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<br /> `ar}� zE�-b `� , w[.�_ Sl.s�r'f` �. �_t_S �- '
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<br /> t-� t� ; -r F, �'"E r-xy- �-s'-` � .�n ��s��`-�"-n-���s-`��. --� .
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<br /> .L r . ...t : . � 1- c -r^ :"�'` -,c4 j �c.= � _. � �, �.-.
<br /> -„�g'r"L Pe- � � . :1.Y f r - - . r �."S F"�h�rr �—'�,. Si�s Sy �`S_ .'.! i ' �z^s ir� :v` ° � +
<br /> . �. g-Lv� ��..� _ r.v �� i .y ._ .t� su��z, ar x� �'- � t �k
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<br /> � t..�t�h .�� t � ;o-� t� q .i Y F.. k'` :�F4
<br /> .-< �_��c_o_ ;�6 - _ - - �.
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<br /> �, o�, . `tF� tr .
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<br /> .�F .�.�S,�,s.e� . .�i • ..
<br /> = r . ,� 'r. ,� � =-
<br /> i.
<br /> YQ 5_ �� s :
<br /> ;,�:::;��:_�;�=�° ��' �;�. A
<br /> �
<br /> . ..."y41`l`i`•.,i ��rkK "
<br /> �`t'�y,�w.'i j`kF. . 4VU1I,eaderwGrentororoWecfatureob4ig�tionsofGrantattoleader�mderanypr�i�OiY ���:4�...
<br /> B. Ali fnt�ue advances t„►c'.ranterr us favor of Lender executed aft�r Wts $�'
<br /> k.`;�, �.� note.ooattact,ga�sutY•or�e:'�uca af s'.�L�L� -. =
<br /> .::-,:,-a..,�:�� - Seauity instrttm�nt whetEer or not diia Seauity lnstrumeat is speaficaliy refezenoed.if more Wan one pe�soa t-,�
<br /> -__ `��..:'v s�s this S Iastcument.�C�a$s��s thai thss Ser�uily ts�meat wt71�all fuhuc advanoes and . �.:=
<br /> - ..4�F ;
<br /> " � ; � oae Ar�core Graator,or a�+one or mare C3tantor and ',
<br /> -;. ,� � ; fut�ue ob�tions that mre given to or�bY aaN �eni even tho aIl or •,
<br /> fu ue y
<br />•.�;: '�..}:��:-:.�.�;� otheis.All f�mue advanoes and otHer futmre obtigations aze secured by th'ss Se�ritY � �. �•.�...:
<br /> ,� °�,-. f � may not y�et h e a d v a nced.AQ futare advan�s and other fut�ue obligatio�are seau+ed as if made on fhe dat� :i� _
<br /> �� o�tWs Se�uity I�trtuneat Nothing in tbis Secarity Inst�ument sball oonsdtuLe a oommitment to malce additional
<br /> �� �u: or fut�me luans or advanoes in aay amo�nt.Any sa�oo�mitment must be agreed to�►a separate wnRing. � ;
<br /> �� � C. Atl obli g a�ons Gractar�a+es w Lender,a+hich maY latet arise,to the eatent not prohi'bited by law.mdudiag,but � :
<br /> ,. .` to t i a b�ities far overdraRs i e t�a gto�Y dePosi t a c o o w�t a g�u e n t b e t w e e n G r a n t o r a a d t e n�e r. � �
<br /> t ct �L ,� . n o t I m u t e d , rese r v i n g o r o t h e i w i s e p ro t e ar n g ���
<br /> � ,�� R; D. All addiri'onal sams advanced and eapenses incuzred by Lender f or instuimg,p �
<br /> � the pmperty aud its vsta�aud aay oiher sums�����inarrred by I.ender ander the temis af '. .�:
<br /> ``�;.�"�;. `;`-`�- , this S�ity Ins't�.ent notioe of the sight of res�ian. �`�`��?i:`��
<br /> --�•f;:;'��'�!,`k a;=� This Se�tY�ent wU notsec�e a�y ot6er debi if Lender fa�s to give any reqeured t_-;c:-:_;
<br /> "� J=' S. �AYN�NI'&Cnanwr agrees Wat all papments under the Secured Debt wil16e paid when dae and in asoardance `' i
<br /> .r �;
<br /> .�-;=a=_�`�'t'= vvith We te:ms Qf the S�Debi and this Sec��iiY Iastrumedt- ' `:��.'"_,?.
<br /> �.
<br /> �`: ;�� G. WAitRA1�1t OF TP�IE.Grantor wanants Wat Graatos is or wU be tawfally seized�of the estate w�eyed bY th�s �Y_?
<br /> : ..;'�� <;> g¢auity Instrament and has the rigpi ta irrevo�cably grau�oomep.aad sell the Property to Tivste� trast,�► _`-
<br /> ` .,'t power o f s a te.C s r a n t o r a l s o w a r r a n t s t h a�t t h e P r o p e rt y i s u a e a�n bered,e a�e P t for enc,umU�anoe�of reco <�:
<br /> ; tl}e
<br /> .,� �`} 7. P B IO B SE�II�ES15.1Mtb re�srd w any otiiermo:tgage,deed of tr�st,secauitY agreemeat orother lien , .
<br /> :n�4 :-' daa�ment that cteated a prior security interest ar eac.�mb:ance an the Yroperty,Grantor agree.� -
<br /> _ ; ._�,.�.:...,,�, A. Toma�ce atlpaymentswLen dae aad w performar compty with aIl cavenaats. � _:
<br /> �; � �°; S. To promptly detiver W Lettder any notIces Wat Granwr receives from the floldes � 'l
<br /> ...,_ ' G Not to�aIIow any mu�cat�an az esteusion o�nor to recNest any firture advanoes ander any note or ag¢eemem
<br /> .„ j r, ,
<br /> �Y��,-". seaued Iry the I�en doamtent wiWuut Leade�s prlor wzitten conseat ,,�
<br /> �AC-1�i��tifanwr w�l pay all taxes,asse,ssmeats,lieas.encumbrances.tease paymeats,gmwid ' ��
<br /> ���� 4i:_ - �• rents,uritiaes.audotherchargesretatingtathe Propeity whea dae.iendermay requue tp-� _
<br /> •::_ a: ' �t��"�` ' of all aatices tt�t such amowits are due and the receipts ev�deadng Granto�s payment Cvtaator wID defead � �:
<br /> �. :u:�,:`:,;u:�'�,: , COF� Lhe�en of this Secority�ent.Gtantoi agm+eees ta assig� -=':�
<br /> title to the Praperty agamst any ctaims that wou1d impair who labo�
<br /> � ��=� ��}� . W Lender,as requested!,�L.eader,aaY rig�ts.�or def�ases Ciranwr may bave ag,ainst Parttes supp�y � rr��
<br /> � ' ` :; ormaterialsto maiuta�n ar�►pmve the Propetty. � __:
<br /> .,,�.` . g DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBBANCE.Lender may,at itsoption,declaie the entire 6a1ance of the Secured IIebtw �
<br /> '�',-•:: �• encwnbrance.�ransfer � '`
<br /> -,, :,f:: 6e immediatelY due sud paqable apon the creation o�or cunnraci for the creation o�anY lien, : :;:
<br /> � c
<br /> :.� or sale of the propertY.This�ight is sabject to the restricuons imPosed bY fedetal law(12 GF.R.591),as appli�abte. ,� -,
<br /> -��,.-L''�.,-"-`;�`��� 'I7�is covenaat shall nm witb th.e Property and s6all remain in effect untl tlie Sec�ed Debt is paid in fult and ttus �
<br /> a.i:
<br /> f �:..'. �_-� . • .- Fsyd
<br /> ,, s.:' $gCUfity T[L411'UIIletlt 2s tCleffiCd. �"� .•
<br /> ; ;.� `. �� �,. �. la �ROPE�TY CO�IITON.ALTERATiO1�iS A1VD INSPECTiON.l3rantor will Iceep the Froperty in good . _
<br /> s '�� � conditton aad make all.repairs that are reasonably necessary.C.ramos shall uot commit or aitow any waste, �A� �
<br /> �; :'. -,'. -+�.L,�:'•- , i m p a i�e n t,o r d e t e r i o:a t i o n of tiie Pro p e rt y.Grantor w�'ll keep the.Pruperty free of noxtons weeds and grasses. e'-=-
<br /> :��:;`_`;:;. tirantar agrees Wat the aature of the occupancy aad use w�l not sut�sten t i a l iy c bange w i t ho u t L e n d e r's p t i o r w i i t t e n Y;;1-�.=�:
<br /> - _ �:�°":.::.:``._ cansent C3rantor wil!not peimit any chauge ia auy�oense.�tricti�+e oavenaat or easement withuut I.ende�s pzior �"-_-=
<br /> �ens
<br /> - : �,°.., ,_, and actions Gzautor,and ot =---
<br /> ;`;�:;:;>, � written consent.Grantor w�71 aotify Lender of aU demands,pro�edin�.daims, aP�� __
<br /> .;,~ any loss ar damaSe W Ihe Praperty .
<br /> ''�"�"'�� �r i,ender a:Leade�'s ageats may,at Lehder's dption,enter the PropeAy at��ny reasonable L'ane far t�e pu�pase oY.
<br /> � �•'.; --
<br /> ��:"".,';,"�:":;.-.:,:, inspect�ng the Fropertq.Lender shall:give.Gtantor notice at the tima of or before an inspectlon•specitying a . ___�
<br /> -,4<.;� . reasonabte puipose for the inspectian.Ai�y insPe�iun of the Property.shaD be entirely for Lender's benefit and ' -
<br /> - t-� Cnantor.w�l in aoway re1yonLende�sinspe�on. —
<br /> ,�':: ,,.�•,;. � . . 11, AUI'RpRpi`9�TO PERFORM.If Grantor faiLs to perPora�any duty or any oi the cavenaata contained in thSs __
<br /> ,` . ..�� ;r;: Secutity Iastrumeab 1-���3+ witlwut aotice.Pe�form or cause t6em to be perfomted.Crantor appourts Lender _. -_
<br /> ,, ..-• �,., -,. . .
<br /> :.� :��,.... ��;�.
<br /> � as atwmey in fact W sig�(hanw�s name or pny any amouat neoessatyr�fo:perfomtance.�.ender's rigbt to pe:fo=m or ���
<br /> , �..r, � ��
<br /> � CiraAtar shall not caeate aa ob1ig�oa W Qerform,aad Lender's faitwe w per�'orm w�D not�reclade Lender fram �-
<br /> ,L�'� . �.�_
<br /> `�;'.,,. :, ,.r.�, exercisia�any of Lende�s oi6er rights ander the taw or Wls Secnrity tustrument If any ca�trnc,tion on the Property is
<br /> ' '''"° diseonfmued or not carried an in a reasonable manner,I.ender ma take all st neoessary to otect Lender's �'--
<br /> ���''��; .,� . Y � � �`�`
<br /> ±�.`;'°:`�:` �-:::�-.,.� property indading comp}etian of the constn:ction. =.:-
<br /> - , sec�aity interest in the ,
<br /> - - - 1Z AS9IGNMENI'OF LEA'SFS AND BENI'3.Graator irrevocab3y�ants,conveys.and seQs to Trustee.in trust for the
<br /> ... �.-,,�,. benefit ot Lender,as additional�security all the rlgbt,tifle aad interest ln and w aay auA all exi�ting or future lease9. -:'r
<br /> .: ::'.::,��,;,�:;;•,T�. � �PyY
<br /> � .:;, � subleases,and azry other wriKen or verbal agreements for the nse and occupancy of any portion oi the Propertp, r :
<br /> - including any extensions.renewals.modifica@oas or substit�tions of such agceements(all ref e r r e d to as"L e a s e s")an d �-:�
<br /> . .`'=�..:� '� rents,issues and profits(a11 sefeaed to as"Rents").Grantor will promPtlS►Provide Leader arith tnte and correct' ::;f��
<br /> •��:�.,;;..,..., .:c.
<br /> � ,��•�_.• <�: copies of all e�asting tmd fuwne I,eases.Graator may oollect,reoeive.enjoy snd�.se the Rents so tong as(irantor is aat ' -
<br /> c''<"�.',,,°�'.�'�f:; in default uadet the temis oY this Seauity tnswmen� :;�_
<br /> � '��: �� .�'';'• ������ (3rantar ackaawledges that this assignmeat is perfected upon the recordiu�of this Deed of Tn�st aad Wat l.ender is . :�,�,,.
<br /> � entittod to notity any ot Grantor's tenanss to make payment of Rents due or to become due to Lender.Haweves.
<br /> _ _ .;'.��, I,ender agrees that onty on defauit will I.ender notify Grantar and Grantor's tenants and make demand that ati future ..
<br /> _. .�-��. , Renta be paid dimctiy w Lender.On teceiving rtorice of defanl►,Grantor w%ii eudacse and deliver w l.ender any .�.,�,
<br /> � • "•� �. paymeat of Rents ia aranw�s possession and w�71 receiive any Renis in trust for l.eader and will not oommingle ttte
<br /> ��-::�:�::f�:':�.',:..'`` Rents arith any other tuads.My amounts oollected wiU 6e apptied ag pravided in tl�Secu�ity lnswiaent.Grantor
<br /> "����`���`�°':.� . warrants t6at no default exists nnder the l.eases or any aqplicable landlm�dltenant law.t3rantor atso agee.s to maintaiQ
<br /> � '��� ���'�`�� and re uire an teaant ta wm 1 with the tercns of the Leases and t�cable law. ,
<br /> ,_.. �P�
<br /> .� tY �.z L� 1.BASEH0I�S;CONDO pNIII IUb9St PLAI�IIVED UNPI'DEVELOPMENI'S.Grai►tar a�ees,to�oompIy aritb ihe -
<br /> . . r_:;,. ;:.:,�':.:''' prmr�ions of any tease if this Security lnswment is on a leasehotd.if the P,roperty includes a umt in a oondominium
<br />- ''�%}� or a p3auned uait development.(3rantor will pedorm all of Grantoi s duties under the covenants.by-laws.or
<br /> _ �'' �"�'.' reguiatioa4 of the oandomimum or ptanned ttnit develapmen�
<br /> ""`'�,,: ��. � 14: DEFAULT.Grantos aill 6e in defauIt if any party obligated on the Secured Debt fails to make payment whea due.
<br /> -.�i:�....- ".�..'.� ._-. (3tantar will be in default if a breach occ�rs uader the terms of this Security Instn�ment or any ot6er docnment
<br />__ ------ Epaga2o14) ;.
<br /> :;�. •
<br />-',.:;�':':�.':' _ . o�aa+smao�srsma�.*ar.s�aQa�.0��Baa��2to,►w�+a�r.e�e+s�sa
<br />. >,..� . . �
<br /> �•�.' '+.
<br /> _ �t`, • ��•
<br /> :� ..
<br /> ;,:-= . - ...
<br />