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<br /> +3a. c�� r-..
<br /> r; �.ZS D��D i.s,� da��d and execute� this ��,_.,... +3 y s, �
<br /> I-�9:�,. " �s�n.�d.S. II�puet.� �uc�s�o� T�,twt�r�. .�n.d` �' -
<br /> -F�. �:. ; � t .vi�i�..��n '�h�vcliax� �'t;,;� �'�c.�rta . �,`' -
<br /> fF;,: , . �:��� : ����,�-��c^� S.�•� 1�a�: �F� '��x.ts � �
<br /> �E�ce�u�cr� �ee� .trT#�e::.�.�e�e�'w�t �r•ai.r�t .�3�r��.�. 15�c�r�d, . � ��i�;��..�. , �'_
<br /> ' I�?ehriag � ��;���:`��,f ��i•"r�t� �"il.�d.'�' 1��aa�.'"�a��b�x e� �� ���
<br /> � Islaad, Ideb��. ��s���.� ���Ro�d�' �?• II�u� �� T�vr�.tee� . � —
<br /> ,
<br /> k �� ,
<br /> �EAS, Truet��n �r va�,'r��1.� �aR��'� �.��;orde� �O � -:
<br /> � . eecure to Henefiaia� it�e g��+nt�c of ���:��i�-.ti�c3nsfc��t�ox�, :t�d 4`r;
<br /> �:`:�secute a Deed of Tzuet, wY�ic�`>f�ae filed� qr�.,.t$�s��ez 6, 298���:*'� � _
<br /> • ,;:`'ideatif�ed as Docuntezlt �No. 85-Q055S8. acs,~x�.+�,r�Yin9 �a �a'�'!�r� . . --
<br /> ;•� Truatee'� aucceeso�s cs� assigna, a e�xL-a3.n� j¢�ce1 of �al oe���.t� .:.:.:,.. : ;_�.
<br /> �:�:::�':::;_�.:. _
<br /> � described ia said De�` as followss �a-wi:t�: �:,�.{;.:;. .�=
<br /> . ` _,;` A tract of land comprieing the ear�Cc��:�� 'llt+to Hund.�ed 3'rae�y-�t�:�� . ';`��` ��.-_
<br /> : r y 'T"uent ei t (?!?��t;�'U� �, ;�. � , —_
<br /> :h�,� (226.0) feet of the saeaterl Ztao.,T£us�r��i Y" � • �;���:� � _
<br /> '`" feet o� Lot Si�rLc;en (16) and tha. �nistherly Tr�eaty-f�v�� �('7�'3�:ay ; ';;.'.s` . _�;
<br /> ,� ` ` feet of Let ,t�tsq�..f�e�n (9.7� , all�, i;u the Couaty 3ubd�.v►za$�'lsu o�.� r` ` �,: ,
<br />''�:, the W�9id��,;�� ���oa Fifteea� (15) . Tocroship Elev��.{�:�:3:�°;�o�L��f;;:;';;,.;,;;�. , = _-
<br />`:�,�� �`` g�nge ��Y�:�Sr�. ,(3}. •W�et of th� 6th P.M. in arana xei:a�d. �:,`.•: �-;
<br /> Countg;, I5'",i�raska. EXCE3�II�IG TA�RE�oivi a part of saic���7�rot � �
<br /> ;.'i x ` �ixteen (16l more p�cu�a�rly descri.�ed as fa2lo�ae:
<br /> ..� � . . �
<br />.;::;,::.. _
<br />'r"'.:` : B�gi.rming at a point oa the sauth 2ine of eaid �,ot 16, said =
<br /> g�aiat befng T�ao. t,2.0� fe�t east af the eouth�re�t� carrxe� of r
<br /> : �� oaid I�t 16; thence north�rly (as�um�d azimu�� OOoO�'). a �`-.
<br /> r�_°; " �
<br /> .:;;,,j . a�inCance of Eight�en and Fifty-foux I�uadredt�o t18.54) fe��_ to -.
<br /> ;;i�� : . � �.�,� �Plaa� o� beginning: tD�ence nor�herly, ���. OOnQO' .
<br />�i:;�tt' ."' a� .��aeance of S�ae d6.U�) feet: themc� ea3t�rly. a�m. 90o0t!', a , –
<br /> ,,r,�,5t�`.;;� -
<br /> cl3�stanc�.�of T�vo t2.0) f�et� theateE eou+thesly, azm. SEO�Q ,. a :__
<br /> � :�` ,� � � distan�:�;�f Six t6.i9j feQ�t: thence vreota�ly�, azm. 27aafl��' ,. a �
<br /> clietanc��:�f �a I2.a) E�.et ta tlae � place of begf�c►.ixi�,: � .
<br /> '�.````�� and �he $aid eam of money has been fu21y paid` to L�es�ef�.aialcy, ancl
<br />,......,:.
<br /> Een�ficiary I:��� �e�ueetec3 th.a� the e�tate aaave�c7 bf�the eaid�D�ed
<br /> o� Txus� te a`5���ceasflr Tru3ti'� in the aaid pxoperty hereinlsm�o�e �_
<br /> b;t .
<br /> �aaa�.3urx�ed and� cleac�ibed be n��r re2eased to ea��d Truators._ . ,��
<br /> � � �'HEl?.�FOFtE, the undereigned 3���nsor_ Truatee doe8 hereby ___
<br /> � release, convey and qni.tclaim e,:r1Go `$+�Y�c� ���ore al'1 right� title, � :._
<br /> � fnt�rest, alaim ancl demand cv;�"ssoever wbich Luccessor 2`ruatee h�d � ��.
<br />'��:.,k`,;.� : acc,�u3�ed in and thr.c�ugh the a«:�ve-deQCxibed De�:d �� T�uet. together =-._
<br /> Y��� �, witch a7.1 appurte��.rr.�fl and privil�Re the�eun'to belonging� or =
<br /> aa.�. apZ��.�ts:afning. � , . , . .,
<br />�i'��'nt� . .
<br /> ,�
<br /> , _
<br /> . . ��
<br /> . . 02fi�D 3. D .� SUCC� SOR TAIIST�E
<br /> ;, •�r�:. . _
<br /> ��F i . . -
<br />;;t;��i� STATE 0�' 2d�3DZ���i�d�� � �;-
<br /> .:i:;,: S8:
<br /> � CaUL3TY 0�' H�ErTa W
<br /> ,.' e f�oregoin DeQai of Recoaveyance v�ae acknowledgedl h�fore me '
<br /> ��� �� � on �.7����� ., by Ronald 8. Depuc:. Successor T�uetae. . _
<br /> �.�:,
<br /> '',��' f�Al��il�l(t3�11�4N�A�i1 t2�► Pu�l . _
<br /> _� ��E�a� '_
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