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<br /> � �r� � t �
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<br /> .. w-. !t f ,tst �
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<br /> � s'`� �� delivery of this Stipplement,and the Mortgagor lierehy fittther oomeYs,gra�ts se�tY inter�st �-` ,_ `r
<br /> �� ; „ }�z. �•�8�,Pledges and mortgages the Collaieial for the securing of ihe followiag ob2igations: ��::: �� :
<br /> �.- _ , t f Y �,
<br /> .3`c• . _f � r( � .
<br /> F 't ° that Amended and Restated Pr+omissary Note in the amonat of$22,944,823,due ' ' �� �`
<br /> � . r.'�E L�
<br /> t`°r ..`��� -
<br /> y :: � `_ December 1, 2002, executed and �eliver+ed by Mortgagor aad M�lar+d ;.: -;._ � :�'-� ..:
<br /> , �i� "G1, }�Y ��BTd� �IV11:i�� I11C. �CICIiI �BI�(� �Q a$ �� SBIVICBS��s fsv v^ • F���`�' x
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<br /> ;� , ;;. . colIective3y nefened w as "Barrowers") in cam�tion with'the exerutian and ��=" �` r �` ���-
<br /> �� .� delivery of tbis Supplemeat, whicb amends aad sestates the terms applicable W � � �,z4��- -
<br /> ` ° f �� the Orlginal Obtigations Secured, as well as certain other di�ct and i�lisect _
<br /> ••�.< _,: , r_: -�,�Y"_ '-_
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<br /> S ,
<br /> _ ;�:;;,:_;.,:=:::�= advanced to and for the benefit of Bomawers by Mortgag�e(which Amended aad `�-.:��-'�',�—
<br /> :1.. > 1:: .[ t.,- Ft.:
<br /> � ° � Restated Promissory Note is her+ein nefe�ed w,as "Note Na. i"); .� `
<br /> �� ! � t�.
<br /> - F 4:: -- "..u-�
<br /> � i'
<br /> � ' ' +� y
<br /> `� `�` , ," tbat Promissory Note in the amount of $4,00O,OOQ, due December 1, Z002, .;;..'..�4,:;��� �t��.� �. .
<br /> , . execnted aIId de1ivered by Borroweis in conne�tion wiEh the �execatiaa and �' :_``+��° �t�`
<br /> - --- - - � delivery of tbis 3bpp2ement,ah�cb evidences add�onal amowats beiag a.:�vanced . �-;:, �
<br /> -'�`` ��: ta and for the benefit of Borrowe� by Mortgagee (which�+omi�sorq Note is °;'::;f:���y '�. ��:
<br /> :';'- ;;�' • . hetem referr�to as "Nate No. 2"}; . � �.��:`�.�; � �.
<br /> �y . ' _ . . .�4:.• t-
<br /> � .�,�' • ��r � ' ��t'.'�.;.�'.� '1 >
<br /> :{ that Pra�issary Nate im the amount of$Za,Q00,000 due December 1, Z402, _ �;`�:,, -- ��
<br /> ?> � �� , ex�and delivered by Bo:rowers ev�dencing additioml amouffis advauced by . ���
<br /> - - :� :`- .: Mortgagee to snd for the benefit of Bormwesa, relating w P�P�Y � :.�- �y±-�
<br /> ��.�:;=�`r r,�'' � . improvement�lacated in RiversIde Coimty►, Caiifom�(wl�ich Promissory Nate . `�:'��"`� _
<br /> -�-:��"� =--�::��: is he=eia r�femed to as Note No. �; . - � --
<br /> ,.:: ..
<br /> .`{�_..:,' - �''r-_ . • . -----_ -
<br /> _ ��',i�` � . . ' _..x.,r. ._��__..
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<br /> , _ .
<br /> � . _ �Y �
<br /> , '� r� �. � of $4,500,000, P.xea�ted by Mortgagor, whicl� has been modified by that < ,__:
<br /> ar_
<br /> ModiRcation of Note/Rer�,nfnmat�oa of Guarant�r,dated as of December l,199S �, �=r,��- �
<br /> .�: :'' � .,;;;;;�.': eac�and dedivered concurrentiy herewitb by Martgagor wlth � �` -'�.�.
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<br /> hr ! Not�"): , ��.:*, ;,.��_
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