (a) �s a���.ied �'a�i +ths satisPaation oi
<br /> . .,
<br /> �: � � Ob19,r,�a��ioi�s oz te the est�bli�h�epr� � s �� to22a�e�ca1 accowr►t
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