� �.��"°����� _
<br />''''R'>: 17. YP893�rvf m��14`� E��b98� 07 8 86liS�CIP.� (114tSYE�3 I[! BSfIOt}I�3 n aU rx er,y psrt ot the c'�'ropeny a� _
<br />. , • �us�I�tere.,,�t iss d!s actd ar transtarred(ar H e b.ne�cW GrtsreSt In 8arroduEr Is sa'd or transtatid arsd Barrati�rcr Is not a nCbure4 _
<br /> . per::anj v�s4Aaut LErtd=r's prlar vm'iWa consent. Lend;a mayAt ib opUnn, requ're[mmed'ato paym2rtt In fuil of r�sums secur2d by =
<br /> �' thts&:cudiy tnatrtuner�4. Howe+rer,this op'�on sha0 not bv exercised by Lenrl�U ex�cisa is profiihft�d Dy tcderril 6�ri ns ot tAa �
<br /> �.
<br /> ` Qaie ot thi�SewrEty tn�hum�nl. -.
<br />.-`��,": II lzndEr exercUes thls op!!on,tend�r shaB{;ivo 8orro:ver nolee oi aeeElera�an. Tha rtaUce aAaO pravf�a a pedod of not �=
<br />� •'"' tesc than FO days irozn Me dste tha n�Sca (s de�retec! or ma�ad v�3thfn whiefi @orrovrer must pay al srms seeured by U►ls "
<br /> � Securiry Instrumertt.8 Bortower fslls to ps:y thESe sums pfiar to the exp!rat:on ot t�is pertod. Leidv mai invata�any�.�ne�tes E-
<br /> petmttt¢d By thia Sscurity lastrurrtent wtthoL�t furit�er rto�ce or d�naad on �otro�KSr. `
<br /> 19. QA��'�l��'D G'ld�9i2 f0 F�616ifl2£130. l! BorravreT mesls e�rte!n cond#ans. �arrower st►a0 have the rlght to have =
<br /> enterce,�rt af this�scurity Inshumerrt discorsto�ued nt any time pdor to the earRei ef. (a) 5 days (or such ot�er�o2dod as �
<br />;_��. appL�bie!ew may spe�city tor rttnstat�r,2nt)betoro salo ot the Propefty pursuant to eny power ot safe eareta;ned In this S2csiriry '_
<br /> ins4tumen� or(b2 entry of a judgmeM errtc�rcing tPsls Seeurity(nstrum^n� Those cendiUons are thai Barrower:(a) pays LenQer sll =
<br /> � surt�which then vraut�be due under tht�3ecurfty tnstrument and Uw S�tote as ff no aeceisra�on had aecurt�d: (b) cures t�ny _
<br /> dfauft ot arry oth�r covenaret or agceem�n?s: (c)pays af e:�znses tneurred fn gnforang Y�tis Securi3y trisUt�rnai3, �ctud�g. �ut
<br /> ;:,�.�,!,; nat Cm:ted to,reasonahto attomsys'teas: end (t�takes such acUon as tander may reasortabty requ�e to assure thai Lhe Osr+ of _
<br /> this Securiry tnatrumen� tkride�s dg�ts in Lho Properry and BorraweYs oEBqution to pay the sums secured by this Seeurity �
<br /> Inctrument sha9 conUnue unchanged. Upcn re(nstatmnen4 by Borrawer. this °ecurfty fnatnament and the obQgaUons secured -
<br />��7;.°:", hareby sheU rematn tuf�y eflecthe as ff no aceeeratton had accurred. Hn�vever,U►Is rlgtt!ta relnstate shail not�pty 1n the ea3e =
<br />'_;};,{y; ot acceteraUon under�ar¢gruph 17. "-
<br /> 1%:s;' 98. S�A �3 Q�I�'ID; Gt��,a � L�rs C�sov�a.TYie Noto ar a 8 p2t��1 int¢m.st fri the Note(together�ith thl9 _
<br />�"����r' Ssruriq►tnabumant)may 6o sahi aRe or more t(mes wilhout prfar.natir.e to Bcrc�x�r A ss:e ms.y resuft in a char�ge tn the entityr
<br />:_h��j (knni�r►aa tko 'laan 3eivicer')ttirt c��ects monUily paymmrts dun crr.r�er the t�c��d titls�riry Instrumsnl 'there aiso may -
<br />___=^::�;�4 be ac�ar more cAa:r.gen ot tha ?..ran 3anrtcer unrela4ed m a r,�e ot the �lstr� �there `�a chartge oi the Loan Senricer, _
<br />--__="� Borrowet wL�Ca ��r,��tert naitce o1 the change in gcr:ordance�v�th patac,�tf,r s�3 abova and appl;cabte taw. The naUee MfiU _
<br /> ..�^+x:�.K��
<br /> = affite the namo�:c9�tttT��.ss nf the new Laan Servlcer�d the address tn wh's�n.*,�y^en4s sho,�id be mada The noUce vRU etso =
<br /> --;;V contain any otfier L�4ohra6on cEqu!red h}►aPPUcabte tav�.
<br /> - 20. F1�rilCU8 S11mSt�G99. Bortmver shaD rto4�se or pennit tT�e�ance, irs�dfsposel, storage,or�eleace ot � ;.
<br /> _-- ersy Harardaus Substances on or fi the Property. Barrow�r shaU not do,nar aCcsv anyone else to do, anything aNecting the ' _
<br />- - Properly that is Irt vlo�a�n o!rnng�,viranrrentnl lBw. The preceding two s�aes sha� not opF�y to tha y�sence,use, or -.
<br /> storage on the Prcspe�?ty at sma's A�mmSdes of Ha�rdous Substances•that ere yT�.�szrally recognlzed to bo r��tate ta nnamal
<br />� ��°_, . resfdenttal uses aztr�to mamtena�az ot the Propt��t[.
<br />=_ie.f,! :�raawer sfia0 promptty ghr� tsnder Ytrfiten notice of r��_§svesUgaUon, clatrr►, demand, lawsu(t or other aeilon tiyr;�y =
<br /> °--_ gmtemT►nemal or reg�latary egenc+>or prtvate party InvoNing tho�etty and any Hazerdous Sub^tanee or EnvUonmentN la'+v af _
<br />;.f=�°'� whtch Batrower has eew� kr.c�rRacf�a N Borm�rer teams, or ds�r�otified by any govemmerttal or cegufatory au4ho�ty,that any .
<br /> �� remwa] or ofher ca�s�ado� cs3 anyr Hazardous Substenee aft�eting Property ia neeessary. Bortower sfia� pramplty tatca ail
<br /> necsssary remed:�7 a�tions in eaaardanca wfth EmironmerMai Law. -
<br />�` `� ps used in�h}s par•e�,1 2II,'Wazardous Substances' are thoss Bubstanees de(Ined as toxtc or hezardaus suisstancss by
<br />=== Ea��ranmer�f lsw �and ir� 7�liu�rt� subsiancea: gasoUne, kerosene, other tlammabte or twdc p�troteum pro�ct9, toxlc _
<br /> -����%� pesUcldes and h�ctdas,vst�,7a�dhrertts,matedals wntatning usbestos ar tormaidehyde,end radtoaaWe materials. Ass ased 6n _
<br />:��;: �
<br /> ,,,,�}� paua�stpA 20. 'Ecamerimer,tei Lsnr'means tedaral Iaws and lar+s of the jurlsdiettan where the Propertyt t�tocated thai re(ate to
<br /> , heafth,satety or cr.��horrmenta!protactlon.
<br /> � NON�UNIFOA(���'DVfI�lAMS.Bortorver and i�arc.er 4urther covenant and�;mae as filaws: -
<br /> ,:�.:�.j 21. Accafora42�aa; Ra..�,a�lt�. Lsn�4ar shalB �iva n�tdcr to Borrc+»-�s pr1�r to accol��rs�ra
<br /> ;r'.'�� �iollowing fla�c��sr:e�s br¢�!a o'�t ar+y coveflant � mgreemor�� tn th9d 5atvrify Instrum�nt ��u4 a�xdt
<br />`�` �� '� pe�or 40 8c�e9�t��a �aadsr Qar�gri�p4� 17 u�etes�'appltcn�?o Saw pro�vl�0a oth�rwiss). Y�a nc�a�
<br /> ahati Rp�r��: f��}�'i� tl$�au6� (b)tb�o ec4Fon re��a�red to cu�ss t�dari�a�SQ; (c) s dsta. rtot Isss t[as�►
<br /> 30 dsy�4erm.�.tt�Jsi�.data ttq� cea#1ce i9 gtvan to�`�vrowar, by�2rrf�4hs d�f�uTt rteu�2 6o curad; aied � "
<br /> Ed):tiiat tsi:",.� tm curo t!'aa dMsult on ar 6agcr�.th� date speci�� ir� tjt� notIcs mry r�wft tn ��� � -
<br /> __- .. accd'�t�r�fti2�r�.r.�4 ti�su��.s,a�resaae��,�this Secua(i�6nslQ+ume�t ari�mmatc� �'t t�+�i�rap�rtyl.Th�notYee _
<br />:>_'.:�r.,. �ha�f f�ur8tr�fit�;7arm Bnrr�r of tte� rtght to ntn�rte sfise accolar�+and ttw r1��t to bring a '
<br /> . . ctwr�.�.�z►r��i �ssoR tho no�xi�anc� ot a c�e9au� c¢, m.�*� ath�mr dot�nsm mi �ofrawor to
<br /> . . � � aec�i�r,���tt �c�J s�fa. ff ths dehutt+d� not cured on or��Qha d�� s�cl�fi� �.�tt� n�tt�v, _
<br /> L.ott�er zY tta c�tton m�y nguira tmmodtato �a�4 in fup o! d! su¢�+rt�c�sd �y 4hi� &scr�ity
<br /> • Instrumatrt without�urtitsr damsnd and mry 6ct�rdt� �hs powar W a�'F��rnrtd a�y aRha� ro��d3aa ,
<br /> p�rmiK�d 4y appflcabto oaw. Lendor sh�ll foe �r�'tfrod to ca�S'sst afi axparnsos Incurr�d In.purs�uan� �
<br /> ��� the ram�ddes �par�vtd�d in this para�raph 21, tnciud��ag, Ct�(t �naZ Itmit�d to, �oaa�nab4e a4tornc�s'
<br /> t���and c��it iiti��vi�9onca.
<br /> If th� poeitl�r �? s�f� Is Invokod, Yru�4ro shall ��carc� �+ ^:otla� of defaul! In �aah county tn '"':; :-
<br /> . �. wt�tch any p� af ttsa Prop�rty Ip tocatod and shd9 enaU copioa a4 �et� natic� Jn ttw mannor �
<br /> r� . prrtcrtbe� ayI_�l'�pllCabl� law 4o Borta�nr�r and to tha�nthsr por�ns��r�,ni@�d by.ap�llcabt� taw.
<br /> �. � , AiHr tlo� t�rs�r�vlrod by apPttcs6ts frnr,Trtostom aha11 g[v��puWiC cs:f�iev of salQ to th� p�rson� :y;
<br /> ond tn tltia�p�,zr�rr�s pTascvl6�d by appliQab4o taw.7ru�4�e,�di�'�ut dac�;�b o�@�c�ntwLr. s�all ssll
<br /> � tdm►lFrr�e�r�4 puWi� auctton to th� hEgh�sY b�'sr �E 4h� t�m� atad �vr..a and �ndnr t4w t�rms '
<br /> d�til�tortC�� in tha naRIcs ot sato In oa� o� Raoi�e�rs�is artd tn any� �r��r Trustaa drtivmic�rs�.
<br /> 4�n nsay pastpon� s�ta of atl or aroy pacsat! c�r th� PRO�rsrty by pc4l3l�Ia announaonmP.'t aL i�. -
<br /> 4ima arteD �Sls�a �! aray prs�toe�sly sched�a4ed s�Ts. I�en�3irta 8� it� dasignss may purchaae i.�es
<br /> Rroprrty at atfy as�ie.
<br /> Upon ��al�•� of payment o!the pNcs bid, Trus4e� ahadU dNiv�r to th� purch�s�r Truates'a
<br /> � dsed cunvsying ths Prm�rty.The rocitats in tE:s Yruates'a alesd shai� !�a pNms facte evidsncs at
<br /> tRe tr� oE Yh� stat�marsts mad� th�r�in. Truahe sha11 tpply ths proca�ds o! tho eaQA tn 4ho '
<br /> . � fopawin� ar�ar. (a) tv atl costa an�D �scp��ses W �aQecl�tm� 4t�� p�arsr a! satm. �nm tho sata� -
<br /> : tncladift�43sm paymeRt at the Trusi�s's f�es aa4ua16}/I�c�u�e�.aa!to�xca��--------------
<br /> Ten (10) ---�----------- — 96 af ttae princlpal amo�n!M 41� -
<br /> �din et 4hr�tia�� of tne deala�ailon ot defaut4, a��¢D raasoc�a���slto�ey'a ts�s as pertroFK�� b��Oavr,
<br /> � . QW)to aiP auma sscursd by this Sscurity tnsb�u�na�t4; and(eD atey excess to the pe►a�n or psrsons
<br /> . Ie�ally�n4I�"a�7 4o i� °.
<br /> Ft3i8.tMO pl�i) Pape a ot s -
<br />---' �
<br /> 10000056
<br />, , . . . .-. --. — ..
<br /> . . , . . _. .. :6: ; . � , ,-�. ; �
<br /> ' • • • - • • `,� . • �'
<br /> -i.`� � - - - .. .. ' • . . v l
<br /> ._ . . . - � - . . . - 'r .�
<br /> . 'I`t � � � � . . . . ' � � - -. • . _ _ . . • ..
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<br />