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<br /> ---r ----�=rt .... f h -.� .�.�c.� �s•''�,�---e�-, �� ` f`.r...—�- �`S .--a�._i_. s K� _ n_`�' �� �: �L�� . _.
<br /> .�,,.... 1� :^�,�-. �. ����`__�� f ti:'" � �z t r:, c:}��,r�- � . t„r �' x u r.F�.���xS`,-.`,i4.',�,.. _!c1 . _y'"T`_`__f`_�^'�' fr�, i`'
<br /> �_—�-''�_^�r .._�"`-�c2:r4^^?=-�`S�-�aa�r�'.-`.,_..`'�^--'?� �F-:�1�-- _=^--r�_�:�� -r;_f4cp�._._, _,-„�o..-t-�"���..!?-'Y. _. .� y� c �vi�; ���v�s.r.-t-�'s���'
<br /> . �'�-, 1'.� ^tf'^-�.-, fE4, `_t r 5�•-
<br /> "-�`�_. — ' �z ,-�--� - _
<br /> p2 � i`Ti n;�.����<-�y'. , :c.�.,'+`.'. v'E�E�_-,. . k.... .. ;._,, - Yt._: _ — — _� ' _ _ - _ __ I::
<br /> _ _�.___;�-T _:,..�._ . .
<br /> __.. -. ... . ....
<br /> lYc .c -s c,�u - .t k� _.
<br /> _ F : . �5���� _
<br /> L�. �- t:
<br /> ..t-*-''t''4:-,�.-'- . F. ' -r:,
<br /> a.�� -�-'� , 5�
<br /> �F:5 ,� -�`: I?.'FransYet�o!ttk�Pro or a Een�fBeta!E��t lEn Bmr�ow�r.If ai�ora�y part of the Prope�ty or soy int�est iA it
<br />-:_.�C..(';t.�r:<>���,F,.. . •
<br /> .� ..:�.._,, is sotd or traz�sfeme�(or if a be�cia!interest in Borrovqer is sold ot transferc�d and Borrower is aot a mm�rtd person)witfiout' .,
<br /> or
<br /> �� ,��� .. I.ende�•s prlor writt,�was+ent, Lender a�ay. 3t its option, �qui�immediate paymeQt� thU of all sums sewred by tlila
<br /> : Se�i �nstrtum�nt.�iowev�r,this opdon shall nat be exeicise1d 6y Leaderif exenise is pmbibited by federal taw ss of the date ` .�
<br /> N .. fV
<br /> =�.�CC�i�_'-.;. . . V _ - _ . ..
<br /> .il4C:
<br /> ��;'-::�:it:��.°:::�.�; of ttiis�r�::t;=tns�t. • -°��`;
<br /> � n � ; if Leader exet�cises tI�£s aptton,Leuder shaU give Boaawea aottce of acseteration.The not�ce shallprovide a perFod of not
<br /> 'r_ tes�than.30 daqs#ram the date the nolice is deliveted or ma�ed within wt�ich Bonawer mnst pay all sums secared by this � .:
<br /> <` f� � E Sequiry Insuumeot.If Bosrawer fails w pay these snms prios to the expisadaa of this period.Lender may invoke aay�en�edies ,.#.
<br /> � permitt¢d by this Secu:ity ho�umeat withont fanher natioe os danand on Borcower. �. ,,
<br /> � Y.
<br /> �- ,�� L _s � �S. B O S P O w P l'8 R�`lt t 0 R c t a h+_ I f g p T f O W C l II I� o C Y t 8 t 1 1 t�O II d i t i 0 0 s. �f1i[OWE.7 �SjI �l3tt8 thC ['sght t0 h1VE
<br /> F r>::. enfoteement of this Seauity Inst=ument diseontinued at a�tg t� Pnor w the earlier of: (a)5 days(or sud�other periad as �
<br /> `s�"
<br /> _� :4�y�R:_ . �Ie Iaw may spacify for �mem) before sate of the Ptnpetty pursaant tQ anY Power of sate ooatained it� this :�:�.;±�'
<br /> �� Seauity Inseum�ar N)enuY of s jud�ment�foning this Security Iasutrment.T6ose oonditions are that Borrower:(a)paya
<br /> men �.5
<br /> �`� .- La�der aU sunns a6icB then wouEd be dne�der this 5eanit�►�and the No�e ag if uo accelerasion had oaairted;(b? �:
<br /> ,.� ; r�r
<br /> f�' F='` � ams auy defantt of auyr other oavem�ts ar agoeemwts;(c) PaY�a11 e�inw�d in enforcing dus Sesoriry.tnsummant, `
<br /> , � � :,�
<br /> . �,:f.. �. •:.. induding,but uot limited tn.reasanable auomeys�fees:antl(dj tates sa�actcoa as I.ender may neasonal�ly reqaue w�assnte . . _+ ,
<br /> e
<br />- `'�;.:�.-; '>�=-']� � that the lie,a af tfiis Security Insttnmeut,I�'s rigi�is m ti�e P�vpeity and Hoirawer's ob�on to pay tbe�ums s�ed bY :. �<
<br /> ,'�1''. S a �:y�
<br /> ���ti:��,,Y• , 'F.p• �S $CCpTILy/ $14�UlDEIR S� CO�B !�l�. ��11 �t�L �j► $OifOWef. �1S SCqJI�tJ! TDSb71IDLRt BIt� thC � .
<br /> �`'�=� _:i:�;;:yv--`,:: obligaSans selvrerl 6ereby sball ra�ia fiilly effeaive as if na aoaeteration bad occurred.However,th"ss right tn reiastate�fia11 �`��:;r�
<br /> � � t 'a' uot appip in the case of axeleration aader paragraph 17. � ��
<br /> , :-- U =�.' li�.Sa[e af Not�Ct�e of Losu S�aer.lYte Nate os a partiai intearest in tbe Nots ttugethe�r wiW this Secactty _
<br /> 1 � -
<br /> ', r ; - �)maJ+be soid one or more times wid�ant privrnoace m 8orrower.A ss2e�r+�uIt is a cl�as�ge ia s�e�tity(lmo�
<br /> F-�_�,��`_'.;�..�;=`•` as the"I.os�Semcer")thac colteds mandilY PaY�ts due under the Nate and tius Seauity/nst�e!!* There also may be one =.
<br />°�;^!.`-�, ,.'�., `;:{: or mare changes of the L�n Servioer anrelazed w a sa[e of the Ndte.if the�c is a chaage of the Loan Seavicer,Bnnuwer w�l be ;w;;
<br /> v ;."; �, �`�:` gn+�writ�en not�ce of the change in accordance with patagraph 14 abwe and appllcable law.The notioe a+ill state the nmae aad t:;''��.
<br />._KF..,.t�,.-..::,N.�=.� shoaid 6e made.'I9�e nnt�oe will also cso�in ot�er . --
<br /> :-� ;; � addres�of die uew�at►Secvicer aaa ihe adds�ss w vvl�ch gaym�ts . ePY .
<br /> x �� f.,, iafotmation m�ir�d b appHcable laa. . ,�
<br /> ,�� :. ?A.Hazardomti�.Born�we,r shali not catue or germit the p�sence,asc.disyosa{• storaSe.or telease of mry ,,.
<br /> �.�.:_. r r.:.��
<br /> � H�ous Snbstauces on ar in ttie Pcopert7+. Borrowec shaU nat do, nor allow siayotse etse to du, �n g aff�S the `a ;.
<br /> , :. ^`' °. °'c:.:• proPen��tbat is ia vIolat�oa of a�r Fatvimnm�tal Iaw.The p�ng two�eateaces shall aot appiy w t�e p�sence,use.Qr � �...
<br /> "`�{-;;�r-`�`��';�,;�'�' s t orag e c�i h e P mp e r ty o f s m a ll q a a�i t i e s o f H a z a t�d ons Substeaces that are genetall y tecognized W be apptagt�ffie to uormal ` r�
<br /> �R .. ' �esideatiat uses a a d w mainteaasce o�t l�e P m p e rt y. � �.:
<br /> � ' Borrowu shaU P��Y S�ve Ixnder written notioe of any imestigation.ctaim,demand.lawsuit ot ot6e:actionbp a�qr ��.�_::
<br /> �f.' % �= � Ha�doas SabstaACe or Eavimranent�Iaw . ,
<br /> - guvemm�tal or negt:tatory�e�ncS►or p r I v a te PartY iavolving the ProPet�p and anY ,� �
<br /> �- :;� ,'�.�` o f w l u c fi a o r c a w e r h a s a c w a l l a t o w I e d g e.I f B orrow e r teams.or is notifced b Y a n 9 g a vernme�ai�or negulawrq aathoriry,tt+� �,, ,
<br /> ,_,;: :'�:,:,Y...w�, a�►y.ieamv�t or other mmediatiou of any Nazardous Substattve a�ng the Property is neeessary.Borrawex sball Pt'�mPti3►t�c e . . — -
<br /> `' = y�� '811 IIOCeSSatSt Yep12�218CdOnS�II�t�WIt11 F.ilV�t0�8j I.aW. , , .
<br /> + ,. ',`.:.-: ,.,:'� As used in et�is paragraph?0, "H�daas Snbsta�oces" are ehose substauces de8ued as touc or hazatdous sabs�by �Tr�``
<br /> � '� :� �.�� Envirotuneatal Law and the foltowing su6stances: gasaline, kerosene. ot�er ftammable or wxfc peaotevm pmdusls. Waie ----
<br /> ' :� ' � -`� pestiad�an+d herbIades.volaWe solvems,materials cantaining asbestos or farmald�yde,and rad�oasxive mateciais.As used in. . ,. �' :?�
<br /> r �- , b 20, '�nvironmeatal i.aw° meanc fed'eial taws and tawa of t6e JarisdidFoa w�ece the Property is located that. �.a
<br /> �`!r-t�` r }� �L���1r�ety OT CAYIfO21I4�' prot�CtIOA.
<br /> � , %: r'; 2S fO11dW8: � ,
<br /> Ni�1NdI1VI�ORM C4V6NAf1TS.Bortower and Lettder fotther covenant and agree II�,._.
<br /> _ _ :'_:,��: ;, 2I.AaoderaHo�Reruedies.LeQder sLail give notice to Bormwer�iur to sa�teratlon foIIowtng Bosrawer's brPach �Y-
<br /> >, w ... . up airy oov�ant or agr�emeat fn t6ts Se,con�i3y In.gbum�t Mrt aat psEnr to scceteratton�d��arageaph 17 unt�ss �� �
<br /> � ` -�� appi able law pruvfd��oiherwtse).The nottce shalf spedfy: (a?We detaalt.N)the action reqai�d to c�a+e the defadt� � -
<br />� :':.,�;'..: ••-.,�� � (c)a dat�not t�s tLan 30 daya fi�m the date t6e natice is g�ven to Borrower.bY w$tch the defaWt mast be cc�:and, ,-�
<br /> � `-.,�`: (d�tLat tatiore to ca�e the defanlE oa,or 6eiore We daYe s�ed in tt�e auf[ce ma9 r�lt in sooetaatton of tI�e sams
<br /> /..' A '' .
<br /> ' � seca�f 6Y tms$�arit9 Instrament aitd saie oY the Pmperty.�Ge aott�e sbel�farth�fimfonn HRreawer ot the e�M to
<br /> r .x' ' - _rdaataie after aeoetcrattaa and ttie rtght to brt�}g a oonst actton to asse�t t6e aon�ads�ce�of a itetaa4t ar a� at6er . ;
<br /> "' `� ddw�e af Bornuw�to ecaeteratton and sat�If the defaait is not�cm�d on or,bdore tbe date speciQ�d i�tlee raottae:
<br /> '•,�-� �;�; Lebder.ak its optian,msy��e imme�fa4e paymeet in faD ot eII snms secmtid Dy tfiis Secuettg ins�emaatt wlthout . --
<br /> s ��,�-�.,°-� foettc�d�and and may iavo�e the�a► of sate and aag.othcr epmedtea.peemitted by apDliceble law.Leadee�ali be
<br /> .r.�,,��; � '. . �tiAed to ouAed atl t�p�as�incarred m pmsaing t6e t+�me�es provided in this pa�a�ZI.inch�dlugs but�ot timltcd
<br /> �^� �> . to.�+easonabie sttoraeys'fe¢e and easts of tttte eWBenoe. . . , ;�
<br /> -. �;; -.. ,:.r<:'�: -,�' . I4 thepower of sate is lnvotced.Trustee s6a11 record a aatIce of defaalt iu esch�aoauty W wht+fi a�pars'q�ths
<br /> `;r.;-�:` ' ::� .. Yropert�y is lacated au�s6a0 mafl wpia oY s�tch nodoe in t6e maaaer pr�sa�ib¢d by appIIcebte!aw to Bomuwcr.and to , _-
<br /> ';�::,�....;'.�;":<`{... , t6e athes person9 p�bed 6y sPpltca6le taw.After We�ne reqptred bq aQpUcabte taw,Tea4t¢e st�U gtve pnbUc rmtioe _ . _=--
<br /> �_�_:�r:;ir<.:<<;'�'�t o!sale to t6e p�sons aad ln the maauer D���Y 8FP�cable.law.�'msteP,withont demand oa Sormwer,sba11 seU _�--
<br /> :y:.:..,__- - � � 16ce P'raDerty'at.�uubllc auctlon to the 6ig6est bidder et the d me sui d p l a ce an d an d�t ke t e r m s d e s l g a a te�in tNe aattce a� , �:4.=_
<br /> :°�:!�' �' sate in one or taore pae�e.is ead in ar�g order Trostee determ�aes.Tragtte may postpune sate af al1.or any pae+cel of W� _
<br /> , ��; ,`°::`. ; �P�9 bJtpabHc emmancemeat at th�tlme and plaae at a�r prevfously sshedWd�Te.I.enaar oe tis d¢s�ee may '
<br /> , . , ��'
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<br /> :, `.,,`�:� . i�`,�-
<br /> . �.,';;: . ,�,_
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