..�.. ... �. � �;. . . , , .. . �. �. 'I ' . rr��f,a�.�.4'•-.���,�` ' __ _ "t(. `
<br /> :y � ¢? � .
<br /> � ��V��;�Llj�la 1 � �::;�_
<br /> �;a, rs�:.
<br /> .,.ar��:
<br /> . payaen�s may no longer be Yequisad,Pt the a�E�af Y.en�es.if ma�3e in�cc�eerage(�the tu�e�uat a�d f�z t�1e�iod ��;,:�;_
<br /> rhaa I��a reqafres)grovid°d bY an ins�u�gF�eed by Ler.dea a��seme�av�ifabt�nn�Is obmiaed.Bmmwe�gball pay[�s •-��?�
<br /> pneminxns r2qu�d ro�in�aia mo�,ge insetta�cc in effc;�t.�tn pr�vtdai n Euss�scsv0.nndl fho r�uireme.�t foi atort��e .j�p
<br /> � in�utance�s ir►accardmnoa wIih aay ciriuen e�e�t balraesm Eorcoa�t an�i.�!Qcr at ep�llcabte�Sw.
<br /> ��� 9.�sy�ctIaa. Lertidea or its aa�t Ynay malree reawnabIs cns�te�ugoa�nd i��ctlons of the Proga�ly.Len�r s�ari give
<br /> _ Boirowcz notise at�e tian.of ar prior w ea lns�e�tin�spECifYln�y raa:o�bfa c�ase[or Uta ins,�ectbn. ;
<br /> - 10.Coudemna¢Y��. The�mcceds of e�y nward or c�fat d�mu�cs.disesi ot cansequ�t�, ia ca�me�iim wirh any
<br /> . condemnati�n or ot�ea Ys�3dag of any gat2 of tho Ptop�taty.or far onnvr,yanc�t� !kn of cas�demna�ian�ur h�by s�gued�d .�.;�
<br /> shaIl be paid w Lender.
<br /> - In tIIe eveat of a mbl ta3aing of the Propaty,t�e grocecQs shnll ba a�tiad t��te suma s.csurc�by at�us 3e�rir,+��menL ,
<br /> whr,�er ar aos tben due.witb eny excess pa1A cv Ba�wea.In tho evcnt a�u�isr�i�l taSting oY lfito Frt�sta�ty it�wbic:�dta frar market
<br /> vaIne of the Pmperty;�,mp�±�sly 6efore t�e taYing is equgl to ar��titW-�tt��s�r�i at ths��es!6,r d�►�es�i3y - _
<br /> Instram�nt '�ately �ara the taYing,uaksa BamovrEr and I.end�r alSter�ut�a agte.� fa� cvriting,tt�stsmE ssc�ed 6;+ th'ss Sfr
<br /> -.�.�� Secrsiry In..��t sh�l be ted�d by the ernouat of ti�{zsaree�muIdnticc4 by the falor�ing fresttna:(s��musi emauata� ���:��:`
<br /> immQd;9r�t bef�th�te.tinB,divids�by(b)titc fi�r m�ftot vaiao oY tho t�iup�tty imme�at�ly bd�m rI� r�c>:,:.
<br />,.`�, tP�z sums secu�d� Y —
<br /> . . �g.Any bsiaate shall t�e paid w�arrower.In thx aveat af a p�ol m�lt�g aP Qm t=tcg�a3y In whtch 4tte fafr market velue of the
<br /> i�j� imrnediarelY befara the ta3cmg is less than thE emuvat of�ha a� r►:turc3d im �+�y b�fana tP�a t�g, � __
<br /> � �ar�d L��u ath�avl5e a�e in wr�ting ar untess appllcshle law athmwim��vf�e�.tha Dr�eeed.v chgU be epplied t�t$e ___
<br />':J� ���!y d7�.9 SCCI1IItSi I119INffi�i12�JkCt�l�07 QOt tLL 6t1ID9 AYE I�IEQ QUQ. r,
<br /> --_-- � "��9Qe Pcageny is abaado�by Baamwer,ar if.aft�tt a�tieo by Lendcrt tn Ffurrawttr thei ctta can�er�oifcrs w make en �,=i-
<br /> :--..� e __._...
<br />-�s�?r` �ws�d or stttle a ciala�for dara�ges,Baaower f�7s to raspond to Laader wid�fn 30 dap�s aftar�s�d�:o�notise 1�givm,Laztd� °�
<br />'"`��� ��eorized ro oollECt and sppiy the psoc�ds,�t irs op�on.eit�►er w rc.swr�ufaa ar rop�fr ae t�s�tCpesry ar to�s�.mas e�e�
<br /> t �;.,~_
<br /> 's` in mes+ ��OI IIpt ihCII dIIC. -
<br /> < ' itli3$�1 atr�_ L.
<br /> f�';_ � Uale�L�ad�r aad�arrower oth�wi�xi agnee in w�idng�any applicasiaa of pPacee�w y�{nct�l sh�i aot extend ar po�pann Y��'
<br />--_`"�--' d:e dus dav'r��t�e montb2y paylaa�ts rafeirrd to ia p�ag�phs 1 and 2 or ctuusge Ghe u�awat of s�c!►W+3'�n•
<br /> YM '
<br />:�f.,�-�- iL Borr�ae�r Nat Y�eiease6t Fo�e�eancs giy LeadPr FiIn2 u W�[�te Eatr�iva aF Yha tt�fat�y�tp3 ar modi�tlan, �:;�
<br /> of araart�ation of the svms secmed by tAi9 Secwdty�ns�unrgt geantcd by Lensar to aug Fucoes�r In Er�tcrest o�Boaaawer olwll� �f'•:, '
<br /> IIot aperafe to rel�ase the lfiab�iry of tba azi�inal Ba�w�r ar BoROVrer's su �° r�fn inunes2l.end�x sh�d�at Da requiae�c� ' �,,r,.,
<br /> ���p F�Ba�t any succe�nr in�nterest ar mSvsc tu extr.nd dme for paymaat ar othecwt9e modlty�na�4izatt�oE -. �:,
<br /> `' the sUms ser�azd 6y this 5ecuriry Insaumcros by reason of any demarid mndo�y tha a�igbt�l Ba�xawe�or B��et'o zuoc�am
<br /> tmar
<br /> .r�," in inere,ct Any fmtaearauce by I,eades in exercIsIng sny rlght or reu�edy etwU aot�e a a�ivst af ar�i�cclu�ti th3�tctcLa oY my� '����'`'
<br /> ` �toir«nedq. :-��``�
<br /> �.' , 12.Smccrssors aad Assigas Boand,dat�and Several i.fsbIIityi�era Tbe w��caaaW ats� �oetne+�m di t�ia _
<br /> SVcurity Ins�t shaIl b�d and beaaefit the saocessom and auigns of l.enQer aaB 9arow�s.sub{�t�t t�ttto A�ovi�io�of
<br />,V��,;,.�t gara�h I.�. 13�rawFS's ooveAanis and a�ee�eata shall be jol�t wntt sovc�nl. Aay B�rraw�wtim ca�a thls Seeur��r `�
<br />;,,�,�f�, �nsuaatc�et Tz�r3oes nat execute the N�t,�(a)ia ca•signi�►g tbis SexxuFty�IusCr�raemt octTy to aAa[t�a.Btstlt at�caivoy Qfat --
<br /> ��,. �orm�ra's�rest in tbe Prage�y uudrs tbe tamn of thls Sec��y In�uma►t;(b)is aa1�aersa�alIy a�lig�:z�to fP�Y�� �-_
<br /> ��° sxured by tiils Sec�r�In€umnea�e�uD(c)agarus►�t Lc�d�aad suy o�her Eoaawu may�gree w eaq�d�m�L°Y.fa�be�z a �..,,-
<br /> , :�; usoke r�ry a�ama¢adaticfng aith regmxl w the tzrms of tbts Stxvnity U�sDrument or tha Nete wi@wut tIwt�xOwts'N Cavent =_
<br /> �� � 13.L4am L'�rges. If t�e laeu seca�d hy tDis SecurIt}r Inswment is subja�m o taw wh3cb 4�to m�(r►iun Looa'�ct��;�i. .�..
<br /> � ��, and t�at iaw i�f�ally inn�preted so that the�nt�est as other loan chargcs coliected os w bo caticcttu3 ta causact�On wtd�Itk�toan --_
<br /> '�; �cceed the garm€r�r,d I�m'sra,tice�:ta)any s¢ch Wan chaege sbaU be�ceQaceA by tho amaunt aoceqmY to ct�uco tho eA�rae co tho
<br /> ' . ,�� �ermitud 11mifi cnd @)aiey swns�ady colt�cted fram Bonawu which excoel�ed prr�tuod IlmifA wlll6o cofiu�ded W Bareflwea. _ ,..
<br /> `�;i; Ti.i�.,nMi may ctaoosa co malce tbia nfuad by reducin�the�cIp�Y owed w�d�u tl�e Nete or Dy rtykin�a dlroct qytrtcatii to
<br />,���'!` �nrr°wer.Yf a nefun@ reduces FrtnciPal,t�e reducti�n will isa tr�u�d eu a Paidal prepaYment�ltha�t�ny pt�y�ynte�lt efasrgo _-_-
<br /> ,..� ttr�der Q1e N�: _--
<br /> U.Na�.,�ay na6�e w Bo:mwer pmvided far ln this Socuniry Inswnse�at eh�116o glvd�by Qeilvett��it or by m�il4t�it
<br /> �x.�:.:
<br /> .. ' by�t cl�i�1:rmlr��3�bIa 1aw re�teires as of anntlter mctbad.The notloa stw�U 6o ditectCO to tbo P�+Dporty A�60tc�ot �c_:�r.-
<br /> � . ;, aay otts�r e��ra�cksignares tiy aodce m La�da.Any nodae t�Lea�a shail ba aiven by[irat eias�mW a t�Gar'� F�: .:;
<br /> . _�:i. mddress s�terY�xuc��r IIay aa�sr addre�v I.enaes�6y noBca to sorroarer Any at�3e�pcavWaa fa�N Ihto St,�wtty �•.;,
<br /> . Insmuaeat sfiB�Jt ibe dc�aeG w 6ave baa given to Bamawer or Leader ahen givea u psovided in tbi�puagript� --
<br /> ! 19.Gov�g L�w:Sevc�abfiity. ltis Sccuriry tastra�ent stu�U �e govemed by [edcral l�w w�f11 Iho fsw ot tAe �a�:
<br /> .. . �� Zurisdicdan 9n whicb the Property is Ia�red.In tao event that�y pravlskn os ciause of thla Security Itu�ment at Ibe Noio �. `�:
<br /> �. � cbrdiicts wit�appl�cable 1aw.snch canflict shaU not effect other pmvlviot�of ohls Secud4y InstrW�t ot tho NatO whiC1►cw bo
<br /> '' �. giv�effc����oat the oonft�cdng provL�on.To this end tfiio ttroft4iann of this Seauity Lnsuua'�t and ttto N@to�o Qxlared to �--�-
<br /> ,:,'�� �' be siwetsUi�.
<br /> ��
<br /> .,� :_e
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