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<br /> : g� ��r� ar�g�riy gt�w�t�. Bo�nv1e� sflrsll kr�p thc improVe,m:nts aau c�sisting or heceaftes emetcd un thc �--��
<br /> � Propertjr insur�e�ainst toss by�re, har�rds ia�luded�v{thin ti�e tenn"ext�nded coveragc" unb any othcr h�ards. inciud�ng
<br /> _ floads or ilooain£.for�viiich l.ender res�uires iasurance.This ittsumncc shall bo malntained in the�rtounts and for the pertods _
<br /> thnt Lender tequires.Tiie insuranse aurier providing the insuran�shult be chosen by IIurrc►wer sub,je�K to Lender's agpruval ���
<br /> wl�ich shall aat be nnrr�sonabty withhelsi. If Sorcower fails to maiatain coeerage described abovc, i.ender may. at Lender's �=-�
<br /> apdon.obtain oaverage¢o protect Exnder's rights in the Property in ucsordance with paragcsph 7. �---:-
<br /> A!1 insw�nce palicies and renewats shaill b�asceptable aa Lensfer and shall include a standard mortgage ciause. I.ende�r �';;_�
<br /> � shall have the right to hotd the policies and ren�wals.If I.eader requires,Bormwer sh�ll promptly give to Lender all receipts of �_
<br /> paid premiums aIId renewal notices.In tYie event of locs,Borrower shall give prompt noace to the ensurance carrier and L�ender.
<br /> - I,endcs may make pr�f�€loss if nai made pmmptly by Borrower. �� •.
<br /> Unless i.e.-tckr and Bor.rower othervrisr a�in writu►g.insurance praceods shall be appliea!co r�toration or:epair o�the ��__
<br /> p:opES:y damaged,lf the restorntion or repair is ecmnomically feasible and Lender's securiry is aat l�sened_ If the restoration or
<br /> `� re�r,ic ps nat economically feasible or Lender's sec�rity a�ould�c lessened.the insurance pro�eds�ha11 be applied to the sums �-.�,:
<br />�.`.' seau'�t�€��dris�rity Insava�nt. whether or aot then dae,ivith any excess paid to Eorrower. If Berrower a�ardons the �':::
<br /> �.5; prop�a_c�d,sES r_•ut answer within 30 days a avtice froffi L�der that t�e insurauc:e car.er has offezed te se�e a s"rim, then �
<br /> � [ender may �a'1sd�the insmanc�proc�ods. b.s�.�may i:sa the prooee,is co repair or czsto�e cas ��z� or re pay sums —_
<br /> secu�d by this 5ecwrity Its..�:W�v+hetf►er or a�2�e�►daa.The 30-day�p�iaud cvii!b�gin when�;.e a��ns gevazs.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bom�war otherwise ag:e in wrTM�ag, anY 2PPar�on of�r�e:Ls to �=.c�a? shati itc:a extend or
<br /> �•,,•-
<br /> • postpo�the due date or the csaatitlY Payments refer�d c�:�:pA��:is 1 and 2 cr r.'�ange ttce z�x�wst of th��}-ments- If --_-_-
<br /> under h 2Z she Pro �s red b I.ender,B�:�i��•er's ri �n an incnsance tiries aLrt� ceeds resulpn frc� , �'_.-:;
<br /> P��P PQi'sY� a�l� Y b� Y P� P� g frc _...
<br /> d�-na�e to the Pr�y prior to the acquisition s�U pass ta Z.�a�u� �r..�.�etent of the sums seaire��q this Security Instn�ncc� � �.:;
<br /> im�iately prIor to th�acquisition. ` . .
<br /> ".. .(�,;O�aPanCY.Preseivntfon,Matnten�nce und�t¢5�t�i�n of 4�P���ea�ty,Bc,tsr��c�t's I.aan Appi�taLfu��`:�6asetiolds. � . f;:_'
<br /> y �`.,,_
<br /> &.�er shall occupy.establ'�r,.aad ase the Froperty as�lvzroRer's principa!resid°crc��ndiin sixty days after tia&.��+caCUtion of :�r;=°==�
<br /> `. � this Security�ism�ment and s�9II"�cdntinue to occupy tirz�rn:rty as Bni►ower's gr".ae;pi�1 r¢side�sce far at lea��oroiz yea�r after �, • �=::_
<br /> r�i• •.� . tbe date of accup�new.unless�3.�i:r otheny%se��s�writing,whir�cnasent shall not be unr�as�9ty wi�hz�d.,or auile�
<br /> , � ��
<br /> �, . : :
<br /> .p��n�p� ��ce, � a•'�'ich a�v.�b�=nss3 Sorrawer's cont�r?.:�i�cower shall not de�i. �: or impair the
<br />,.'`�,. .
<br /> Prcp�aty.allow the Property t�n,�iet�riorn:�. ar s�;mmit aaste on the PropertY. Borrower shail be:1�:.W::t:��.Y forfeiture �fP
<br /> �zein�s ar proceeding,whe*��n�.�:csi.�ts�t�I,is begu��Aat in Lender's good faitb judgment cot�(d r����-�'�scn�of the �;::'�'-
<br /> ;.,`�... �=--
<br />;;:;�,;.. Prc�aerty+or o8ie�v?se�au.�^'.�'�"�,air the fi�n��e�b?r�Security��sEsvment or L.endei's set�r,er����.�s-T_�.o�uer m2p —���—�.�
<br />�;;;i's; . cUte su4fi a def�;�r�xr��,::ix.�provi��?.�ir���18:�y c�c�i�e z�xion ar proceeding trn�ba�ti�ani�,ss'�'rzr:3i a.tulin�: . � _i
<br /> ''�'`� • s�r, in Lender s���iJ:��c�e¢cmaination, �iudes fef.•��cf'cCs�..nver's interest in tii,cs;�^��s.ar�a5b�;materi��.
<br /> ;,:fr. : . , �..._�._
<br /> ,�ic•�r; .' �t oF the lien crea::t�=6y.this 5ecurity Instrum:;.2 a.'r.�der's sectuity in*er�,�, Boncower shafl a:s.�,r��i�.defautt if F_`_=;-.
<br /> ;:!;'�• IIac�wer,during th�laan app���on process,Save matcr,ai[��alse or inaccurato inf�m�t.t�ttion or statements to i�r(or failed ____
<br /> to provide i.ender wlth at►y material informxtion)In connecrion witU the laan evidenced by the Nate,iacluding.bctt not limited —_"-'
<br /> to,representarions conceming Ho�ro�ver's occupancy of the Fraperty s�.a a principal residence.If this Security Insuumer�t is on a ��� �'
<br /> leasehold, IIorrower shall wmpiy with ell the pzovisions of the tease. if Borrawer acqu'ues fe� tide to the Property. the
<br /> '�'� [easelta�ct and the fee tlt�e shall not merge unless L.ender ngees w the mesger in writing•
<br /> � 7.Pmta�ion of Lender's Itigi�W in the Property.If Bosrowcr fai[s tu perform the wvenanu and agreemenu contained in
<br /> � this Security Instniment;or there is a tegal proceedln�that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Praperty(auch as a �
<br /> ; prweed3ng in bun�uuptcy.probate. for condemn�tion or forfeiture os to enforce laws or regutationsD.then Len�er may dn and _��
<br /> � pay for vrhatever is netessary to prot�ct the value of the Pcoperry and Lender's righ3s in the Property. i..ender's actions may
<br /> inciaaie payring any swns seeurec! by a lie� which t►� pdority over this Security Instrument. aBpearing in court, paying __.
<br /> � reasuru�ic attarr�ys'f�es and entering an.tne Ptoperty to muke repai�s.Atthough Leader may��ke action undor iitis para�aph
<br /> 7.l.end�r does nothave ta do so. • =
<br /> �� Any sunnunts das6ursed 6y Letuier unQcr this parngraph ? shall 6ecorr� additionstl debt of Sorrawer sacured by this
<br /> ` � 5ecuriry Instrum�ttt.Unfess Borrower and Lendet agrce to other terms of payment.the�e amounts shali 6ear interest from tlte
<br /> • dntg of disbursement at Ne Nose raYe and shall be payabte, with interest,vpoa notice from L�nder to Barrower reques�g =
<br />' � f�7.�i:
<br /> . � �.Mortg9g�dn�urance.�f lcnder requin�d mortgage insuranpe as a cond'adon of making ehe Inan secnnd try this Securfty �:
<br /> .��� instrument. Borrower shall pay the p�miumg requirad to maintain the mnrtgage insurance in effeci. If. for any reason, tlie � �`
<br /> ' • ' mottgage insurance,ooverage required by Ler�der lapses or ceases to be ia�effect.Bonower shal!F,��the premiums required cks°;: --
<br /> '��,' obtain cover;ige substatu.ially equivalent to the�nortgage insurance grev2w�sly in effect,at a cost sufi�tantially equiv�lent to.the
<br /> � .}`}' cost to Burrower of the tnortgage insurance previousiy en effect, from m�altemate�rtgage insurer approuev ib;r Lender. If ---
<br /> �-;�� substantially equivalent mortgage insurause coverage is rwt avaitable,Barroae�r s�Ffi t�nr,�to l.er�er�ach mon�,.��'�mm eqnal to "-"'
<br />�,';;�;t on°r�twelfth of the yeazly mortgage insu�ax pteYnium being paid by L'aerswar wu�_�i:�sura��n;srage I�.��or ceased to —
<br /> 4.
<br />;..;.:;,F� be in effect.i.e.nder�viil atcept.use an�re�n5ese pAyments us a loss raserva in ci�w of mor��;agc c��r,�n.x�. Loss reserve
<br /> �.;:. t"i.amn8028 8l80 �:,;4;',
<br /> • Pa�s o!e a,`�';-.
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