. . ' '_ c y . .'� , _ . .<} C " �Y F� •'-1`.�C'( - ._ . . - -_
<br />. . � _..
<br /> z .
<br /> �J� ������
<br /> - para3.1�1 c�ritYt t��e north l�iaa o3E s�fd Ir�ts =
<br /> �relve (12) aacl F7.even (li) a alio�ance o�. Te3m --
<br /> tduudred R'wemty Oae aad �ig�teea Sunc�redt� -
<br /> (221.18) feett thenae northerlgt, parallel
<br /> �ith the �aet lia�e of eair�l I�� Blevea �111, a -
<br /> dista�ce of One Huxxdred �'uro anrl Ni.ne�y Severa _
<br /> � ° �Iundsedthe (a�2.97? feet ta a poi.;rt oa the
<br /> �� x�o�� 3.ine afc said Lot F���ren i li� ; th�uce _ =
<br /> � eaeterly along and up�a �3ae north l�ae vf
<br /> saicl Lot Eleven (11) a dietar�c� of Oae
<br /> Hundred Fifteen and 1`lairt� Efg�it �ut�dreedtl�a � . �
<br /> (115.3B) fee� to the point of beginaiag. . . =
<br /> ; together �ith all bui.ldiags, improvem�ats, tiact�ea ar�d appurte- _
<br /> nancea locate@ the�eon or in any way pextaf.nfag thQxe��. amd the -
<br /> zent�, iesuee, psofits, reve�eions and the rea�ain�a�t� C�ra�ia�,
<br /> ,�,:�, fncluding all euch pe�sanal, p�operty tha�t �e a�cta�har�• �c� tfB.�: im- -.
<br /> :�_�` prevem�n+�a so as to cans�itu�e a �ixture, all o£ ��c�,� S��u�fng -.
<br />;;,�'
<br />.�;�`�.�. , repZ�eemeascs and adc3.:��ieas tchere�a, axe heseby �'ecZ��to kc� � . ..
<br /> r,� p�� t�� thr3 �ceal et��f:� Cou.�' �d in �xus� baexeh�, iG �a.uJ �s�..: :� .
<br /> .�.- t��� ,a].� .s�� � fo�r�v� �lf"���. be.hr��ix��� refe�:a� �a �.�t^�� ."� �.. -
<br /> . . �g�&��NR�.: . . . . . : �. , ;� -
<br /> Ft32t.� P�'=�F� QL� ��ING: . . , �;' �
<br /> . .. > .
<br /> '�� , .. . �a) eha payme� 'of� ixu�eT�t�d.�s,��. 2v�.d�t�t�d b'l �.�.,sto��s no�e _
<br /> .;: � .o€' .r�r� date herewi� �u the princ��3..8um oE G�TF� �IT�.�D Ti+�TY ,, -
<br /> r� I.}
<br /> �TAOY��TD AND NO/1403 �LLARS ($12f}�,tY�fl.OQ;�, t�gctCt��.�i.'tYt ints�r3fz. .• . ��
<br /> -��:�f::�.�` . at �ie ra�e providr�a� �hereira. .a� ��:e &��c3�►a� �►�-��eres� c�c, �:� .-,
<br />`<'��r•; . � � any Eu�t�re advanae �sot ta eacr�ec� t�•co�al p�i.nc�$a1.: �um
<br /> � , . initially seaured here.�y as ��io�ienaeo� � pxom3.e��ry �c:�es oCatt�tg . •
<br /> � thsy �re secure� herebp, and any and all reae�ralA, madificatian�
<br /> � and �tens�bne of euch aoteB, both pri�c�.pal a�nd 3nCereeC on the .
<br /> � . notee �be��Eg.payable in accordaace with tYse term� pe���oxtY�
<br /> therein, whiah by �hia .xeferenae_ie hereby made a pa�r� hsreo��t .
<br /> � (b) . the per£os�naace of ea�ch agreemant .ancl covenant of �
<br />� .: Truetor herein, containedj anol . . �
<br /> . � (c1 zh�+ payaient� ��E �.n,� surn or �umo, a� �money wbich mmy bo .
<br /> hexeaEt�4v gA3.�. or ader�xiaa�t�•�� Beneffa�.��,u�d�r scho gczma og thi.a .
<br /> Deed af �►`rup�, togeth�� �y�Y�Sa. interest et�eQSOecn at the.�at�a
<br /> provided in the note. , :. . . , .,
<br />�:�;;s'�'� . Ta .p�Atect the seaurity �of thie Deed of Txiao�., �ru��or� .
<br /> r`i�• . � Yxeareb�r c�vr��»�o ant� agre�a a� �ollow�: . � ., .
<br /> «�`.{• . � ;..� .;��.. � .
<br /> :;,:�t ! � . 1,: j����;�.$n� {�,�� indetote�.: To pay wl��tc c�ue�s�. the princi• ' �
<br /> t�i��;.� , .. . �
<br /> paI o�, and th� �sxs��:s°eat cau, thc i�Eb�ednees evid�:��8 by th�
<br /> :�;._� no��. chargee, ���� .and all oth�� eu,tna �a� provide� �. th� loan ;
<br /> • �f • ins�xus�esn�a. ..
<br /> „ .r
<br />�";����" � �. 1'�,5. ��io�or ie the ovraor of th� Fzag�� and Itas ,
<br /> :,;;°;�:�� ths right anfl a�th�3ty t4 caavey tcho Praperty and vr�arra�ts tha�
<br />°�°''°�` th� 2�.en ereated r.ereby ie a firat at�d prior lien an tho E�roparty
<br /> �. ; s aacl the ax�cutivn ans] d�liv�ery o£ tho Deed og T�uet d6ea not .
<br /> ._.---' . . . v3al���_:�;� a�r.�ract =e othe= e�,Z���*i^� �o �rhich Trustor is
<br /> .. ovb�e�ct.
<br /> . � � . 3, ��nd ��esera�nta. To pay, when due, all taxes, �
<br /> � �� � epecial aeseesments and all other charges aga3net the Property�.
<br /> � � brf�re the sa�e b�come delinqtient, and, in the event Beneficfary
<br /> �, � � eha17. so require, to add tm the paxrmont�t requ�red und�r the note
<br /> _ .; eecuzed hereby, eucY� amount ae may bo au�f$a9.en� to enable Hez�e-
<br /> ��. 'r fi�iary to pay such taxes. aeaessm�nts or othes ch�rge� �s they
<br /> .. 'I become due. .
<br /> ;,;':�' t ' . . ' :
<br /> 'yk�;;,�� ::;. , .e}. �':7,�-��. w i��,!`.t�ri.ar�Q n �7fJE.+. TO 110t CC�i�,4 Eri�i"a1:f�' �Tl�G11'
<br /> �`� ' � d�q�cy%� �e�� *t,,:�;:° Pra��.-ty �nd to ut�� cc�rna:� care to pr�cr���,t� .aCli�arts froi�,�.:
<br /> ��;�"r;.:�a�,�.., •- • � ..,..�,�«io� �xi�fi s��i�:;; to
<br /> �..y�� 1,`,iy �,.e�p �he ��Ot7C�:,�..jl iia r�:;�'.sca vv.
<br /> _ � kee�.th� L��erty free fr��er.��rechanfc� or c�A�tar�r Iie�.� ��ot c�c� ,
<br /> � p�eaely eii�cordinated to �31ca lien h2reof; tc:� net m�i',�, �uEff�� or .
<br /> � 2
<br /> ��.. .. ' ... „ . . . -
<br /> � . : � � . -• . . , .. ' . . , , . , . . �
<br /> . . . . . • . . .. �:, , � „�.. ..:
<br />