e . Y., ?1 h, . : E ,t,.. •`, x.. . .�a�`+f,.yi. ,.��•.,.ra:rar_,..�., - --—
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<br /> _� ��5���' ��� ���� 20027530 �.z_.
<br /> _ (1 YeBr�' F�4xa-�te Cs�n) '"
<br /> ��� 18TH of DECEPAE3ER , �r'
<br /> ` 'f#��RD3LI�fABLE 12ATE RYDF.�L ls mzde dus �Y
<br /> ,,.' 12'95 .�aQ is incarpoiut�d into and shatl be deems,d to amen�and supplcmeat the 2�lartgag°.�ed of
<br /> ' '[Yust or�curity B2�d(d'-e°Secunty Instrume.�t")of the same date given by the undersigned(the°Eorrower°)to ['"`.
<br />�'r s�re the Enrrow�r's Adjusra.ble Raee Note(the"Not6"}co �'�'
<br /> ih� EQuita6ie Building en� toen Assoe9etian of Qr�9 isiaa4, Ha3r�ska, �FeGarat Savia�Brin� � �--=
<br />`;��::.- (the"Lender")of the same date aud co•.reting the gmpercy desen'bed in the Security Ins�umem and locased�t: ���;
<br /> 822 E PMOENYX AVE.QRAND ISLA�Q�,�NE�BA�RSKA 88�01-8154 _
<br /> �.,
<br /> :`��l.-; THE N�T� COl�l'f6dtfliS PR��/lSION� QLl.OVYtPdG FAA CHAlI��,ES 1!{i THE INif���Y'
<br /> .;,�t� R/4Y� Q�ID TY1'c MOEIfTl4L,Y t'A1fiL2�lT. �'Q4E NATE LlMiTS THE AMOUNY TitE —
<br />:.:;:::�:
<br />_:7.,,:. 86ERt�C9WieC�'S �FIlTTE�I�SY H1�3'� CA�11 CHAN'G� �F 6atiUY OPI� Yi,�9E APd� YW� ��
<br /> ":�:::.4 Mi�iXi.�4+�FJ1�(�A'�'[WE B06iii0W�MIiST PAV. �::-
<br />��:���;;.'�. � AiD3���Ai.COV�NANTS.In a�tion co tEse cuveaaats a�tl.agreemen�s made in the 3�urity insuument, __
<br /> .,Y�;�,� .. Barmwer and:t�der fu�er cavenant mid�rae as fallows: _.
<br />�_:,�,� ,�'' .
<br /> ��'.;�,. ,-,�..�Pf�'°`RA�Al�MON'TH�.Y PpiYN?�"�'7f f�t�I(� --
<br /> __ ' ,'''The Nate provides for an initiut ints�st mte of 8.'�50 �.14�Not,a pmvid�for cliaages inI • r_--
<br /> - .. . the iuterest iate and the monrhjy paym+ents.es follows: : --
<br /> '',:.
<br />= '''' .4.ENTER�'ItA'IF L'E�1VlID 1bEOPi'��Y PAYi4iET01�•CHANG �^ . —-
<br /> - �_
<br /> ,:� � • . _
<br /> ': ' (A)Ch�e IlaLes
<br /> , • . �7`he ia.�raie I will pay may c�ange on the fi�t day of Jfa�.t�`t�i'fY , 2di�:i�,..• ,aad am that ,�.. �v_
<br /> _ ��j every�2m month t�erea�.Eacb date on ahir.tt�y inier�5t rslre�uld cLang�is�sr�;�;'°�i�e Da2e." ::'";>:. _--
<br /> . ,;
<br /> , � .1, 'Be�girmi�;vlith the fiist Ctiange�ate,my interest r^.:.te will b�based on an T�t�`3�e����iC'is tE�e`V�.;�y � �_.
<br /> aveiage yta�Y�n United Siates Trasua�^.sscurities adjusted to a oas�ta�t mat��sitY of l Y�4�r��de avr�ilFwle isy i
<br /> ag
<br /> t�se Pederai I�ese�ve�oard.The most r�t Index Sgure availabte asc of the daie 45 days 6efore,eacb C�►ge Date . _
<br /> . is calfed the"Current tndea.° ' .
<br />': n
<br />,�: . If the Indax is nn tongez availnbie,the Not9 Hotder will choase u n�v indeR�hich is based upoa cpmga�a�le
<br /> iafoimati+�n:Thi �Note ETolder�vill give me no6ce of this choioz. .
<br /> .. ::;:.' t4?.�un o4C�adges . �. '. � :
<br /> �r � , �tefare�CGa�ge Date.the Nota Holder wlll c�d�ailat�mY ne�i i�onst rafr•.bY.ac�din�'.��.: , �'
<br /> . �",;• � . ::. .. �. perca,dil.�{s:point(s)E. 2.6��� .. ,. . , gg).tn t�se e�Yr�mt
<br /> ' � �..:t�x.Tbe Nete�Yoldeit�ta;3f:��a mu�d the�,�utt�r�t3us fldditio�w the a��s:r��,i of one pac�ta$e , —
<br /> F:� , pa�nt(O.lZS�O).Subjoct to t�:i.°Tian��C�z�in Section dN)bGlovif:t�tis ronndec�ac��i cr���/i's�mY new ikt�es�t . , =
<br /> �:�.�:' ,;f� � rate aatij thc ueat t�saage l�;,t�. . .. ,.:... ,�.,.. . <.. . „ _.-
<br /> ' "ihe Note Holdes will�be�dde�a(.�t,�e amrount o4 t�e mont141Y P�Y�t�.i�aid be s�frciPnt to ra,pay tL� .
<br /> ,�;�, .. �;`;;.napaid�riacipal that�aui"¢�.,ded tA ir,r�e at the Ctiange Aa�te in fvll on the Mu�iafi�►Da2e at aiy csew inur�t rete --
<br /> : ': iu subsrandalty eqnfs3 paAc�u.Tf�e ctrsali of tTils c�lails�loa will be thE aew ffitC:�tt of my mont�y DaY�ent• . .
<br /> j .,. ' , ..'� .. � ;�. -..—
<br /> ,�. � s:; (D)�ii��oa I�lis�st Rate Cfterr,�s `.�• � . ' . �"
<br /> � 7he inie�rst r�te I am requii'ed to Fay at ttie ficst Changa Date wlll not be g�:ter t1�a ��4�5� % .
<br />' � � or�ex�Utui 4.750 � �.Thcrcaftsr,my 1nte�est rate vriU never.be i�a�ed or��1 aa . —
<br /> uny singlc Change Dat�by arore tlkvo taro perocntage points(Z.a�O)•from the r.�te of interest�1 have baen lraying
<br /> � fc>r t�o reced�ng twelve months.My irir�.�st tate wlll aever Dc�tes t6an 11.750 �. �. .. �.
<br /> I ' ' �
<br /> � ���; �'�: . My •�nterest �aYe wi 1 t ��mv0� be lower- �:fian �.750x. `:.,.. '
<br /> :,:?;:.: '� .. t�)F1C�ctiva 1]►nW uf C�anges �.. ;`��,���;:� . .
<br /> My n�vv iiue�est mto will bacoma effactive an each Ct�aage 's7�.^. i wiil��t�e amoimi of nny ne�v�acmT�,ly _
<br /> . D�m�i i�Cgirming orr the fin�t monthlY Paymenr dnt�after�f`w�nge Date�mti1 the smaunt of�y c�satfolY
<br /> . paym�t c�g�again.
<br /> � (b�1�Iatior of CF�c9 _
<br /> � � 7Le Ntite I�otdct will deliver or mzil W me u notiCe of any chang�in my lntcrest rate and the amount of my
<br />�• . ' m�ntf�y p�yment befora th�effixtivt d2ee of any chang�.TAe nadoe will inc�ade infarm�tian re�aircd Dy taw to
<br /> ' be given me�nd alsu oBe titlo and ceI�►hone w�mber of a person w�o will anawer any qu�tion i may have
<br /> � �€:��5 the�dee.
<br /> . MRl�LtISTATE ADJUS7A�.�RL1TG t�tDEN-AFw7 Cr2-Sfngls Fzmi:y-Fr.rs���i".:.a/Frc�.^'tito twc!Jr'.�srm Gu�u�sar►t
<br /> . . forin 34919t� - -
<br /> . � . �° �22A ca3nsi vMV e.wrnc�e�ea�us•u:oo��a+•�xn �^ v�++�m o�+w�eva.e ea�r
<br /> .. . , , . .
<br /> ` .•:' —
<br /> . • ' _,.�.. I-
<br /> ... . � ,� . � � : � .. . .. . � , . ,,, � . . .. .,�. .
<br /> _, .,. . . . . . . - . � � ,
<br /> . a,,.; . . . . . .. . . .. �. ,� � � .,, � ., . � .
<br /> �..r . _ ._ . . , .. .... . . .. . . . .
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