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<br /> .` h' e�aipme� and atl appurtenances tbereto and an3► subsdtutions, reFlacemeats+ ceaewals, ; �,
<br /> - �� accessions and additio�s thsrefor or therew, now or hereafter placed on or nsed ia con�juac�on � -
<br /> L r �r w�h ttee�eal effiate on tlms Exlu'bit pA"or any part ar parcel thereaf,d�en'6ed betow,iactuding �' ;.
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<br /> � -.: r.,_, l�ion $��er�tion of a refrigerated warehouse facility on stt�h real estate,such � �:�
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<br /> . .�- of as landdo�d, the re� ` '.
<br /> '`s'�::� te�ses of as landtord. or w the leasing , .. . `."�
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<br /> . :...��;_ >�: . •
<br /> ��' '�-1--:� - atW i�msarattce proc�ds with resPect to said r�al estate and s�ch bw'ldings. improvements :.�•r
<br /> > = .� ' � -
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<br /> . .. .w �:�
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<br /> : � k i_•. � � -
<br /> ,.� TOCStt'A �f�OII:. aU �1� 1�A��� �Y Or CSS�S� LO t� 8CN8I OpBt�C1lr ,r�'::
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<br /> , ..� m a
<br /> �: .�r,; improvements or eqnipment ther�on; all degosits made with ar other security,givea by De1�Wr f,� �
<br /> ,` '""' .` w u�titY comPa�Ies with respect to sa�d�estats or buitdings or improvements actnaUy located ` '-
<br /> • �.E� :+�r. � � � .f°?'•��-
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<br /> � �° ...� :;:��:>�, all.modiPicat�ons and extensions thereof.di�tiy r�tading to said real estate ar the buildings or � .�-
<br /> , . �. ---
<br /> L £ s��: imtpmveaments_ac�ually tocated thereoa. � -
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<br /> �-;,- 3` �: ' � . .
<br /> , - . .
<br /> ., : `:'�. . �
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<br /> ��i.a . � ���--
<br /> =:`s'_�::_��°�;': . � _
<br /> -_—.�.-,- .;_ � - ;�;;��.',Yl..�+*„��*o�•!l�o�t:n 1)�wgta�(`�unty_ Nebraska.
<br /> �: '
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<br /> , .. .,. ., , .. : �
<br /> . `;� Cabinct H,Slut 291 and 292,ia Chanc�ry Clerk's Office of Rankin County,MississiPP;• _
<br /> .:.,. ?=�- � . . _
<br /> .` �i; ,, �.
<br /> ,; , . � All of Lot.i,NDL�ARD tNA1tEH4t�SE SUBDIVISION,an Ad�ition w the City of McAllen, ..,
<br /> ;,.'�..-'!'�: . Hidatgo Couaty. Texas, according w the�map r�orded in 1�olume 25. Fage 14S-B,.Map. z�r:
<br /> '' ,;..�: : �: Recards in the office of the Caunty Cterk of Hidalgo Counry,Texas.reference to wh�ch is here
<br /> .�y:
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