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<br /> � ' � 37.'��fs aY 4�a�ag�sty or a I3eu$�Itil H�ter�t ia�ra�s�rer.If aU or any psrt of th�Property or any inte�est in it _
<br /> ` is sofd ortra�5t�crec!(or if a benefis�al i��trast ia Borrower is sold ar transfemed and&�rro�ver is not a natural persan)�vithout -�
<br />• Lender's prim cs+ritten consem. Len�er m�y. ai its opiIon, requlre immed�ate payment in fWl of all sums secur�d by tbis
<br /> m.
<br /> ' Secusiiy Ins�umertt.However.this option shal!not be exercised by L.ender if exercise is profiibited by federal daw as of the dt3te
<br /> -�•- of this 5�utitf'Inst►znm�nt.
<br /> i��.�a_a:�rcis�this opuon,[.e�der sS�all give Borro�ver notice of aoceteratian.'fti�e notice shaU provide a period of nat
<br /> tess ti��� �iga:from the daie the notice is delive�ed or mailed wi:bin �vtuca Borrower must pay ali sums secured by this
<br /> ' Sewciry Lur�ttnv�s�. II1F @nrravrer fssils to gay these sums prior to ihe expi�ation of this period.Lender�y in�oRe any remedies :
<br /> pzrmitted by this 3��riiy insiruntent without further nodce or demand on Bonowzr.
<br /> -- gg, g�rra�er•� di�; to �T¢ta�4e. If Boraower mePCS certain conditions, Borrowsr sha!! �ve ch� right eo have
<br /> enforcement of this �eacstiy dnsvument diseonqnued at any time psior ta the eartier of:(a) S days (ar such other p�rio�as
<br /> �� app}icable ta�v may specifjt for reinstatement) before sale of the Property punnant to any power of sale contain� +n thls -
<br />'�. Security 2as�Qnt-or @)entry of a juddment enforeing this Securitv Inscrument.Thos:conditions a�e that Borrower. (a)pays
<br /> I,ender all sums which then vrould be�fue unsier this Se4vrity Instnament and the Note as if uo acceleration h�.d orcisrred:(b) --
<br /> c�qt�s any default af any ather covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expeases incurred in enforcing this Security Inshvrrteat.
<br /> 3xr�si�ing,but uot limited to,reasonabte attorneys'fees: and(d)mkes such zcrion as Lender may reasonably requere to tissure
<br /> , �tt.tf►�lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Pro�sarty and Borro�ver s o6li�ation to p�y the sums s9cured by
<br /> th� Sea:siq� Tnsnu�nt shall continue uachanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secariry Insuument and the
<br />' obligat�astis�a�.red henby shFill remain fully effecnve as if no accetetation had occurred.However.this nght to reinstnte sh�ll
<br /> t"` not apply in-�i►x case of acceleration under paragreph l7.
<br /> 19.Ss�le oY Note;Ch�g�oY Loan 3�svic�r. Ttre Note or a par�ial interest in the Note (together with this Secutity
<br /> Instrumem)may 6e snld on�or more uines arititout prior notice to Horrower.A sale may msult in a cdunge in the endty(knntvn
<br /> as the "Loan 9ervicer")that collects monthiy payments due nnder the Note and Wis 5ecurity Insmiment.There also may be ane _
<br /> � or mop+e changes of the Laas►Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. if there is a c6ange af the I.flan Servicer.Borrower will be
<br /> �:s,:e�' given iviiu�n nauce ot the change in acvardarsce with paragtaph !4 ahove and appiicable law.The nntice will state the name msd -
<br /> -== asldress of th�new I.oaa Servicer and th�a1t�s tc�whicb payments should be made. The netux will also contain any other -
<br /> �",`;� ��'�matias�.�equired hyappliczbte law. ,
<br /> � �:A.I�atduas Substance�. Barro�sr:s�:�c�se or permit the presence. ase,disposa!• storage. or release of any+
<br /> - � �azardons.S;,t6stances on or in the Frops.�r�-_ �i-ac�wer shaU aoE do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affeciing the
<br /> Pmperty tl�t�rs in viotatian of any E¢v'��;r��al iaw. The pr�;a two sentences shall not apPly w the Presence.�..se.or
<br /> storage on�Ptnperty of srnall quantitsrs�ct�}?�,sardous Substa��i�t are g._nerally secogniae�to be appropriate to nacffial
<br />�r:l'.• residential uses r,nd to n�ainceaance of tis.�,P�•x�saty. .
<br /> . Borrower shafl gmmptly give Lerz�r written norice of any investigation. c�;,:m, demand. lawsuit ar other action by•�tiy
<br /> � � govemmental or regutatory agency or pnvate parcy iavolving the Property aed�.a'r�aTardous Substance or Environmental Iaw , :
<br /> ;�.•,:� of which Borrower has acuia!tmowled�.If Hoaower lea�ns. or is notif�ed by�govemmental or reg�ilatory suthority.thas =-
<br /> ��'" at►y removsI:ar other remediation of aa}r i�zJardous 5ubstance affecting the Property is nece.ssary,Borrower shall promptly t.�;a -
<br /> . all ascessa;y c�medial actions in accflrd:�a�wi�th Environmental law. .: ' `.
<br /> .�'�.,,j As�1 i�this paragraph 20, "H�ous Su6stances"are those substances defiued as toxic or 6f►Tardous sabstarto�s:�ig ,
<br /> ,,, ; rnvironraental I.aw and dn� following substances: gasotine. kerosene. other flamma6le or toxic petrolcvm �roducis, toxic _
<br /> �:�.' ;����cidES an�l herbiciQes,xu��tile solve�►ts,materials aa��ining asbestos or fora�7�rehyde.and radioact►ve m�Sn.�als.As used ia _
<br /> ,, �h,�ui�paragraph 20. °Env��sr�,vental Law"means f'� �a�vs and laws of the stivr�idiction where the Rvp�is locane4 td�t
<br />�':;j;:'�, � ' :r•.�3�:e to hea�th,safety or emrironmeatal pmtettion. . _ �• '
<br /> ,;';f���: �. I�IO:�:-;i;*�?ff-01tM COVENANTS. $�rrosver and Lender furth����enant and agree as folloas: _
<br /> ,::,�rw,�, . �. 21.lti�+'adya�"�tfon.�emedies. Leudrae�hu[i give aot�ce to Bor,�m,2aa prtos to ac�e2erltEon fotJowIng Barmwer's Da�aA�..
<br /> ;�`:r�f` "',�;.+dY.'any cov�a4nt.or e�r�eat im t6Tis 5`ecuricy La�.rame� @ut ant prfar tca acs�leration ander pb 1T udtes3 =
<br /> . � .':-:�ipptfcahle fl3w pro�!tdc�r�wlse).Ttte aotice s��ecify: (a)the d�natY;�i:�the actfon to cure!he defanl� -
<br /> i
<br /> � Es)a date,uot tcs.s tria���`�'.!Lu9s from t�e date t*�m�2�ce is given to Boso�crr�•iby w6[ch tbe deYuntt mu��be cared;and
<br /> ' (�ttiat[at�r�c to care t��deFnait a:�c�*�efore 4h�date spedtied in the nr�i�n��y result i�ao�ier.�tlon of the m� -
<br /> t':�.,�'`; � secur�d Dy�tfiE�Security Iastsument:�rrA�.'�of t6e P�operty.'t'he notice shaYf farther infa���'awer of the ri�r�;:�to
<br />';«�:� . s�ins2ate af�ett acceletatlar�and ihe rIght �briag a cowt sdton to s�ssert We aon�eadstmTe ot a defatit or i►ny¢�+i�er
<br />`��t�� ' ';r�.Icnce of�ormwer t�;inc�3eration and sate.tf �he defauYe ts uot cared ou�befor+e�he 8nte sq�ecfPced�n tDe not[ce,
<br /> ".;r�;. , :..1�der,at ib opt�on,m�reqn➢rP immediste pmyaaent in ffall�f all suma saugt�.'d by tbis Secvrlty��neat without
<br />�;,: ::; ,�•,��ther dch�ena nnd ma'y,:�voYce i6e power oP saL gad any other:emtdies�tasC?ted by agpitcable tu�r�II.r�ader shui!�e
<br /> ;a�+,1:�: '� '�:�°:ictiL�E t�:;itrff��t all capenses iaw�red in pwsuing the se�aedtes p�o�te�t��ffs pars�gru�tb 21,inciuding,`�but noi linaited
<br /> ;,i.,°• , .
<br /> ,<4r����� '�:;�o.reasotlst�te'Qtto�aeys fees Rnd wsts of tttle ev[denc+ee.
<br /> �';;`;; �if t� �ww er�ot saie.fs invoked. Trostee sl�ll record a aa2�ic:of'dea"�t in eac6 c�w�y in wtilcb any part f#�4���e
<br /> ::.":�,.; �:.;�tPropesiy is tocate0�nd;��31 mail cupies of snch aotice[n t6e maaner prc�s�by mpplIcab2�law to�U�re+uwer arrd to
<br /> �...:5.4�� � .� the othcr persons�35rv�4�y apppc�a6le i�w.Alter the ttme eeqalred by�bie taw,Trustee sbatll�s+e pabltc notja _
<br /> ,. �� ot sat�to the p�etsons�r:D�f�i the manaer pres�i�by applicable law.Tr�r��tthout demand on S;,�wer,st�i!seU
<br />'s•y��;;: the property at pnblk aud[on to 4he�Pg6est Dfdder At the time and P�ur►�under the terms d�sig�ted ta Qhe notiae of
<br /> �-. :' sWe in on� or more parceZs sad�[n�?order Treutee determine�.Te��tee may postpone sale of ali oi�any pArcel o�tLe -
<br /> ' �nupeYty bypabfk annotinc�ent at the t�me and piace of any prevtonsly schcrIuie�saie. Lender or ifa dest�ne�m�y -
<br /> ;��':.��. pp�E t�s Pr�mpe�5tq atc uny caEe.
<br /> . .,�, _
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