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<br /> � f�,
<br /> f h � r C �` . oi way; �1t�fghts ot homestsad and homesEead exemp�on and anY S u r v i�i�9 SPous�s f e ` '.
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<br /> -t marital ar di�trib�v�sl�ate� end�!1 athsr co�tingert dghts in and to satd premises: atl _�; E<
<br /> � , r �':� udater, var�4et tfghffi. whether �ipar#an, eAProp�iate ar othetwise and whether or rtct �f :,��;.
<br /> ° 4. aPAurtenant,aIl d�cfl�gMs.and a»y sharea og�cdc evtder+cirtS ar►y such irrafer or ditch _ `
<br /> :^ �.
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<br /> ,. 5 ��°��:, righ�a�td �` ��;�:,
<br /> a �;:
<br /> ` ��� � �� �rtd ir�teres! h8t+eby conveyed t� the saId Trustee is ` 7��;�_
<br /> Ap af the tore�g_oyi}n_g estate� propeity p�� -
<br /> - . -jP. _- ,1�! WI/VYY�����W Q�7�A • ���8�� 1� R f
<br /> �,.�`1+. ,F,L�v tr l�k� <.�•
<br /> . �,,�
<br /> °���-�:� his succ�ssors and assigns. . `' :�`-�:::
<br /> � `� TO HAVE AND TO NOt.�the same ttMo tt�e said Tnastee. � :
<br /> t - torever.!N TRU�?a01A�V�R. and WlTM�O�IIER OF S6iLE heceby expeessiy granted unto � � :• T�,
<br /> �..
<br /> *r� �f�4� � 1he sa�Tnzstee.hIs sucxessois.and ass�gns lor the pnrpase af seauing: ' 4z ri rc:
<br /> -_ �_c:�:.-. • _ . _ .
<br /> 1,�'r,�
<br /> C ..�r�� ',Y_ -_�_
<br /> 4 � � � (a) The psy�ern ot Trust�s just tndehtedness to Benefldary in the principa! .
<br /> �N. /r �:
<br /> F �,;�:.....:r sum of 'fW0 HUNDRED 'FHIR7Y FNE THOUSAND QoQars (�235,000� for t� � ::
<br /> 1�� �.� .� `c �,
<br /> �J ,,s�. money.borrowed wath interest theeeon. ap as ev�denced t�y and tn strict . .
<br /> ti .. i-. =y �
<br /> � ` • � �-� • accordan�e wifh�tetms o!that ceetain pramissary nate,here€nafter catted the -�-�- -
<br /> �'-`�°.�-":-``''��'_ �`�: "N o t�", b e a�in g e Yen date her8wtth made payable to the order ot Beneftdary, ,
<br /> _ �
<br /> � . . e..� � �.
<br /> �f :�.
<br /> � a �� exeaited by LARRY M. HARRENSTElN AND DONNA J. HARlZENSTElN. . • '�`>.F.
<br /> , �_r_,
<br /> Y.. ,-�, �T` .
<br /> HARRENS"'�EIN, HUS�AMD AtVD WIFE anct provtding tor the Raymer�t oi�atd ,,, `�
<br /> r y ,�;�z:',r, . .
<br /> . . �. � .r,�,u fidebtedness in instailme�s.the last af which is due artd payabie JAtWARY t. , �.'
<br /> �'�.':;::.:: . � 20t0, sub3ect to.acce/��•eratlon of matucity on defa�t in th�a payment of arry -::
<br /> � {/i�{ Y S I c 4_..
<br /> � , ' _�. instatllment ot p�irtcipal or interest or tn the pe�formance of any covertant, . -
<br /> � s,,:. . . f ��3;
<br /> �u �-_,.o.
<br /> � agreemer�t orw�anry�ntained�n the Deed of Trus� . �,� �
<br /> � , -«
<br /> .The perfonnanc�of�ad� agreemen4. caverraM and warran3yy ot Trustor ��` '
<br /> `R ti . �
<br /> ._ �,f;,.., �r�.; ro� �
<br /> �r�`:=,a�;�:,;:�.=%-��- � fierein-contaf n�t or s e t f o r t h t� �t h� N o t e or a n y a g r eemerrt or ihstrument ��.�. -
<br /> .,_ �;,-:: • �s��
<br /> �`.� � executed by Tn�stor in conrtection with the indebtedrtess hereby secuted;a�d .
<br /> �,; _ ':•�` . ._ ����:.
<br /> {Y � �� J M:.' . .
<br /> � (c} The paymeM ot any+sum�or sums of money:with interest theteon whlch ' . ��3�
<br /> . ..�. : .,..,.,;. '_ . . �"?�,_:
<br /> � ��� '� may be hereafter pald or advanoed underthe terms o4thts Oeed ofTnzst. ,c: �.
<br /> ' ����,
<br /> � o�'=� �`��r � � NQ�N. TNERECQRE, TO PROTECT�THE:SECUR1Tlf OF TwtS DEEO O� '�'�tU&T, , �F �:
<br /> ...:.,.,::�.�;,:,� �:�.�:;, ' ' � -,
<br /> ;_::;.,;t::�:�.r�;.,,�� � Trustar t4aes ior. himseff and for Tnistors heirs� repragentatives. vendees. successors and� _
<br /> ,�, ..�;' . �asstgns.the owners ai said Property.Rerehy expressly c�venac�e9�ea and waRant to an�witi� , -
<br /> , .
<br /> ti � " "':.� tlie Trustea and B�iaflciary.an�theirsur,�sso�s.vendeea and a�gns: � � -
<br />