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- ___ ..�v.' -a�..,� u� -sz+� TPI�r".�...n� _.:..__-it�'r? ' 'c�'":. � 'x•_ <br /> �.Y•r: � � _f� J O:C tYt � �F T+'✓i'� <br />- - ,.c; �d Y. , �� � <br /> "ti.,c„�cj£...?c : °'�r -,'.�'�i��' ._.E;.': . '� 4 !y'. �nc � � a. - ,- ° '�Y ,; <br /> __ `�' -X'} � . . _:�,�1. �'�,ri � .}• . y�.�`-�t'"� �.x4`c-��" �+� �i, �r "'.x���'c- �"r�e,c <br /> [,,,,G ria`, -''�.x3 :.}�.� k d�,s}'• .. T_,�r�-,S .c- "1 u�'c:-1_�7r� , q�, r• .`- <br /> j.`• .. . ,>Y (F`-- .. � � -F_1l..:�.. �� . Y • .� . . <br /> �=r�t 1.,�� - `! `�F� �-�s.. s :�,y;r�� -�' � - , <br /> ,,. <br /> ��' {� t �� lt.... �� 1��i��:..f.�� . —_,�- - �'rR� _ <br /> " _ <br /> :, � �. � _ _ • �- � �'+cx_o � y.C� �- � �a <br /> 5,.�.t��-F�-� Z, F t t _.�=,- .s• ��^!Y ,'1G�? <`el _" .-�-.,�iT,:'���3{-- t� 'i.� 1 µ� �,�`c° �� 4�6�.'FQ'� �f <br /> �p ��r�ir r L .r��teZ4� f�F t �k� �l�Y4. 'c� _t"��"'ar5 � � Z; � �'te �` `-i� �._,_� ��4r 2-�"- `4T�°" ..zt_ �5 a� _ <br /> •.��� ,.;i, z.'1JC. a4k't fr�.-� �efT�� ? sA. �4, ,1M1'.e,.i K ��' _ �,��. rf i . r t l ,� L� � _.i 1� f c��� - �'�j. .54 M�L j a -.�.��� � t _ <br /> „<.., �Y` �f� :� �Gv. �•dv,.: � 6.=� <br /> r taa -n" \�' _ v� t� ��)� -K<ic�.. .r6.•' � .?•� •��'.,,�z - - .-3 a, {2 ~_ <br /> t ,J. ��-�gi �c'.rG. c . Y. -.— <br /> � -,:• .�,�`� .� - `r_ .�4-'"�- <br /> s� �] a. � _ <br /> ^ �_-- •�L~ �g �"�Q'/j���/�j. -'a'. '" �' r c�c <br /> 5' �,���•C 1 E F� .83��V 93 .�..r^c� ^''SL;^s.3.�K.'��'_'�_ <br /> C f� e`".�-f:.� - . _ <br /> < The Funds shal! be 6efd in an instita6oa arhose deposiu are iasurad by a fedeca! agencY. insuumentality. or entity s�:� � �� ` <br /> � r `� r� �: <br /> _ '. .=.,�:_ --.,�, t C�ndud'iag I�ender.if Lender is sudi an iauitnrioa)or in azry Fedetal Home Laan Hank.l.ender shall apply the�s to pay the °`_,*<<�e`�,�_`�• .,, `< <br /> � �. EScnnw items.Lender may aot chatge Eoirowei for hotding and appiyinS the Funds.�ua11y analY'°°S the esc�'°`"'a°°°unt.or .� ,- <br /> ��- �` ~ `"� verifying the Fscrow Items.aoless Lendu gays Bocrower i�t on the Funds and appfis�ble lavirggrmits I.ender w make such �'` `,> � �- �°�:' <br /> 7 f f F a cltatge. However.i.eoder mayreq Borrower to pay a ane-time cha�'8e for an independent mal esmte tax r�epoittng servioe � ` •,-�k , <br /> � : { : <br /> ha: ��� <br /> � ° ; �sed by Leadu in oonnection w i t i i�thig Ioan. unfess applic�ble law provides otherwise. U n tess an a g r e a n e n t is m a de or ; ,. : <br /> ` Borrower an int e c+e s t or eami n g s on the Fuads. " �` `" 'V=` <br /> ,� �- appli c a ble law reqair�s interest to be paid,I.ender shaU noi 6e re y a i r e d to DaY Y � _ <br /> sa <br /> `�• ` � , ° t�� Bmrow�and Latder may agree in wTiting.�at iaterest��all Ise paid an the Funds.I�ender sball give to Borrower. f`` °_�<� ``<:, �;:� <br /> �� ����� widtwt amroal a000uating of the Funds.showing c�its and debits to the Funds and the parpose for wdich each y ,Y -r: g� - <br /> t debit to the Funds was made.l7ie Fuads are piedged as additiormi securitY far a!!suau sea��ed by this Sec�rity Instnuneot. � , y `7 �� F ;. <br /> �; � � � If tite Fts�keW Dy!�ules exc�eed tlte amoums pertnitted to be hetd by applirable law.l.e�der sLali aocoant to Bor[ower, _.` <br /> � r� for the Funds ia accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by LeaGcr at az►y ��,��� a ` <br /> � � time is not s�aeai ta pay the Fstsow Items wh�due,Lender rt�ay so rrorify Bnr�►wer in such case Bonower ;, <br /> ro - <br /> �:, ;� �, shal!pay to Lender the amnuat necessary to make ap the defeciency.Borrower shall make up tt;e�e Sccency iu no more than c 4 Q � � � <br /> - '�t � twelve mu�h1Y PaYmears•at i.ender's sote disaetion. .., G � :F:: <br /> � �t.�,� .,_ UPoA PaY� in f u ll o f a l l sumc s e c u re fl by t h i s S e c�r t ry I n s t:v m e m. L e n d e r shail p i n m p t l y nefiend w Sorrower airy ���, . 4 f ` <br /> c� ,� � .,, Funds heid by Leact+er.I1'4 under paiagraph 21.L:�der shaU acquire or sell the P�operty.lender.pnor w the acquisiaon or sate � -, <br /> � o€!!te Prapeety,shall app{y ury Fands hetd by Irender at the time of acquisition or sate as a cKedit against tfle sumq se�.�ured by " ```„v.,h <br /> ' £.�F '•`� �S�p pi�t��gaymeats.Unless applicable iaw providES otherwise,aU payments recceived by I.s�der under paragtaphs ��_ ,. 4 � a# <br /> .�;�''��< °�a,� 1 and 2 sbafl be applied: first,W es►Y P�PaYment charges dae under ths Note:seoond,to amounts paYable under paragraph 2: � . ,. <br /> t6iid,ta interest due• princiPal due;and any late d�arges due under the Note. � t fr`'yn`E _: <br /> a' r r lti� '� . . <br /> `` £ 4,C h a i g e�L d�s.B o r r o w e r s h a l l p a y a ll t a x e s,a s s e s s m e a t s,c h a i g e a e s a n d i m p o sitiong attributable to the Prapeccy s � .:� �,�•� <br /> ` � whisb may attain prioritq aver this Seciuity L�ment.and leasehotd paym�ts or growtd �eaus, if atry. Borrowu shaU pay ? � - <br /> ,- ,. �� � � � <br /> µ < ! <br /> 1 -'`� � ' these a6ligations in the friaEmer provided io g�agraph 2,or if not paid in that menaer,Bazmwer shaU pay them on time direaty �;.� ,, � r ri <br /> � ` , � 1„ fnmish to Ieader all notices o�Eunonnts to be�d under tttis pac�h. .- <br /> �%. � ,;. to the person owed payraectt.Bor�nwer shall Pmm�t1Y ,-..:i�:•t � ' ` <br /> .;� _ .� ;} if Borrov�er makea titese payments directly.Borrawer shall promptly fumish w L�der receipts evidencing tde payments. ��.r . , < <.. <br /> � _< Borsower shall pmmpdY discharSe any lien wtuch 6as pr�onty over this Security Instrutt�t unless Borrawer.(a)agc+�es in � ' `_ <br /> � <br /> .� .,�•- ` �� `: writing to t6e paqmeni of the obligation secuned by the lien in a mauner acceptable to I.endea;(b)oontests in gaod feith the tien `" '• '�i , �.• � _ <br /> ' ,:j � '` wtucb in the irendes's o n ta ent the �.� <br /> : by, ar defe�ds against e�onemait of the tiea� in. legai proaedings P� � P�' �t -�'a � <br /> � f ' errforrement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of We li�an agreeme�n sarisfacwry to Lender su6ordinating the lien to ,, �'�* - '� <br /> ..r;;: Y �.��`, tlus Sausity rn�^..,,P^*_ If I.�tder determines that aay part of the Property is subjecc ta a lieu which may attain priority over - `=f� r;�`- <br /> •�� J = t h i s Sec�i ry I a s t t u m e n t,L e a d er m a y g i ve Horrower a notice identi f y ing the uen.Borrower s6a11 satisCY the lien or take one or <�';`; Q r: <br /> ' � ` �-�`' more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice: ' <br /> .t:-° � - r,'° <br /> _ ��-� � 5.•Haz�+d o�Pco�rty lasasanoe. Borcow� sball tceep the impmvements noar acisting o:hereafter ereected on the :�`5 _ <br /> ,_ �.: <br /> f ,Y , ".% ;nsur�cl against loss by fire, ha7ards inciuded arithin the term "extended wve.rage°and aiiy ot6er h�rds,inciuding � -`-" � <br /> '. .-',.. ;. ..r�::>� ti�or flaodin�.for which Leader requires insmanoe.Tdis iasnrance shall be maintained in the amounts amd for the perioda � `� _. <br /> = � :' t�at i�det riequues.The insurance canier pmviding the ins�shall be chosen by Bomawer subject to Lender's appraval �.,`�,;r . � ss:'. <br /> " :;;'. al�ch sha]i not be nnieasonabiy withheld. If Borrower fails w maintain coverage descn'bed above,Lender may,at lender s ;• ,;'= �.,.3 ; <br /> "_` '"��� • ugtlon.obtain eoverage w pmted Lendec's ri g h t s in t he Property in acoordanee wlth p a r a g r a ph 7. "r 5'.�- e� <br /> � , � ; <br /> < ,� AI1 insut-anoe policies and renewals shaU be le w Lender a�si�ll include a standa:d mortgage ctanse. Leader <br /> sLall have the rIght to hold the pollcies and teaewals�I.�der r�quires.Borrawer shaU prompdy gtve to Lender al1 reoeipts of `�F .;� �} <br /> . , r Y, p a i d p r e r n i w n s an d r e n e w a l a o t i ce s.I n t h e e v e n t o f l o s s.BOrrower shall g ive p r o m pt notice to the u�surance carrier and 1-�der. � # - f ;'. <br /> �t,� iender may make gmof of toss if not mzde pmmptty by Bonnwer. � ' <br /> �:c ' ;.,,�:� UNesg I.ender aad Borcower at�erwise agree in writtng.iasuranoe pm c e e d s s h a l l b e app li e+�to�e s t o r a don or r e pair of the --r:'`� . '� `-.. <br /> �P�Y�8�if the restora[�an or repair�S ewrwmicallY feav'b!e a�d La�es's security is not tess�ned.if the�vn or �� <br /> '�'t� rs not erononucally f�te or Lender's seauity would be fessened,the ins7uanoe proc�ds sha11 be appliod to the snms .� ;� ' <br /> _ �-,� ':�- �by this Sec�uity Iastnttnent, afieiher or oot then due,with any ezcess paid W Bormwer abandot�s the t :;� " �;, �y. <br /> ""'`.� Prayeny,or daes nas ansarer withia 30 days a noace.from Lender ihai the iasurance camer has offered to settte a etaim.iJ�n . �_''�' ` ��� <br /> , '' `:,;.' .Lender may callect the inaoranoe pr+oceeds. Lender may use the pm�e�s to repai:or restore the Propeaty or to pay sams � ��`� . . �y :.- <br /> ` � •:`�'' ' • secuted by this Security Insa�ament,whether or mot thea duc.The 30day perjod wil!begin whea the norice ss given. �" r�,,��_ <br /> ''-,, U n l e s s L e�u t e r a n d B o r r ow e r•atheca+ise a g r e e in writia g. a n y a P Plication of pmoexds to principal shall not extend or : <br /> :'.. " :.•; :`:` gostpone the due date af the monthly payments refe,sred to in paragraphs 1�d 2 ar change the amount of the payments. I f ! .`,�;"." <br /> �s <br /> • r" ` �t uuder paragiapb.21 the Property is acquired by Lendei.Borrowes's rlgt�t to any insarance policies and prooeeds resulting fram 4 � .�----_ <br /> ,' , ' damage to the Pmpeeiy prios to the acquisitton shaU pasg to Lender w the exU�t of the saais secutied by t6is Secanty Iast�nait . -- <br /> ;'ii • � �YLpJ—, <br /> == immediateiy prtor to the acquisiaon. � � <br /> ;� r^�.' 6.Qoa�paucy.Qeeservattan,Mainteaanoe and prafedian of the Propetty;Borraw�s Lose Appll�tioa;I.easehoid9. -�}_ <br /> '� Borrowcr sUall axupy.establisb.and ase the Prope:ty as Bomower's psincipal res�dertce wit�is►sixty days after the execation of �,�,� <br /> � �t `'�:;� this SecurIty In�ment and shall contiaue w uccupy the propeny as Borrourer's principai zesIdenoe fos at year after ' � -- <br /> � .: •. the date o!occupancy.m�3ess I.eader otherarlse agrees i»writing.whtch coas�nt shall not be anreasonably arithbeld,or unless . ° g — <br /> , :. , � pctexn�ating circomstances ex#st which are beyand Borrower's convol. Borrower shall not destroy. dmnage or iaipair the <br /> .., <br /> : � ```r;.'. . Pmperty,allow the Properly w d e t e r torate.or comurit was te nn t he P r o p e rt y. Borrower si�all be in defa�ilt if a n y+f�rfeitnre :�` ' ��. <br /> �� ` Y='; action or proceedim g,whether civil or begun that ia der's good faith jadgment oonld resutt in farfeitncaa of the :; ' <br /> . '; <br /> �P�Y ar ot6ercvlse materially iri�gair ttie lien c re a t e d b y t h i s S e c u r iey I n s a u mea t or L e n der's s e e u t i t y 1 t l t e t�e s�B o�ro w e t t u a y ti'�' ' ��",- <br /> =;;' w r e snch a d�fault and provided in paragraph causing the action or procecding to be dismissed with a mling - - <br /> �that, in i.ettder's good faith�lades forfeiture of the Borrower's i nterest ln t he P r o peny or o t her m a i e r i a l -�, <br /> impairment of the Iten created hy thia Secwlty L�sts�uaent or lender's sesurity imerest. Bmrower shall alsa defmilt if ; � ` . <br /> �ormwer.duriqg the loan applicadon prooess.gave materialty false or inaacarffie inf o r m a don or statanents to L e n der(ot failed � <br /> , '. to�mvide l.ender wit6 any material inforn�a6on)in connepion with the loan evIdenoed by the Note.including,but nat limited ', � . <br /> ; .,�;�.� to.rep�+esentations concelmng Borrawer's occupancy of the Property as a princ3pal this Securlty Instrument is on a � <br /> Ieasehold.Boirower sha11 cott�JY with afl the provisions of the lease. If Boaowes soguires fee title to the Fraperty. the , '� , : <br /> . ,.,;_ , <br /> . teasehotd and the fee d@e shall rtot merge unless l.ender agre�to the merger in wridnS- <br /> �• 9.protectton o!l.ender's Rlgbts in the Property.lf Borrawer fails ta perform the ooveaants and ts ooraadned 1n �� <br /> ' U�is Securlry Iastrument,or there is a tegat prooceding that may significandy affeq 1-ender's dghts ia t�e P operty(snch as a <br /> p r a c e e d i ng in banlw pt c y.probate. for condemnation or tbrfelwre or to enforce laws or tegulationv).then Lender m a y do and ;j : <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to rotect the vatue of the Prope�ty and Lender's rights in t he P r opeRy. L e n der's a M�o a 9 m ay , • . � <br /> inetude paying aay sums s� by a lien wlilch has prionty over tl�is Security Insunment. appeaziag in court. paying �, ,„ <br /> . ='; . , m�onable attomeys'fees an d ente r jng on t he P r a p e t t y+to m a k e r e p a i r s.Althou g h Lender ma y tatce action unQer this p a r a g r a ph •- <br /> 7.Lender daa not have to do so. - � : <br /> ; "'� �. A�ry amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sha11 become additim�al debt of Bormwer secuted by ttils ` .' ,� <br /> ���:- Seauity Incttument.Uriless Borrower end Lender agres to other tem�s of payment,these amaunts shall bear intetest from the ,. � ` `��.� <br /> - �,:�;���, date of dis5ursemeni at the Note rate and shall be payable. witb interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesiing ,. <br /> ��� '+ ��8�Mpitgage Lis[iranee.lf Lender required mortgage i�surance as a condidoa of making the loan secured by this Securiry ' ` ' <br /> �.. �. <br /> - :��,,.,+ .��• insttument. Borrower st�all pay the premin�nsrequired to maintain the mortgage insuraace in effect. If, for any reason. the • :_.,_ •;�: . <br /> 'r• ti mostgage iasurance�verage required by L�mdet lapses or ceases to be in eifect.Borrower ahafl pay the premiums required to • r . <br /> ce e � <br />-__.F� . µ � , obtain covera g e substmth'ally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previoasty in a oost substantiaUy equivalent to the ; ,�,. , <br /> - . oost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance pnwious ly in effect.�from an a ltemate mortgage insuTer apprav e d by L e n d e r. I f ..�' ':,_.,,.;;�,. <br /> _ .. _. � . . . . <br /> :: �,.::: .:;,_. <br /> . . ...__ ��.- , . <br /> ' - ----- <br /> -, . .. <br /> _�,.,,.-:.t•_-?------� <br /> :� iorm 3�28 919D _ <br /> . . . - aepe�m� ._.` - . <br /> �c • - . . • . �'v�' . <br /> -i.- � .�� . .. <br /> �, .. . i <br /> �/: . .. .. :,•.. <br />