-..e'. _ :..-�•. ���, -. .--- c . - - �'F+' - - t'
<br />.. '. ' y � . ._{ _ ��i. . 1 t� �t �s -�,
<br /> \ � r�
<br /> Y,l}� ""+ ' - r. 6 �r � . c f��� �- `
<br /> E$t'�.:;r�i ' �_ .- . z,�,,n-* ' ` -
<br /> � �'�fC - <. � -�_ z..., s�_' 4'�-
<br /> ��, _�_ "�`�--�� . . _ __ ���'""�Yrw,��� _ '�_�
<br /> vt r. .�.,. ..� ; � ?� � -U `
<br /> t �; ` L .0 .�.. '- ` � �� ..
<br /> ..�i�'L.i� Z � . ( ' ,(. C � ' ,' �_ . �:- — t� . . i . G -r+���3`'.r.� '� i
<br /> t .G C� - - ..t � t ._ '• - � _ "".i�� � �.� : � F �1•�.t�Y.� (.y _ 41.�• t i-.�.
<br /> . '�'� f- "�:T 'F -. S}' . . �' . `��{i � q' d� : 4 . �` �rj �{+s+.t. . :
<br /> . o '� < T� �, �, ( ,.c r' ti - - !L [ s,�s, -C. :4'4-( _ c.,.s �• - � �F_.•_
<br /> c,� - .��4� '1( . . jvc-� `' . , ) .<`� f :.'�C... .�. _ t � g.
<br /> ..�. y __.�' c� .�:�� - � - F $ : � �
<br /> —�:.s..� ` . ¢ "�"T"i.�S � "F-.L..,G �.
<br /> tT � 4 � .Vt
<br /> _' S� ssv�at�'� �` °.` � .�� _
<br /> � �� . .� . � � � _Y'..
<br /> o , (d1 Ciratrtor has the dght and la duty authorimd to execub and pertortn its Obligatlons under this Qeed of Ttust and these actlo�do not and .x �� `. " i
<br />' - .'",�.y.`. ahall not conittet with the prov�ions ot any�.regutetion.ortinan�s.rute of Iaw,corarast or otrter agceement whieA may be Dinding on ' ,:`^`-;::-':-4``•r=.. .,:
<br /> :�..:.'-: t.
<br /> � "".:� `�; Qsartmraeanytlme: ' - -
<br /> : ,� (e)ND 8citon or proCeeding is or slmtl 6e penQing or thream�d wRt�m:gM ma�e�iaallY afte�t the ProParty:and �;:.
<br /> � !1
<br /> utarian.ordinanca.rule of tav,.eoatract or other agreement pndudtng,but�rot <. �
<br /> : � (t) (iraMor hss not viotamd and eRali�ot vialate anfl�.�S or Lendera d or U�Eereat in the�+coP�Y P��++� j , ' k rt �`.
<br /> � ��; �< '� Iitnited to.those govemin8 Hazardaus Ntatedats)which migRt rt�aterialty 8(tect fhe Ptoperty 9� ` - -
<br /> ;:`z toth[s0e�dofTn,st .- �.-
<br /> Of the Property exG9pt 88 88t � ` t , t
<br /> � 9. @AtOR OEEa3 OF 1it11ST.(�a�o�represents and xrar�arns thst the���Pd Ded���8���net�H the�re are 8ny Priot deeds of bust t � n � .-
<br /> forM ot1 Sehedu[e B ffi�ed t0 thia Oeed o1 Ttus�wtii�CiwMOt 89tees � . �- �• ->>_
<br /> " t hen f i r a r►t o r m g t e a s to P a Y eU amaw�e owed.a�6 pe�e��ttgatlOns d.under eueh deeds of trust and the tndebtedness sea+red t�erebl► -
<br /> ,` _,, �
<br /> � ' ` and turMer agreo9 that a detaui!undar ar►�/Prior deed of ttust�sU be a defauit un de�t h is D ee d o f T r u a t a nd shaii�Ue Le�der m�T�B�� . � �; { _
<br /> �� `� remadfes eorrtained heretn or In the Ob6ga�ona to wntG�Loesder�aonld a9 erKitted In itu eveat ot amr other defeult _
<br /> ,�� , < q, 1Rp�S�F 1HE PROPP'eiiiY OA BEHEFICWL IQ�liERESTS IH tiRAt�TORS OR BORR0�3. In ttte evetR at a sata.COrtveydiiCB•kI3..�. � Y �-� r ,4
<br /> af afl o►enY Fart ot U.9�eat pmAertfi descriEed in Schedute A.ur anY irrterest theretn.or at aIi or anyr ` -
<br /> �-�- CO�IprBCt i0t d68d Of tt8rt4fet t0 atty�sOn IIt�lited Iisbillty COmP�Y. � - c _'
<br /> ;:;-,.;�;r-n;-z beneftcial ir�erest irt Borrower ar C i r a r�t or{H B o rt o w e r o r t 3 r a�r t s not a�tural person or�pecsona�o!tt�e(�0 9 a dons p l u s a c c n i e d i c�m re a t •
<br /> r�_: . : ParNersttip.trusR or otRer tegal entlty).Lender may�at its opNon dedate the a�L�ndt+�9 p nd� -
<br /> :�•:` � due and Ie. A t L e n der'e re q uesR Grarttor or Borrower.sa tAe cese may de,shall tumish a campiete smtemerrt settlrtg toAh ��LL� �' tr :
<br /> z .., <,..:' .i' theteon irelmedfetalfl p� � �. ,':
<br /> . a U o f i t a a t o d d mtdeis.membe�s.or peraiera as apProP�•and the w�teM of their respeetNa ovmer�tp imecests. . •
<br /> `, 5. AS81tiH�AH�YOF REMS. tn coreside�atlon of the O b t i g a tl a n s.w h t d i a c e s e c u re d b Y n ai��e�futiue te�o�!t h e�PSro�perty M�n g� .- Y r`'•°
<br /> `,= trartmr�s estate.Aght,tme.i►�erest,e�atm assd�nas�r owr►ee or hereaftera��P� ,���vmtten w oral, ,
<br /> ex�ns(o�,reneuvals end subteases)�all ag�eameMS Por use ot iesseas'Oe�fom�an�e u�ee f�lte Lease�etAer wi��e i�mmed�°and eontinuing ti `,Y_ ,:y ..�i.•";
<br /> -L � _ are hereafter referted tn as ffi8'Lease�l.and all guararrtftes `, ` . .
<br /> ' � ctght to collaet and reeetve all ot ihe rerrt6.Moome.rewiPta.revenues.issues.P�afits and attter lncome ot erry nawre naw or heceafter dne(induding , ,
<br /> �°a' ar►y Uroome ot at►y nature oomiag Cue during any redempdon peda�urtder tl►e Leasea or trom a arlsing out ot tha Rraperty including minUaum • �. , ; r ,f
<br /> < � f� �� . �
<br /> '� retita a�d'itlonal cerds.pg rcerna8e re�►te.P�9 or eomman erea malntenanoe cartbi0uttmio.tax and insurm�ee oontrihutlaea defldenaft� "
<br /> > -".`` Qquidffied dffi�t0 l l o w l�9 def9ult U1 etry LeesB.eU PIOCeBds PSyBbte utlde�azry P��N�ItlBUteI1Ce COVeAt19 tOSS O}t8(R8 tesullJll9 t[nrt1 e ,
<br /> d `,` .••:. wimnar►tab�tfl caused�y►destncct►on at damage tn the Pioperty.eU Drcceeds Payabte as a�dt o!a iessee's exerdse af an opHon to D�uchase 8�e ; � ' Y d .G
<br /> _ ` .t.'-:`�:;,�'='�':, RropEUti►.aU Proeesds dertved tcom Me tecrNnation ar rejBCtlon ot enl/Leasa in a bantaWtcy►or other tnsotver►al►P�"8.an�en proee�da 4rom a< t ;,�ry �; .
<br /> t�a�tl�l,aas�eaen7t�P�attdeProPeRf►tallatthBS00v98te � `.. G� ; r :,t.,,
<br /> ` . �t amy dgh�a and daimsof aeY kind vfit�tiramor mayr have a8atr�i enfi" <,
<br /> �� ` `�" � ` Retea�bar aolteeHvelY referred to asihe'Re►�!. This asslSmnertt ts subjeat to th��tgAf.Power and authoritS18tven to 1he Lender tn coUect emf epPY c�.. r ;,
<br /> � , c .`Yy tho Rertb. This esst9�ment Is�eeorded in aaeordenee witA aPPnca�te sffite taw;the lien eaeated NY this essi8nm
<br /> ent ts irttended m be spaNtio, `"f t "`�
<br /> � �;.;'- per(ec0ad,and�oate upon the reoording of this Oeed af Tnmt.aD as provided bll appticabte state taw es amend�d t�am time to time. As long as . :� 'Y� ;�., =
<br /> �_ _;p there is tro deimiR under the ObtiBationa or thla Qeed of Yn�sL Lende►grat�ts QfaMOr a revocebie licertse tn oollecf afF F�rts trom the Leases afien �. L.'
<br /> Tn tirarroor's businasa o08rffiiona Havrerer.lender may st arry tima re�iutra Qre�r to deposit aA l�nts iMo an r ,
<br /> �.,_: Que ana w use s�Piooeeda ` .
<br /> : -�pr u�s A --�-
<br /> �..• s ,;; a�couM malr�tetned bY tirantor o�LenQer at tsnder'e ir�ItuBon. Upon default in tha paymert of.or tn ihe pecforimanee af.e�Y at the ODBBat�na. `
<br /> .5.R_ r�,_ dender mal►at tte op�on taice R��on ot tAe PiropeRl/and have�Aold.manage.lease at�d opetafe tl�aat�d PL6 Qer shall have t�di gpower to��a1� ' i ra ..
<br /> thffi Lender deema ptoper. Lerider may proceed to maect and ceceh+e ail RaRfa Uom the P�� Q_p_ �rtg In LenQer's eote dts�e8on p�T
<br /> ���� aftersdana,renavaHone.repsira orreptacemema tn the Property as Lender may deem Proper• ra end replacemeMs and arry expenses inctdeM to � . `
<br /> z ' �"�'.�;-, topaymeet of the Obiigatlons or m the paymertt of tha cast of such attiaratlons.renovaHons.repat , �`
<br /> �..a::::..i �da�at1d t6feWt18 PO�on of the PtopeRy perlodicalyl and the matta8e��►im�s whid1 tt�ay a�eaume. Tded89�ense ana eost o�t tl eese . 'p.,}�; k �-`
<br /> . ` .:;�� prpperly insuced and may disoharge any faxes.cfiarSes.d�ims.ass�smeMe � These emou� 8 °`'��._ `��
<br /> r � sWons maY be paid from the Re�c e c e t v e d�a n d e n Y�n P�d amoums sha(I ba added ta the pdndpal ot the ObUg�tio�.
<br /> � 88191 r`�s�.�" '
<br /> � r �'',:�}:
<br />� � � .�. wNA othet�$��8 P��the Obligatlons seeuted byfhiS Ceed ot Trost. �����it fh0 termina�an Or ttre '` 1 `
<br /> �, s, 6. lEA8E8 AND OTl1FA AG1tE0�Dii8. Qrenmt sriatl not take ar fali to tafoa snll acUO�whtch maY tn addittort,Qtanmr.withaut -�,:,: , � �
<br /> A ertaintn to 9►e Properyl. � _
<br /> ` . wHnho[dtng of anll►ay�ent in oonneetlon wNh nny laa�m other ag�eemern Ci�reemart�I P 9 � c
<br /> 1 �s, :'� �� �` +• f�IidBf's prior vfitDen consertR shaD not(a)caltea arry moNes pa�raLle under arry P�reamaM more than one month tn edvar►c�N�R►�N�► ; .
<br /> .`y;` or allow a Iten,secuAtfl irnerest m otAer encumbranw to he pfacad u?an arentor`a rtghta.titfe end irtterest tn ertd to arry . . . - � :.
<br /> Agreemenx (c�essi8n mer�t exoept tor iha rronpayment ot em►e�ar aner rtaamrts� _�_ ,:..;�',.,3 .
<br /> ' ';`�z` /lgreeme�lt ot the amouefls payabte thsteunder,or(d)tBrtninafe or cencet arry Agcea •
<br /> + ° '� b re a d�b y t R e o t h e r p a r ry 9�ereto.R�iraMOr reeatves at erry tlmear�y Mrtitten communicadon esse�tlt�9 a defauit by ti�acnot under an Agreemert or ,- > ���.
<br /> " ..4�;_, puryaRtng Lo mmilnate or wncel eny Agreemem. G r a rt m► s h a l i D r a m O�N t a r r a e d a o o p y o f s u c h c o m m u n i p tlan (and e ri y subsaq�+eM � ` f' `�4:.,�e�`. .
<br /> r.` eens and the amouma Que t�Cdartm��hereunder ere hereDy esstgne a to Lsn der as ,, r a
<br /> . ':•=� eommuNeattona refatlng�e�eto)to lertder. Atl aueA Agsezm _." �,;��,�,i.
<br /> .- :•`- aQdi8onal soa+rit�►tor tha�i'igatlons. third Qnau�ng, �
<br /> ,, . ;.;.;�� 7.CaLLECYtCt�OF t�iDEBT�DNEBS PROL7 THlAD PAHTY. Lsnder shai!ba ea�UHed to notHy or�equtce��to���cr ob�an�1n8 to 5� . ``�p�
<br />�, but not li�ted to.less�s5,Ooe�eB.Sovemrttertte!au8�oritlas end insurartc0 eompani�)to p�ay�d�tl�08ed af Tn�st. Qranm►shait cliilgst�9Y ' y,
<br /> ` • . . e�:' '� .. {.
<br /> .:._.� . , f',,C:.: CiraM�r wltb respect to the P�oDeRl/(cumutat�►ety'tndebmQr►ess�whether or not a defautt exi
<br /> aollect the tndebteQness owtn9 m�r�o►trom thesethlcd parties until fhe givhi9 of sucb notlNNeatfun.In Sss eventU[s!Qrar►tor passasses ar receive9 ,_�;. �,.Y`,�;i-;y:
<br /> passossion ot anll Instrumer�or other remttrsnees with resPect to the mdebtadness toi►owinS the giving ot suoh natHic�an or N ffie tnstrumertis or i �' ,��'_
<br /> ,, } `� ofher remittances constlMa tha prepaymeae of arry InQebtadnesa or tha payment of any ir�suranm or eocrdemnatlon pcaceeds,ti�antar shstl hotd _,��-
<br /> . ' suq►instrumerns and other ramidances U Uust tor Ler[der apaR icom iffi other propeM.er�do�se the inauumer�ts and othe�cemNtanees to LiBnder. , .�
<br /> ', � er�immediataly P���nder with possession af the f�suumer�and oBie�f�o�.��de�Y biibgor or��Itat r�ai�or oU�ie��eeasry� ,��- F�>, :
<br /> `I ' tsgef Prooeedtn8s m vthenNise),extettA the 8me Por PaymerK.eompromise. :� , ,��
<br /> ' • the UidebteQrresa wNeeher o�not an event of detauft exisls unQer thts Agceemertt. tende�ahatl n Ureere om �din8 Uie atace8ob►9 notA^,8 ' '"�
<br /> ' • r' Ort118�Of10��aY pertatning t�Ue aetlons Qesai6ed in thls paragraAA or arry damaSes r�lti�8 ' �i�1 y ;
<br /> '` "��� ��' herein shatl eause tendsrm tre deemed o mongagea�in�pos�sstoa • ;, i 1�;..
<br /> ` ;,:�r�; 8� 1l88 APtD dWt1TE�tA9CE OF PROPEHi1f. l�rarKor sAall take ail actlons end matm eeS►�eP��nee�lea to mairdan the ProPeRf►i�800d , y �� .
<br /> '�' oondHton. Qrantor eAali nat oommk or Pertnita�►waste w De commtttad wNh respect Uo tt�a Propartfl• Qrantor ehall use the Property sotety in _
<br /> ; i `• aomp tisnw wi9�apOtteable Iaw end insurance Poncia. G�+�+tor aba}I noi make eeY aimratlone.addiNone a improvamertts to the ProDetgt wi8�oul -
<br /> - - Isn6efg pr6or wdtten�►L WltAout IimiUnH t�e totegoing.all aiteraUona,addidons�d tmprovements made to the Propert7►s►�aD he et�bjeo!to ` � � �
<br /> .'� `i ; the bsnefia�Irrtacest�tongingto Lsnder.sha11 not be removed wifhaut LenQet e Prior wMLen aonseM.and�all ba mad8 at t�rmc�m's sotBexPense. :.:. -�-�.'�.
<br /> f 9.L�S�i OAMAGE t�arttor ahall beartha emlce dsk at any losa.thefl.destrucUon or Qamage(cumutativery"Loss or Qamage9 to the P�PsRf►� .•,.,�
<br /> a�� Y arry poNon thereof tromar►y cause wtiatsoevec. In the evern of an!►lesa or Oamage.QraMOr snaii.a!the optIor►of LenQer.rePafr 1he aNeeted � ..� a
<br /> , � PropeRf►to iffi previoue condittan or pay or causa to be patd to tsnder the deaesse in the fair maAcet vatue ofat 1 h���luding losa or Qamags � � '" ,
<br /> � 'r � : ta IN9UR/WCE 7lea ProPerly wltl b0 kep!inaured tor tts tuii tnsurabte vatue(rePlacert�ern oostl a�ain_ ;�, f;,
<br /> _ •��.:,';� oausedbyflood eaAnquala9.�omado as►d ftre.tlfeft or othet casuaitY to the exmrt reyulred by Lender. c�ramur rt►aY ot►tain tnsurancs on the ProDertY
<br /> ': irom sncf��ompaNas as��ecoeP�d��n notica before��su�cb Polides are attoced or�tCenoelteA En anuy�manner.�Th'�e i�nsurm p��poliNe�.9� 'A i :
<br /> •. �. ; - ' lsnder wllb at least a urm ,
<br />- . • ,:�,- ys aHact the rigRt of Lendet to be Daid tlie '.�. `:.;�.j:':.
<br /> neme Lender ae a las�peyee end pravi d e that no a c t or om i s a l o n o f t i r a n t or or a r ry mner p erson st�l
<br /> �,� � i ns u r+a n o e p r a a e e d e P o r m intn g to the toss or�of t1►a PraPBnY. M tice e�t Q�°r fatts to aoquire or mainmin insuranoB.Len aer taRe► ,. .
<br /> ' m ro ate insuranceaoverage upon t h 0 P�opero►a rt d t h e I n s urenae aas!
<br /> . �. � provi�ing noUag es may Ee requ l re dby t a w)m a y U d i s c r e don procu�e e p p pd •i
<br /> :y ghgR pB en gOvanc� ay�ta and beadng irrtereat a�desalbed In Paragfaph 23 and seqned her e t�y. (i t a rt or shafl tum l a h l s n der w l t h o V i d e n o 9 o t "t�
<br /> .i: insuranoa indteatlng�e ired wverage. Lender may act se attomey�rataci tor Qrantar in matdng and setding etsime under insuranas policies.
<br />- � . ��I����,ptedged�d d�ieed�t�o etsnder�as f�urtlier sea�afty Tor th�e O Iiga�ddo e I�n 9a�eu�of losa.�r sha�i m�cIIt�aLety� .`• +. :°.
<br />' � �c.. .. .: , . •
<br />=�' • . '�. `.. tenQer wAtten notl�and Lendat is authorize0 to make Proof vt tos� F�cA inaurence oomP�Y ta Qi�eeted ta mskepay enb di�y to len�r '���: �;
<br /> ;..,.:i`::.: '
<br />'�-:z' '.: Ir�ead at to Lender and Gianto►. Lender eAa11 f►ave tha dSM.at Ns eotsopticn.to aPp►Y sueh monie9 Wward tha Obligatlona or towar6lhe oosl of -
<br /> - • , rebaitd(ng and resWring ihe Propertf►•Ar►Y amoume may atl�adePa option be appRed in tAe inversa order of the Que dates therecf. V::, .: '•
<br /> � ''� 11.ZOli(NQ Mi0 PiiNAIE COVEpAMB�(irantor slmtf rrot inldate or oonsent toany�8�be�mes a n�on�o�o�nto�rmi��der anY�ioni�9 `
<br /> � •� tha use of tRe PropeRy witttoul Lender's pdm wrkten oonseM. N Cirarttor's use at the �9
<br /> _ ::. .•:.,�:. ,,.,:`' provlslon�GraROt shaU not�ausa ot partnS sueh use to be disaondnuea or ebandoned wHhout the pHor mitten consent of Lender. Qretftor will , ... `
<br /> _ ; ;:t_ .. imrtre�mty ProvtdA f�ender wNA wr�ten na9oa ot any ProPosed ahangee to�e zoning provtatons o�private oovenar+ts aHoatn9 the P►operlY. , . :,
<br /> - 1Z CQNDF.NINA110N.tiranmr st�ali immediatary P�de�����D noHce of erry acd�at ar threatened oonQemnaUon m emfneat Qamein ..;,�.>„ �...
<br /> - - .�•��,� ., prooeeding permtNng to the Prap�tty. Atl montes PayaCte to tirantor from such oondemnatlon or faking are hereby assi8ned to tandor and sh80 be ; : . .`
<br /> applied flrse to the paymont o! Lender�atmmsys� fee9. tegai exponses and other aasts Onctuding appralsal t9es)in oonneetlon wHh the
<br /> .. ., condemr�tian or emineM d a m s i n p r a a�e d l n 9 s e n d t h e n,a t t h e o p d o n o t L ender,m tne p a y ment ot the Obllgellons or ttre restaraticm or repair at the
<br /> _ ' Ptoperty. • ,
<br /> _ . :-.:.,-_ 13. tFNDEA'8 Rtt3Mr TO CO�Pd�ICE OA OEFEND LEOAL ACTfON9.tirerrtor stfai�immediately pravide Lsnder vMh vrtitten notlae ol any acwel. , .
<br /> '�� --- -- 3M Q�hA olrtts isrtder as iffi sBOmeydn-fe�M to commeaee.i�uene -- --- - ---
<br /> ' or threamned actlon.suit or o9ier prooeeding ffi(eMtag tha PrapertY• robY ePP - ,
<br /> '�,.`.�,.�.•• ' � ' In,and Retend sueh aeNans,su�s,or othe►IeBai Oro�aadings and to tamprornTse or settte any etaim or cor�eversy peAalNng tl�etete. Lender d1at1 . . .
<br /> not be Ilabte to Qrarnor lor any actton.enor.Mst�iloB.omisslon or detay pertainln9 to the acUons descrihed in tht9 paragrapb or anf►dam�e� . ,
<br /> _ ac
<br /> ' � resufdn9 thereiram. Ntmhing corRained heretn wlll preveM lender fram m18ng the aodmis deseribed in thia paiagraph tn tb ovm rtame.
<br /> �_'::'. • � 10. [PIOE61NiftClll'tON. Lender shatl not assume ot 60 resAonaibte for the periormance of ar►Y of Grammr's obligations with tespecl to the Praperty
<br /> :k� .. . . under anyr cinr�msffinces. t3re�or sfla11 Immediateiy Provlde Lender v�hth wHtten notice ot and indemnNy anA Aotd lendor and its sharat�atdms. . ; -
<br /> - � • diree0prs,ofHoera,emptoyees and gerns harmtess irom all ciaima,damages.OabOiHes Qnctuding attomeys'fees artd legal e�ensea).causes ot
<br /> --�.-.___..---::�__�_--_--- sctlaf,aeUang.su1e9 anQaihet tegal prooeedinga(cumutativety'Gatmg')Perffilning to the ProPeAY Qnduding,but not tlmltea to.those imroNing � . .
<br /> .: , . ,, . Heaerdou9 N�tenata). Qrarnor.upon the req�est of isriQer.�aft ldrs S�!eossnse!!e defend lendar irom snefi Gatma and pay the altomeye'tees. :. .
<br /> ` �Cl�alms sf GreirtoPa oost Grantor's o iga8on toindam�m'ty Lsnder�un�Len���h�shal/su�rvive the t m+�inatlo�n reeease�or�forectosure o�f -
<br /> �. . tAis Oeed of 7rust. a�� ' � •
<br /> , • tpntE7�,e 9 Fom+AtwnTetl�naog�es,u�c.N�+aieal t�19�3789 P°8° .. . ti . . .
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