t .. . •<' _ • . • . �i` t' , _ � ' ,r i[s . .r . �_ 1� v' . .G`:::ff.,`r 'Tg
<br /> � 4� �Y..G � � _' 1 '"t� _
<br /> - ..�:
<br /> 9
<br />, .�,' � ���e { Yi��.
<br /> `��'b�:� ���i3� `-:�
<br /> 19.'f'mnsfer o8 t�ze i�ro�erty og a Erae�tst31 InYeresY tta�or�stiwea.[f ali or any part of the Property or;ujy►nt�in it i;` `.
<br />.��,�; d is sflld or trasisferred(or i€a b-ene$cial inter�st in Borrower is soia or bansferred and Borroa�r is not a natu:al petson>without «�=
<br /> ,.� i.�ender's preor wriuen cos�e�t. Lender may, at its aprion, reqnire immadiate payment in fall of a11 sums sec�red by ti�is �'
<br /> -- Srcurity InsF.lvment.�owever, this c�tion shafl rtot be exe.rcised by Lendec if cxercise is pmhibited by federal law as af U:e�ate __
<br /> � of ti�iF Security Instr�sment_
<br /> �` '�• If Lender exercises tf�is ogiion, l.ettder sha11 give Borrot�er notice af azceletation.The notice shall pmvide a period of not �__-
<br /> . less than 30 days from the date the notice is det:verad or maited within�vhich Bo;rower muss pay a11 sums secured by this �;,�
<br /> . Security Instrument. [f Borrotiver fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this periad,L.ender may invoke uny remedies ��
<br />.,s',: germittsd by this Scxviiry irstrument without fui4her notice or demand on Borrower. �:,
<br /> � 18. �HDTf0E4Pl'S RYg6t to Rein�4ate. If Barrower meeis certain cbndiuons. Borrower shall have [he right to have 1`.e.'`.
<br /> enforcernent of this SQCUrity Insttum:ai discontinued at any tiate prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days (o�such othPr period as �°--
<br /> j�`_,[ applicable law may specigy fos reinstatement) before sale of the Property parsuant to any power of sale contained in this �`�
<br /> Security insm�mear or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing tt»s Securiry��tniment.Those conditions are that 8orrower.fa)p�-gs r.�x� ,
<br />� ' Lender all sums wbich then would be due under this Security Insuument and the Note as if no acceleration had occumed;(b) �y�,,�
<br /> � cure�any dafault of any other covenanYs or agreements:(c)Qays ali expenses incvrreci in enforcing this Security Inswment, e�'-•
<br /> . including,but n�t iimited ta,reasana6lc attomeys' fces:aud(d)ta�ses such aaion as Lender may reasonably requi�-e to assnre ■e�c-°
<br /> that the tidn of this Security Insi�umem, Lender's rights in the Property and Bonower's obligation to pay the sums secured by ��=
<br /> this Security Instrument shall continue �uschanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and tlte o�<�;•
<br /> . o6ligations secured ttereby shaU remtin fully efiFective as if no acceleradon had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shall �.:;
<br /> not apply in the c�:of acceleration under psuagraph 17. �
<br /> 14.5ate oY 1VoL�Change of Lot�n Servia�s. The Note or a partial interesE in the Note (together with this Seciuiry
<br />.,"��s;;s:- Instnunent)muy be ss�ld one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(knnwn '�
<br /> �;',�_ . as the"Loan Servicer")that cnllects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securcty Instrument.There also may i�e an$ -��:�
<br /> ,; :,_,�; ar more changes of.ttze Loan Servicer unrelated to a�ale of the Nete.If there is a change of t6e I.9an Servicer, BorrQwer��s+*_�}�e �"
<br /> �..,`��;.• given wriuen natiCe of the change in accordance witix��agraph 14 above and applicable laa.'fhe notice wiU state the na.-r_.�a� `�f:;;
<br />�. addr�s of�e new I.aa.n,servicer and the address g-o tiw��ch paymQ^ts shoutd tse made. The notice vii[I alsa�mtsin 4-:.y ���r ,�';,'
<br /> - �f�rm��aa a�p�titred���6�Is ia.w_ .:� ;;�
<br /> ;f�::ff;,, °3.R�zacdous � t��z.Ev�es�e.S.�'9PI��i �:.-�es�a�cni;�e �.:�..��e. use.dt�gnssl, storage, �;�?'�s.:•s.i:.a� '-
<br /> y:tq)F H37aidOU9 SUBSG'IAG*�UF4;�0'9fl I�L2_F��*CI�Y. I��A�Et SR._LE LIIf7i.tia,zsor air�e �..-�r-��1s�to c�e�., a�a�°.,c�;r��t'ie f,�:
<br />,`yJ,.; propefty that is in vic•laticsn of ang �rn�sronrce�td.Y..��.'i'::�g.��.:�g two`e��anc�s�-;��T. nat.��z ia a.5e �esence,�15'.Jf � .' � ;;
<br /> e;'�,git�4 starage on the Pco�m•r�smajl�^+�,n�of EF�ec?�ua sLbstanoes that are�ari�:ra?�z sex�;-�:a�e ap�srn?rriate ta:snrmal `+`�
<br /> ����;
<br /> ''�»� nsidentiai uses and to r.-�a�*'�.:enance�s t�'��raper�.. �+�f;
<br /> r '`t,:r
<br /> ���;� 8orrower shaU gcr�dy give 3c�a�r wri►►:.-.notix of any a.�estigat�cw,�ci�im, demaz:�, 1aa+suit es cc�:er aciion hy any f
<br />_,.�fti=, ,
<br /> ;>;��� g�nvemra�..ts!or rzee�.��;ry agency or private party:��.�clving ttie�roperty�c:am Harardous Substaace or G�zironmental Law __
<br /> ;��'��n�' �c,��Is's.:n��::er I�as.actuat Yrnawledg$.If Borro�+ar tearns.or is noiifie�f�a�y govemmentai vr re���ctu��authority,that
<br /> :�t;.� � .
<br /> "?:�':'?" ary rtrnova'4 rx��:e:�erc�diation of any Haza�ous 5`�bstance affecting the F'c���ty is necessary,Borrower�t pmmptly take
<br /> • s" si:.r•ecexsary temediat actions in aocordance widt Environmental Iaw. �
<br /> •��,;��i As os�d in this paragnph 20. "Hazsudous Substances"are thase substances defined as toxic or ha7ardous substances by =_
<br /> ;��."•,,:;: Fa�uiranmentn} Law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammabte or toxic petroleum products, toxlc
<br /> i•��„�;'>> pesiiaides and�herbicides. volatita solvents,materials cantaining asbestos or formaldchyde.anfl radiosctivc materials.As used in �'�-�
<br />'��f��s"; this paragcaph 20. J Pe Y
<br /> "Envlranm�ntal law" means federal laws and laws of tl;e urisdiction where the Pro rt is locate�3 that �
<br />'�'•`'{��'� retutatoh�aith,s�fcty orenviranmental protection.
<br /> � NON•UNiFORM COV�NAN'I'S.Bnmower srnd Lendcr further covenant and t�nc ug follows:
<br /> Zp.Accelerativn;�temedla�.l.endee shat!give nottce to BorroKee prlar to eresteratlon fallowJng Barcower's 6reACti
<br /> ot pny eaveaant ar agr�ntnnt In tbta Secari6y Instrument (but not prios to acceteratlon anCzr pa�ugeagI� 17 i.ntess
<br />-• ' Agplle�&[e[�w prov�d�c other�vLs�).Tho r.oQtce ehall speclty: (a)the detAUlt;(b>the�ction required to cure tHe de�autt; �_._
<br /> (¢)a���not�rss t�n 34day�trom eDe date the notice ts given to Borroti�cr,�y wi�lch thc dePault must bc ca�red;nnd �
<br />�, ,;��,,; (d�tJrn�-falDuee to cuc�r eAa defnu[t on or CePore the dti4e specifted tn ehe nottce may cesult in atceteration ot the swns �
<br />:��ti����-�� securt�i•3ry thio Securiey Instc�mmt and sale of the Property.The notice sball ihrther inform Borrower of the rigi►t to
<br /> ,. r�fncim���FJer acctter�at�on and tG�o rlg6t to bring a aourt action to assert the non-exlstence of e detault or any other
<br /> &sf¢na��aB Iiarruwer to�ooeterat��►n and sate, Ii the defaWt ts n�t cured oa or betare the date snedt3ed tn t�a r�tice,
<br /> I�emdor{ut its op2tan,m�y requtre tmmedi�te payment 1n full of all,sum9 sewred 6y tl�is Security Iastnurtent�iG�nt
<br /> ` ttartL�r�demnnd mn�mu�tnvoge t�c�wer oP sale and any a46er remedles permttted by applteah�o law.Lender siuii�bc
<br />'`<•�;::.:�•• • enfft�ed•to coIIect elt expenaps incurr2d in p�s�iaa Uu remzdies provfded in t6is parstgrap0 21,Fac�'ecdtng,6ut nat timited
<br />`..�,�=-•�;, toy rc�ana6le attdrueys' [e�3nd co�of tiUe evtdence.
<br /> '``:;?;�: � 3ft th��awer ot s�te is nnvel�d, T�vstee sMdl! crecord a notite of default in eaeD�in wWch any part of the
<br />:�:„�;,<�; Yropes�y is t�cated wd sfiul£mu�t m�tes o!sash aotQce in the manner prescrt6ed by u le!aw to Borrawer s�ad to �'�
<br />::�,:,,.;_,.�
<br /> �;,;�t,.,r,, tht�at�er�sons(Qrsscri�cd l�y�;�pA�a�+`Y�e taw.After the time r�qnired by appl�ca�le Lafv,�'rustce s6a�give Rubltc r�otke �-`
<br />�;:;:;`:,: oY sale Q�1he petso�.n aad tn t�o ss�e���f�A by appllcabie law.Trustee, wit6out demand an Eorrower,shall setl �_�.
<br /> .the Property at pu[�Iu:�udion to�ho hig6est[rik�k�s�r at the time artd pJaee 3ctd uader t6e terms de�f�trulc�(n t�e co4ice oY ..�Tt
<br /> � '' saYe tn one or more pnrt�ef�s�nd n`�any ordEr`B'me��.ee determines. Trustee mag postpone sale of alr�mq:�ny parcel of the -
<br /> _',��.rr; �U�Y�3+ P�Hc �nnounegmr.�Y at 3he ti�Q ^,..�._,i plare of 2ny prev[muty schrrlWeO sale. /.endes ur,ii.�desiQrt�may � �
<br /> '., purttt�the Yraperiy ut any satcs.
<br /> _,'•�t::,':
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