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<br /> ��� � F.�� . . � . DORSEY&VIT.E•IITlVEY P.L.L.P.QFC) � -
<br /> :�:`'-�;<<�.��� 2200 P�Isbury Center South �_t-€� ,
<br /> '.�c�� r ?2O S�ut&Yixth S�et r�:;
<br /> ��„�'�. "°'� . Minneapolis, I1RN 554021498
<br />_::t�,cs_..,�:>r � , \V�,A!V"LAVQ � - ,'N,i
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<br /> �'-� s - .A�ID FIXT[J$�B,PIN�G_STATEMENT � ` ��:
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<br /> �':`^:.,�.;: .
<br /> ,-�rn t, . THIS ►NSTIi;t�T Illiade as o#the 25th day of December,199b. �
<br /> _, °� " b�ween the giantar aad trusbnr.IG CONBS'TOGA LTD;an Ohio limited 1i�bility . �
<br /> L � � : �,
<br /> <'=s --'-- a�mpany(lu�e�a�ter referre�to as�rantor"j,whose address is?S�?5 Cet►ter Ridge �..
<br /> ��, ,• '=..s.,::.N4; , .Rnad.Ctevelattd,ohio 441Q5;the grantee and trastee,jOHN Q.�BACH1viAN,a ' ,4,,,'�
<br /> a�.. � member of the Nebraska State Bar Associatc�►(heranafter referred to as"Trnst�ee'�, � ;.`
<br /> .a a _.
<br /> s' = �-�--` � � whose adc�ress is'10050 R�gency C�ricte.�9uite 211U.Om�ta.IVebraska 68114;and the � ,-
<br /> '` `�� c�' beneficiary,FIRST�ANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a natianal banking ,.� :,F-
<br /> P�
<br /> ..F�.`2 1...
<br /> � ': �1 y: assoclatiun(h�afber r�ferred bo as"Hene.fciary'�,whose addiess is FirsE�ank s ` `
<br /> �� �•.. $kr. -
<br /> �"� � ,� Pl�ce,601 S�ond Avenue Souttn,Minneapolis,M�utesota 5S4a2-4302, Attention:
<br /> � `"�'"' ' Real Sstate Banking Divlsior;and joined in by CONBSTOGA jOIlVT V'EI�tT[niE,an _ . . ..;�:...;;�
<br /> ; �� �� ,Ohio general partn�sltip(hearei�afber referred to as"Venh�re'�,whose address is :_�:
<br /> �;� ��.� enh r _
<br /> p'i,%:AY� _ �'Z.�f�t1�2t'�t��Q ROSd�Q@V8�I1d��11�0��. ' , f-.'.
<br /> ;�,`, . ':3,w:,
<br /> ' t.'�=�t.�>�' ' � � �IIHSRBA3,Grantor is the fee owner of t�ain real praperty Iocated in � �
<br /> ':� ,::;.`': `�:°:��;��.� � the Citq nf Grand Island,and within the County of I�all,State of Nebraska.IeS�F
<br /> :._t, :=':
<br /> � `' , �` :.: descd6ed an B�d�ibit�attached heiaeto and hQreby made a pazt hereof(l�:r+einafber °�,.
<br /> .� r. � � _ • . �- ffrS_.
<br /> � ' 2�tA 88�SgB"��W�Ct1�II�SeB�Stl��t0 C�.�P@tIIt��d '
<br /> N'��� � Encumbrances enumerated on said Exhibit A(here�nafter referred to as"Peratitt�ed : : �
<br /> - 55.
<br /> �;:y: ,- '�`� ;`' Bncu�cibsances`'�; and � ' � �� `
<br /> �';f;. •. _:. . • • �,���
<br /> .. �. G'.' - _ � ' ' -
<br /> �. �;���' . V�ITHHBRBAS,there have been or wlll be ao�atructed upon,amder and an
<br /> } ;:u <,., � � ' _
<br /> , �: the Premises certain bu�dings, str+�cbures�and�ther improvemem� (��ereinafter
<br /> . � � ref�rred to as'7mprovemeRta'�,which are or�will be owned by Grantos;and � , � �`
<br /> ._ ..�, .,.
<br /> =:�=:�.,,�.�_�:::.;���;. . � � . ��-_
<br /> . . . _ �::
<br /> :: ` , ''�- WHSREAS.Graat�r ia justty indebted M�BeneRciary in the pri�tcipal �� �
<br /> � h —
<br /> { ;�.;;_,.. ��:. . �amunnt of'Twenty Mill�on Three Hundred Thwsand$itd No/100tt�s Dollais . . .: _
<br /> �r l4•1_Y 1: ' . ' _
<br /> . ��.�:�� ($Z0,300,000.00),or so much the�eof�as may�eave been adva�ced to or far the benefit� . � _-
<br /> .:�h ' {�, _ of Grantor and remains unpa�d from time to 4ime,as evidenaed by one(1j � � -
<br /> " "';` - Promissory NQte in said amount,m�de by Grantor payable to.the arder o# � �
<br /> � ; � ;.� .B�ciary,and dated�of even�date herewith(hereinafter,togethes with any '
<br /> ,.�:���:� , � extensions, renewals,snodi�icationa, substitutions and r+eplacem�ts thereog and '�_
<br /> - �`:_;r�- `��i� . therefor,referred to as'No�e'�; and � , ���
<br /> ' <.< � � . WHERBAS,said pYincipal amount, toget�er with intere�t the:aeon at � . `::":Y;``
<br /> �;:,� :..�. : .: :�:-� ' =: :,�.
<br /> . � the zate or ra�es per annum set farth the�rein and in the toan ABreem�nt(as ��:;� .�':
<br /> : � . . �;�,_
<br /> ,�'. . ' � ;.�:.�- -
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