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• �fi�.. , , , . ' ' �rij.9ri�'•':t�f%f(`; T �..4 . �' •� '� , <br /> c - , � . , . � . . . .4 �.,. . �...'` - <br /> , . . ' . , t���� Y�� .H..' . � G�Y <br /> .K� _ ' _ <br /> -�,� �! _� <br />�.�`.t ��' ����� Rc]Y.-- <br /> IR�Y.._ <br /> •��,y ��-.:.` <br /> � 'Pf2�iEI'HER�°lPCH ait th�Improve��nts nom op he�eafter etwxad oa the progaiey.nnd a!3�t�unts.zPAurt2na�t'ceg•�d --- <br /> . fixtcues now ar her22fter a paat of the pm�t¢y. All rep2uceu�ents and �ition� shali alsa tse mvercd by tbis �esctzfey �'.�___ <br /> (r�trum.nt.Alt of the foregozng is ceferred to in this Ssxurity Iastium2n3 as d►e°ProPettY•' __ <br /> - �flRFtO"�itadt COV�NANTS Bu2t Borro�rsr is fatvfulty seis.e�af�sa esta�hem6-y rnnveyed�d has th�right ro�vnt tts� �_ <br /> convey the Frogerty und taai the Prope�y is ut�encamber�d,except for encarmbranoes of record_ �orrowcr�rarAmts a�wiit «°`-''` <br /> . defend geaer�:lty the titte to ahE PropertY s�s�inst nll daim��dzm�nds.subjesx to any encusnbrascces of�ora. �``.�° <br /> 'Y'HIS SEC�3Fti'TY INSTRUMEIV7'oamtlines unifnrm cpveu�nts for national use urtd Aan-unifur.n eavc�sanis witft timit�d �-.� <br /> vs�ri�ions by jurisdiction tb eonstitute a unitarm serur�.'y iflstrun:ent wvzring ceal prop�rty. .�= <br /> UNIF�1tFJ!COVENANTS.Bama�wra�end Lender covenant and agree as follows: —_ <br /> �. : 1. P�ymr�nt o?Ptiucfi�tl a� Intct�s'8: ��aymen3 and l.ste CE�aege9. Boaaav�er 4im11 }�rompdy pay when dt�c titc - --- <br /> ��� principsf of and iaietest on td�o deht evidenred by the Note and nay prepayment and late char�es due wider the NaLe. . ��=� <br /> 2.[bndx for Tm¢t�susd Iitcaman�. Subjeca to a�ifYCable !aw or to a wsit¢en wniver by t,ender. Bornawer shnlD pay to _ - <br /> [,endEr an the day montl►IY�Ymra►ts ate due under tl!e Note.urtti!tke I�fa�i�Fmd in full.a sum(°�runda")for.(a)Ye�r1Y texes �=--_ <br /> an�t�ss�c�hich mAy attain pranrity ovez tvis 5ecurity(nst�vmmt ae a Gen orr die Pro�t:rty:(9�)Ye:uly te�seitald jsnyments Nf"": <br /> � �u or�ru.�rtd rents an the Pt�} acry:(c)Yeariy hazard or pmp;ertY i�.,�ur�utce pr�eminens:(d)ye�riy flaad in.�ruraur�p�miums, <br /> if any:te)greariy martg� answance premiums. if ang:�d(fl �Y�s payab!$by Barrotiver t� i,snder, In acsardm�ce vrith _ <br /> '` � the}srovia�aa�ot pam�ra�h�.in lien of the gay�aert of caongage inswance premiums.l9ie�e iteu�;are pited"Escmw Item�." - - <br /> . . I,e��r ma�r, Et�y�im� c.olleat and hotd Furds in �a amount not to excee�the maaimusn etaouat a tender for a federalty �iY�' <br /> releipd martga�Easn may a�ire for Sorronrer's e�sc9ae accflnnt under ide fedelal Real F�tate�etdemmi Ftac,��ures Act of <br /> 19T� A�,d from time to time. 12 U.S.C.3ectian 2fs01 et se� (°RESPA°),unless anather�a�v that applies to th�Fua�is <br />',�'�::� .�€s.��less�gaaount� If so. I.eader mny. at any time,callec�s�fl T�1d fruads w pn ajnaunt nat w exc�d the les�xr amaun�. -_-_ <br /> �r�.�imate the a..snount of Funds due on ths F�of�eas daw an�cm�oru�ble estimatrs of expendItums of fntare -- <br /> Bssrrrvr L�s a�s ott�;; in accor�anoe wish ppplicable law. - -== <br /> . '�L��ds shal4 Be tzeld in an iast�itution wfiose degosits�insu�d !�� a fed�al agency, insimmemafity, or entity =_ =- <br /> •;;.;: �iu�di!'�I[�der.if I.eader is such aa institution)or in any Fe�..,�ail I�me Loan Bank.Lender shail appJy ths Funds to pay tise ---_- <br /> �semw ft�s.Lender rAtay rcot c�arge Borrower for holding a�t�in$the F�nds,annually annfyzing the esaaw aa�owu,or —.•- <br /> a <br />:�°'{": �ritying the Escrov�It�ns. unless Iender pays Bonower intec�va the Fnnds arcd apgl�cable la�v g�zrmats Lend�r to make sach __. <br /> a ctjarge.However,l.ender may m,quire EorroMer to H�g a one-time charge far an in�cpend�nt�a1 essate w�[regotdn�sezvioe �. <br /> nsed by I�eader in opnne�ion wieh this loan, anle�s t�lu�ble law provides othesw3se. Untess an agreQmeni is made or , �. <br /> applicable taw requires interPSt ta Ge paid.I.eades sh�ll nn3 be reqaired to pay�orrower azry interest or eamin�an ti�e Fm�s. '�'�' <br />:;��t��� Sormaer and I.cnder may agr�e iu�vriting.however,th�3:i��s4 shaU be paid on ttee Fa�eds.I.ender shall give to Borraw�r, __ <br /> . . witliva4 cf�au�e.aa annaal a��m3in�off t�ts Fnnds. s'�ow3ng��s and debiu to tla�Pnnds and the pur�wse for v�tcisb��ach <br /> pur <br /> �: debit w Pi�:l�nds was�t�7�e Fuuds arg pleci�e.��:as:zdditional security fua E�R�:�ts secured by tia�s Sec�zgy Insuvmc�: . �. <br /> . :� If ttrel�nds he3ti�bq L�.ender axo�d ths amo:��;:-�mitted to be tretd by�:"a�Ie lau.l.ens2..^r shuli�c:na:arei to Ei�marer ;.�`� <br /> for the e�dt�Fun�s in accardance with the reqniie�s=..mts of ap ai�,c�bts law. If�3i�amnuat of t�e k7unds he"��j Csy 3�L�'a�a� <br /> time is na�i:sp��r•i�nt W pay thz Fssrow It2ms tivhen due,Lea��_��.so notify Horrower in tvritics�,and,in�ch�Jt'�`�ver =_- <br /> sha11 pay'to•I�err th:amavnt�sary ta make u�thz defi�nr�. Bosrower sbaU make up t�e dxficier� no mi:�'cban �• <br /> :. twelve moruhly payments,at Izy-�der's soi�discrc�c�ar. . . � �, �. � <br /> � Uport�yuyt�st in full of all sum3 soatted tsg�.t��SECUtity Instrumeni. L�.�r shall promptly refur�to�Botmwet aay <br /> , ` �'u�s,het�l.biy.L�rWer.If.under�rt�a,�ti 21�1�«�'�z�shal�acq^^,.��r sell the Property.Ler�deY,Prior to the aoquisition es s.�ie � <br /> �of the P-z+�x�y,siiail appIy aay F�.�•1u��1 by Le�r at Ws ti�-s���zecqnisi6on ar sate as�r rx�;i�agaiaut the sum9 sc�c�i try . <br /> `this 5eda�f��Jmuum�x►t. � � ,° �� <br /> � 3.Ap�►1i�flun a^1P��rnt�ts.Unless applis�.�'�i+aw provides ot�erwise,=�19���m�ents received'by�der nnder gaYagiapt�,,;:+:;+,�..',:��-is';{ <br /> �����2'shall be ]4�ifii t#rst;to a�l pi+epaymcr.�rdfi�w�;es dae under the riinrz:;sc�sornd,to amounts payabte urd2r h 2: ;' '.�;,,.�,.K4,,:;,� <br /> aPP 1�S�D . �,',,�,••;�-, <br /> �.. .. tliird,ta�nter�.�t principal due;acsd i�:;,4o any l��,h�r�es dae�uader the Note. �, <br /> q•,;�'�ges;Ydens.Borra�re¢shall pay al!taxes•.assessme��;.r,3�arges.fines and imposi6ons auributable to tht Ptopetty . . � <br /> ... wlu x; . ,:��utain rinri over this Security Usuu:�t. and[crt�.r�h"�4d nts ar nd rents. if an . l�r�rror�er sEv�'i1 PaY �-a" <br /> c4},�' . P �Y rtr PaYm� Sm� Y <br /> ',thrae��,�auoas in the maaner pmvided in parag�l�:�,oz if no�`�aid in that manner. Boaower shall pay them oa Nvae di�eGtly. � <br /> " : `�:fo the person owod Yxiyment.Barrower sha1l pro��i��c-kamish�w l.ender all nodces of aroounts to be pald ander t�s paragiagh: � <br /> . :,;If Horrawer malces these payments ditectiy.Borrorver sha�1 Pre'm�;�»y fumisri to Lender uceipts evidencing die p3yments. � � <br /> f.�3��i:e�wer sAall,prampity disclr�r��any lien wluch has��iamcc��ver this Secariry Ia��tnias�nt untess Borrowe�:(a)agees ia� <br /> � vvriti.; ;u;r'ti4�e meat of t6e oQsli Yu secured b the lier�ia;cu rsta;s,ner a taDle to��1,is)s�ontests in s!fait�i the lien ��'— <br />