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<br />° �D[3�sl�ifiR�lll'IH aili ette impma�n�w ur l�eaeafter eaected on dta PI'mPr�tY.and all�ea�ts,apPact�u�es.snd
<br />�,,'' '�� �rz�s��►or k�fte�r a p�t of t�e pra�any.:�l r�:pl�ce�ts s�2dditiaas st�U nl�o bs cov�by td�is S�u�i�g►In..�am�a� � -
<br /> 3
<br /> Ail oY t�e Yaa�a03txg Is a�xf�d w�a t?�S�ity Ins�me.ni�s the°prog�y°
<br /> BORROWSItt COVENAN'FS 8�t Baaaw�s is lawfally s�sed of the e�taio hereby wnveyed and has the rig4t tcy giunt and
<br />,;:.' canvty ttr2 PmyereY md tha�the Pmp�;,rey i�ucencnmbaed,except for ear.�mbranas of recozd.B�mv�ea vrauants�nd r,�l �
<br /> c}efqd gea,2�tsiliY t�s Iit2�w t�e Fco�.°rly�inst ali claims�uzd dt�ds.subj�c u►any e�cumbrances of�card
<br /> . ' THIS S�C[�3Ti'Y INSIRUI�I�IdT oombiu�a unifolm voveu�ts for naticmal ase aad Qon-unifann eovenants witm Tim'ited
<br />` . vsr�aflons by�to con�ti�oe a�mif�m sec�rity insaumeat covaimg rral piopeaey. , .
<br /> U;V�RM L�DYB3+IANPi'S.Barmar�r aad Lendea covc�t ead�ee as foUows:
<br />�: 1.F1�ya�ent c��iact�a!rind Iestere�3:E�symeni asi�i I.aYe Ch�rges. Boaowe,r shall F�P�Y Fay whQn due the .
<br /> - p:ine,�t�of md interese on t$s debt evld�isy�e Nate and any piepayme�nt and late chsrges d�e nndPa¢he Nate. .
<br /> t,Ft�ndn tor'b'�c��tnd Hasar�uce. Sub�eci tn sppiicab;e lacr or to a written waivea by I.enda, Basro�v�r shail puy m „�.::
<br />;,�r�:. Iender on�e ds�y monEhlY PaY��sm due an�the Note.ant�l the Note is paid in fa1l.s su�n("Flmds`�far.(a3 Y�3'�� -�_.
<br /> , .` smg n���x�►ts wbIch may ai�in griality over tt�3s S�yr Ins�+n�ent as a lieu o�the Prograty;(b)Ye�iy 1ea�huld ps►yrcients
<br />• . or gmund�nta an the Prop�ty.if any:(c)y�y nmara or pmpercy��iams;(�year�y�od ir,�a�a�pr�aiums,i� ',_,'
<br /> aa9;(�)Y�Y��ASe�P�nu�,ff say;and f�snY�PaYable by B�nrer w Lea►der,sn accord��e witb the �::_:_
<br />�'z;.s p�vi�ans of pt�ag8ph 8, in lieu of d�e payment of martgage ms�ance pr�miams.1hr�e ite�.s are calZed"F�a�aw Ite�.° ��
<br /> . Leader mny,ai tu�y time,oollect aad h�Id Fiusds m�amount nat to exe�t�e maximum amount a kndgr fas a fed�saLly r81.� �'°�-"
<br />, .,,,:`., ��__-
<br />__ �;`•� ucurtgage lo�n may re�Ce for B�owes's esaow�000mit imder the fed�!�1 Es�te Seule�e�i PmceQmes A�t of 1934� . . �-�.-
<br /> amzadai f�eam ti�tn time.12 U.�.C.Secdon?b0I et sr.q. ("RESPA'7,�aanthe3 law that agpli.es w dte FandS s����. �.��
<br /> � amount if so.I.eader may.at any tim�coIlect and holt1 F�ds in an�o�mt nai to exceed ihe�a�onat Y.�i�l,�s�za�t �-�;�`,
<br /> e,�timate t8e asnova�t of Fm►d�dae an the basis of amheat daa�.�m3��»�'� �unates of e�diuues of fudue F:�re��s az �'��'.
<br /> , athersvise m aocarc�ce�v�h appli�cabls?aw. � . E-_--
<br /> 1hs Faads shaII be Gdd ia en�wC��3tase dsposiis are in.amEd��fe�rsal agea�cy.in..�t�umentatilY.o:en�tY��` :. �;,�
<br />, - . 1.eaaa,if I�eader is sacb an in�n}Qr i:i any Fedaal Home Loan�aak I,e�da sball apply the Fands to pa�aQns�..'�'isw �
<br /> Iterns.LeaGer may noi c�arge Bc�xer for ho2d'nsg and apPlyang the Fmds.annaallY anaiYztng tha e�aaw accaufft,c�v�ing �`r'-
<br />- the Bscaow Itetns.unl�ss Lea�gays Baaower inter�st on tha Foud9 aad a�pliqble daw pesmits Leadea tn mab�e su�'�a x�arg�. �"�_`�-
<br /> ii:4.':
<br /> �. However.I.eader a�aq ieqirire Boaower w pay a anerdme charge far�ilt��deut real esta7e 9ax zepmaiag s�vec�t�'c�r . _ _
<br />: .,}�'. Le�der in c�nnertion wirh t�is I�m,aaless applirab2e law gsovtdes o�xa:c�.Un1�an agre�t is m�tte ar agplis�bia i�i ,`.�
<br />._� nequaes InL�cest o�be g�aid.Le�der sha11 aat be reqnired w�ay Barrorrr�say mt�est or eamings on the Faads.Ba��rer�� � .
<br />' I.�der mas►ag�ee in writia8,4awave�@�ai msaegt sha116e pr�an the F�mds Leader shall give to Barao�wer,wbhuat ci�rge.aA . ��_::�
<br /> ".�.;.. : snuuai axa�6ag of tLe Pand�,shawmg aedits and debits to the Funds and tbe parpose fa�r which each debit to the Funds was
<br /> �-_-
<br />_ �.�;� �de.The F�ds�sa gledged a9 addidunal s�arIty for all sams�by this SecasIty tnst�m�t �{:,;
<br /> ..r> If the Fimds�fl tey Leader axc+exd the amounts peamiVed to be held�j e�Splic2ble lnw,I.eudcr abaII erco�t m�axrawer far : ':. ,
<br /> tho�oe�Fmds in acnnadauce�vitb the�eqnhe�r�tts oi appiicable law.If she amommt of t�e�muLv held by Leuder at mty dme� .'`'� �""
<br /> ' nat s�ffrci�t to p�y the Hs�rn�v d�rAS wheu due.Len�may so natify Bonowe�m wr'.�3�,Bnd,in sach case Bottacver shaII� " �r,�.:.
<br /> ' ta 1�..'�the araotmt aecessai�t�malce ug the de�cieucy. Bnnowe�r�1 madce try rQ�defici�atcy Ia nu mute O�n twatve -
<br /> . : ;._ �5"DaY�is,at Leader's sole dise�tion.
<br /> _ UDan paYmmt m fun of all smns secared by this Secarity Instrrmnea��3rr shall Pmn►PitY sef�'�,�Buaow�any�
<br /> � . held by Leader.I�tmder pa�gra�21,1 euder shall acqau�a or sell tbe Pmperty.Leader,Prior tn the acq�itian��Se af the ��.�
<br /> . ProDe�tY.st�atl appty eny FamQs tc�1d by Lender at the dffie of ecqui�tion or eale as a crrdii against the s�s�d by th�a
<br /> S�uritS►Instrnmeax �;._
<br /> . 3.AppiicfttMon W Paymenta Unlesg appl�cable�aw�vides othuwlse.all paym�tv received by Leuder and�r pa�g�h� � - -
<br /> � � 1 �d 2 sban be rapp�:6rs�,to aaY R�Y�t ct�arges dae andet�e A+Z�c�secanA.to amwmts payab3e ander patagta�b�;
<br /> ;�.."�, d�d�W inte�st d�x fmurth,..�rgni�tDal dt�aad 1ast.tfl any late charges dt�a rmder the Noto. -
<br /> 4.C6av�e�t I.de�.,.Bo�C�rr.�r shaU pay ell ta�ces►assessmewts.c�arge�.�nes aaaf impasltions a�ablc w��tapaty
<br /> �._ � w1��nny amin prioriW��`' ry Insuumenb�d kaselmld yay�ar g�a�at�,�zut4.�f ar►Y•Bazr�wer si',�l�Y tt� �'
<br /> . � obligatiwis 3n the m�ner pmviQea m para�aph 2��if aot p�i�d in d�at�anurr.BoQavi�sbaTl pay t�an time�1y b tbe �.-
<br /> ` �' �ZSOiI O w C d p3ymEUL BrusOwEr s f i e l l pmmp t Iy f p q a i s t�to I�e a d e s�3 1�citiax5 O f BmOUnts tD b e p8i�!i F m d C r t�i 9 p a t a g�a p h.I f --
<br /> :. .�...� Bur�+nwer maica9 fhese paymeats dir�ctly.Baim�+cr shall pmmptiy firmis'�wl�ndes recapts aviGmCi�g ttie paymcntv. l.�;
<br /> .' :� Ba�rower shail A�3�Y di�rge any lim which 6as�atity over�ds Soauity Insuume�t anlESS Barmwa:(a)a�grees in "=`-
<br /> � writing to the yaymeat of ttie abligauon secured by the tiea nn��ace�pn,ble m Leadz+r;N)oonte�3a in good faith the liea �•
<br /> � ..� � � Dy.ar defeads against eAforcemersi of the ti� 1n, 1�Sa1 p�+�ecdings a�ich in tlse Lender's oDlnian operate ta�pr�veat the
<br /> enfarcemeat of!�lh�:or(c)secaues from�a�nolder of tLe lieu ao a�ament satissfacwry to l.euder snbardivating t�e liea w ,`a
<br /> �: � fac �
<br /> .. �.�:,, '. thiv S�utity I�.�f I.cades Qeterm�n�a�t aa of the�ra us sub
<br /> th q Y P'� D�'� � k�to a liea wh3c��ay attain priariry ava this r,
<br /> :`.,,.; � ` Sac�lry Instn�menf.I�ndzs�i lRve Barrawv a rotica id�ying the tien.Bomawa shall satisfy tne lien vr take�me as mure �"s..
<br /> :�< �,`:� of the acdans setfactb�bav��arltlsia lOdaysaf the�ngQ€m�ra�. . --V�..
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