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<br /> f`�c ..,,-�—r � � r - , 7,. � \ -� ta ' � - .C-ri� .6. a. r _.,C �c f cz- [E s . ri'� A: ! --:�r�,�, E�`
<br /> .� .,1,x!•z.�"'` .r i s ` t�, ( 4- t -_R r.P. ° �° Y- . '� �. �..t� 't i y . .. ,* �;CL `Y1•!?} t :; t f? t.�. �-
<br /> -� i �� �� �. � �� . - - -�° ..2'. �.�'.c-z'cvl, � _�t-rr '<< �-���*.y r i-r�'z r,a, .�F4 F .�£ ,<1-!t. c t
<br /> n.j tc:- -�.,cXa . 'c ` !4 q" .��:R .x-Y:. . . ti�C 'cS- 4�.� c��`� �� � r 4M •, -�i n.�. _ `<<Eii-_ .-'7eY� � y � � ..
<br /> �; �.es`�'•7-�'` -� �!::] a •+c�,.a �� �- . � . c¢,+.�r- s P f ti � �' '�.te- °��; G "t j } a �.t� E -.t� ,t �°'.�+., k t� - a�slr `� S
<br /> f t- '- ���?y.� -£� .� _ �'f ..r_5 _�s. t rG\:i.Y: ��. 'i'F, n.�•`. �Gi _ .v. :b- .�:;� n � _. � �~ a'1.
<br /> r `�{ 1 Y' � ti'"`F_ r� .u'' _
<br /> :-<. ` �f�-6 �# t .�i" _�Y�%�'c� �.
<br /> .� -���'•;�.' ' •-. �y.::�i =
<br />_.e'' - -`.F�.- _ _ ��r.'G .y}%�4:s
<br /> . e� � P$Y��Y ao lungec be mqvd�Cd.at the uptiaa,of Lea�.if mortgage insurance wverage{ia Ehe amo�.at artd fur the geri� ` ��..-K-��
<br /> :�`�...' '=' t6aE Leader re�ui�pruvided by az►insurer apptoved by L�ender again beoomes available and is obtained. Borrower shaq pay .�::�`'R i."��
<br /> '- r` � t �' i� i� .�_
<br /> `' ��,� the pnemiwms required to maintain mortgage u�surance in effect,or te pmvide a toss reserve.untif the reqainemeut for mortgage F.��<� ��'& ` °
<br /> �' ; �� t � i�surance ends fn acaordanoe witb any written agree�nent 6etwe�Borrower and Leoder or applicabie law. °$ ' ; > �-�� '
<br /> { h ;r ;4;� 9.Insp�[n�Lea�or iu ag�at tnay make teasowtble eruries npon and tacpections of thc�Property.I.ender s6aI1 give " �`�,�,- �`' a f z��S T`
<br /> ,, ' Bwrower notioe at ehe time oE or qriar w an iaspaction specifying reas o n a b l e c�tue for ihe in5pectien. ;�` fp '� ,Lf '`
<br /> °'�" • 10.Condemnation.l7ie proceaLc of atry award or etaim for damages, direct or consequentia[, in wnnection with aity 4 � `` 4'b >:
<br /> �`��:,.,:.;;_. �.;_ ;8..-: ,(� .:,..
<br /> � �« ¢,� condemi�asion or other taking of aay part nf the Property.or for wnveyance in lieu of condemnation,are @e�eby assigned and ` ; � �`�`'
<br /> � � ffr F
<br /> _ ��{K P3i�LO�..CIIdCi. � .``
<br /> � '.�,,. ��. In the everet of a total taking of the Properiy.the praoaeds shail be applied to ths sums seaued by this Seauiry I�suum�t. � t, �.� � � :. ti ..-
<br /> L whdhcr or nai then due,with any excess paid to Bomnw�. tn the event of a partis�!ta�ing of the Property in wtricb the fair ;�'tt` -' ' � = C�''
<br /> `."�';` !•-` nmrlaet vatuc of�6e Property immediately befoie t6e talting is equaf to or greates .:_` •�°
<br />'�a`s:°°Y_:� - 6e than the amnunt of the seuns se�ured by this �.�;.:.�Z `�';" ::-a:.:.-;
<br /> t * '� -� Security Insuameat immerdiatdy 6efore the tatring,untess Borrawer and i.ender otherwise agee in writing.the sums secured by ; t �` ` �. �: ::
<br /> ~ ` E ` this Secutity Insuument shall be redaced by the ammmt of the pmceeds rm�Yiplied by the foUowing fr�ction (a)ti�e total ; ` '�;� �:_`.,. � f
<br /> _,�t,.'` . �.<_ amouat of the sutns secured immn�tisnnty 6efote the Iatdng,divided pY N)the fair mazket value of the I'ropetiy imm�tiatpiy ::w s�`= '� k , '".'
<br /> : °� �,� 6efore the taking- An3+ balance shail be paid to Borrower. In the event of a pa�tial taIdng of the Property in urhicb the fair °� ` `T�-'" _�." ,."��- -,,
<br /> ' `� < ''` market valae of the PmPeRY ir�►�Y before tbe mkmg is tess d�an the ammmt of the s�ms secvred immediately before the ` r'��° t �i` � �°-'
<br /> f. f f�cry , � : .:
<br /> � � ,� taicirtg,imtess Borrower and Ixuder otherwise agme in writing or ualess appIicabte laar e*'ierarise provides.the prooeeds shaU '� � � y � -
<br /> � :, � . be applie�to the sams securad by this Serauity�em whether or not the s�ms are then du�. ,� � <'' : �
<br /> Y`� " " If the Property is abandoned 6y Bormwer,or if,afret norice by Leader to Borrowea that the wndemnor offers w make an ;.*s-;� . �`��,``
<br /> �f•
<br /> ��,1:,..�,1"'�F' .'.r ,s . �:. ��.
<br /> 1 w�-r �� awazd ar s�tie a claim for damages, Borrower faiLs to respond to Lender withm 30 days after the date the notice is given, ' r �, --
<br /> �� `- � `� � Leader is anthorizQd to collect and apply We praceeds,at its aption.either to restotation or repair of the Pmperty or w ttie sums , ` r ''hj< < t
<br /> s:�^.�r,�.� _ secvnad by this Secauity�nsuumeai,wh�her nr aot thea due. : � �:_•,:-^-� `-' <;�-�.
<br /> 'r:=r;°:' Untess.Ixnder aad Bomower oiherwise agrpe in wTiring, aaY aPPlicxrion of proceeds to principal shall not,e�d os >5 � ,`.', t_
<br /> � ; r ; � p�stgone the du�date of thee monthlY PaJ+meats refemed w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount af such paymeuts. ` � ''. ,, :��. �;
<br /> ��' � 11.Bosrower Not Reteas�;Farfie�ance By Leader Nat a Waie�.Exter�sion of the time for Fayu�ent or modification - �'~'� =
<br /> r� ' i� of amofi7ation of the svms secQred by this Sewrity Insuumeat granted by L.ender w amy successor in interest of Eomuwer shall '`i W � '
<br /> ;� '''�" '`'" `: not operate w release the tiabiliry of the odginal Bornnwer or Batrower's successors in intcres[. Laader sUafl not be reqoired w �t Y � . ��
<br /> a t-�.. .
<br /> .�.c� � -
<br /> s � ,�u . oommence praceectings against aTry sa�or in inte�es[or cefnse[o e�d time for payment or otheca+ise madlfy amortization : � ,4 ` � r,
<br /> ,�._ :: of the sams seaued by this Serurity Insmiment by reason of airy demand made by t6e original Sonawer ar 8orrower,s `"'.`' : ,��
<br /> ,.,`ti . . :, ; successors In ittteres� Aay farB�ataace by L.eader in exeacising a�ry right or temedy shall not be a waiver of ar pseclude the ' � L{,'i> ;,�[
<br /> ., _;;` . exe�cise of any right or remady. _ ° , ;�,�,�_ ,
<br /> _.� � . . 1Z. Saoce�ass and�A�ig�s Bouad;doinE and 5everal Liabitity, Co�signers. The cov�auu and a�rts of ttiis � -�_ �` �r.,
<br /> Co• l
<br /> L`.�',,,�- •�„• � Xi ',,
<br />_ :. �.,' ,..;;:';'�:� Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit tae successors and assigas of Leader and Borrower, subject to the provisions of �� : :
<br /> - : ��+'•. yaragapb 17. Bormwer's coveaants and agreements shall be joint and several. Acry Borrower who co-s�gas this Sea�rtty `• ,''`: . ., '�.� ,:'
<br /> °� .-•.. . �t;...`;.- ;:.
<br /> ��'-"�.-�--`r.r` �`'.� �� Inswmeat but does nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secority Instr�ent onty to mortgage,grant and comrey ttmt `,;� `.'�' "-
<br /> t:��°r..>:,''�- ` . Buaower'a interest in the Prapecty under the terms of this SaurIty�nsomment;(b)is not persoaalJy obligated to pay We� � �;-�;,i_-,;; �.�;
<br /> �� '� ,. . secured by tlus Security Instnuaeat;and(c)agrees that L�ender and anyr other Bormwer raay agree to extend,mndify,forbear os �. . �: ' ��
<br /> �'•" ��'""` make suy accotm�ndations with c�egaa!W the terms of this Seauity Iavt:ument or the Note withmit that Bon+ower's caoasen� • . '�'��: .,��: °�/
<br /> • '.',. - �. ;:�:::':;;'.
<br /> .rF_ ':_.t�'� `.:
<br /> '`` 13.Loaiu Charges.If the toan secuned by this Security lnsmiment is su6ject to a law whicd sets maxlmum loan cLatges. �§�"°���"
<br /> a�W that law is finaUy interpneted so that the interest or other loan cdarges oollecxed or w be coll�ia connectlon with the ` '`��`'=°—�y
<br /> �:.a,�;.�
<br /> ,.'...,,,.'a y:?". ..� . _. ;�.��r�.`_
<br /> ;'�.:.1 ..,;.•. -�-: loan exceed the pennitted limits.then: (a)anyr such toan c6arge sLall be redaoed tiy the amawit necessary w�use tHe charge •,•::,,,m"°"'"'��.�._
<br /> :;:.;'::,:s;:;. ;::; to the pemnitted Iimlr,and(b)any sums already colle�xed from Borrower which exoeeded permitted limits wili be n�funded w . �'�•¢`_'��"�
<br /> - - -;;�*. Borrower. Lendes may clioo�e to make this refimd by redacing the yrincipal owed under the Note or by mafting a direct ...'�T--
<br /> '.4'.:_
<br /> `��..'`.`�`":�'`:y, :'.'' payment to Borrower. If a refund ieduces prtnciaal, tbe �clucaoa will be uruted as a P� D�Y��u without aAy ,:�,:�,��=_:_
<br /> r --
<br /> �:�;: �<�.. : pre,payment charge under the Note. " �`4-'- --
<br /> '" Y ` = 1�.lETotice3.My aot�to$o�owcr provided for in this Security Iastrauteat shal!be g'cven by de�ivering�t vr hy�'liu8 �, _..` =�.-.�—�-__•-
<br /> ; � , , - it by first clasg mail tmless appllcabie taw requites use of another method.TAe notice shall be di�ected to the pruperty Address �: ,_
<br /> F '`Y • or uny other address Borrower designates by notice to I.e�der. Any notice to l.ender shall be glven by fust ctass mail to ���w����
<br /> : ' "' '� ' Lender's address stated hereIn or any other address I.ender designates by not�ce to Borroarer. Arry nottce pmvided for in this ��=`��'��'��°�
<br /> �+ '` �� Seturity Idswment shall be deemed to have been given to Hoirower or Lender wtten given as provided in this p�b. r''�� � �
<br /> ` �; �� -:• : IS.Gov l�gw: 5everabWtq. This 5eairity Instnrment shali be ovemed b federal !aw and �6e iaa of the _ .., :�,,�'°;�-`.
<br /> . � Qi 8 Y _ z .�.:,_�,:
<br /> . jt[r�sdiction In which the Pmperty is toc�ed.In the evem that aay provision or claase of this Seairity Lisuumem or the Note '::.::-�� ....�:' `:r .��,. •-
<br /> - �.�`;�:�.� conflicts arlth apgiieable faw.such conflict s�all not affect other provisians of this Sewriry Insuument or the Note which cx�t►be - - .... - -::�.:''�."�
<br /> . `.�:'-:� : given effect arithottt the confltct�ng provision.To this end the pmvisions of thia Securlty lnstrument and the Nate are declared :: �::�'� " ;`°��..�'� .``�
<br /> �,: ��
<br /> '.�,' �;� to be severable. '. �:.�;` ,
<br /> • 'I<." ' . : ;,: 16.Borrower's Capy.Borrower sdall be givea one conformed wpy of the Note and of t6is Se�rity Instrxmera. , `,:-,�•?�`�� .
<br /> '• � Form 8028 9180 }� .
<br /> - '� '' vegeao�6
<br /> ,f .iy, j-
<br /> ;`�.t�� . • - _ ,
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