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<br /> ,-� �i 1` e�' (T C 3'ct c "'. �.4 :.,. . ` .,�',j s � ,l .
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<br /> ��, � � . C�_ f .��� . � � =� f� - tl 1.�. .-._.
<br /> :`�p- Z .. : ' . t�. R t ..� " , . qy.� . . .
<br /> o -p, • ;.. a . . �ccc t . 1 `�MS�`.
<br /> = � - � ..._E_t..._ � ' .. _.1' �"°_3L - .,�..,m.'.r_.Nrc��".��'�°��.n. Y r s:
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<br /> . . :� C. 'C w7_j:a _L .iYiti¢ -�^-' � .5 '��` �.. S.. `t�A � t
<br /> . � x- -r�...sv�,�y„�,�,i_� - � �c..,y�. - . .�...««L �.��`x-`�` �"L�i�y,.� r k : ' �
<br /> i �'r— -� .'� .� e n.i `F` sS � . °�< . �f � r s tr- '� � . s r r-.._� �, _-_�v -
<br /> . ._i� o. ..£:.x -.z--...1 _ar+tz- .:.._ a ]-._ c� . � kr �. '�� y 3 � .Trd+e .=s,� 1.�s,� 4� w..4�
<br /> -_c-`�'_.__. . _'�'s�- . -_ _ _ �-*-....c._._-. e._.--� _._:��'- R S v 'f.. .c� '� ...,� � �'"�':_�
<br /> -�� � . . . • � - _ _ ._ ___ -.--
<br /> ..:j_n .. _ ` .
<br /> F 'c s.� r g�s�I$��Ril7 �.7�';
<br /> �L{ � T
<br /> `- -�[.. .qf�
<br /> F'�<~ ���. �i< 5. Ha�ar�d or peogarty i����. Borrower sl�all keep the empmvemeats auw ezisttng or hereafter ere�ted orr the �rt��
<br /> :i1:. ,���� - pmg�ty insw�d against Ioss by fue,La�ds�udo�aitflia tI��eim °ext�dc�d oaver,�e"and aay�other hazards, facEeding ```'
<br /> - ..-`,k.:�;:z_ ttaods or'ttaodiaS,for�rhicD L�roqiui�s insuranoe.'l�Ia iasurance sba11 be main�in t�e amovats aad�ot the get�ads `.
<br /> _�,:..;f��:;���:= th�l�end�er ret�ires.The ia�catteer provIdiag the inwranc�e sUaU be chosen by Hormwer subje�to L�d�'s appravaf
<br /> `,�,�_`.;,,'..^;::,�:Y ahi�shali nat!�e anneasamabiy with6etd. (f�orrower fsits w maintain wv�age described above. lgader may,at l�de;'s
<br /> ` ., 5 : aption,obtaie�enverage to pmtect Lender's rights in the Propertyr in accordanoe witb paragraph 7. �
<br /> taie e
<br /> A!!Ie�polides a�reneurats slsa�6e�le to 1..�sa�!shalt in�cfua�e�,s,�,„�.��� asd most�age eJause. L� �`��
<br /> __:` 4'.`� .
<br /> .:..� -'' . . S�t3U�YC�1C f��O�10�[66 jfQ�CIC9�Lpd1CaV�,4. �f�.211i�CL ICI�U7l29�g0I[OWCf S�1 i"`A+.�.�'j1 giVP.ti1�LE'i�(.'!8�1�4� �c•:•''
<br /> :�. �:�;���.:,4.:.-
<br /> aid reaniums an�r�ewal ao�ces.In the event af lass.Burmvver s6alt �:~�
<br /> - -._,Q�:_,:�:.,_... P D give pnompt aottce to the iasurance caraer end Leadec. , _�.
<br />- - Lemdet tnay make pmof of toss if nat m�de promptly by Borma�cr. ' � ��r'.
<br />_'<�a;=_.,�_�.u _ Unless I�ender and Bonuwer otiterwise agree in cvriting,:nai}9*„p pzocee�s ahall tre appl�e�w restutation ar�pair of the '�`.
<br /> �en
<br /> - = - - �P�S+�5�•if the reswratiaa or tepair is economiwlty feas�bte and Ir�der's security•is mt lcsseaed.If the res�radon or �`'
<br />_ � .*.°;�`�'"-� repair is mot eoouoinically fra.dble or I.eader's securtty woiild be lessened.the insurance pmoee�shail be applled to the sams
<br /> . :��.
<br /> - _ 'Z` '" thea with aa excess 'd �`V
<br /> - _ :... sec�aed by this Se�riiy In�. w�or nat dae, Y Paz to Borruwer. If Botmwer abandon.s the �:
<br /> `.s�= Pra�geny,or does not answer within 30 days a aotioe from Lender that the insurance cazrier 6as oifered to seWe a c2aim.then ��'�
<br /> - _1='� - - L�ader may col[ect the ins�uance pmoeeds. Ixader may ase the proo�ds w repair or restoce tbe Property or to pay sums � ��'�`+
<br /> ti �Y'<, � '.. seaued try t6is Security�t.arhett�os not theu dite.The 30-day period will hegin whe�the notice�.s givea. �'x-
<br /> .:��% - Untess Lender and Borrower otheca+ise ag�ee in writing,suy appiication of proceeds W principal shall nnt extc�d or y-.
<br />_ �:`,:.:r ti..;�_�,,:: postpone the due date'of ttie moattily payments t�fer�d w in patagr�hs 1 aad 2 or change the amowit of the payments. If -
<br /> ::��� `��"''"' nnder paragraph 21 the Ptoperty is acquir�d bq Leaider,Botrowea's right w aay insuraace policies,and pinceed.4 resvlting from.
<br /> ` ::�:"`�. _ -
<br /> _ ;�s,;'`: d�[a th�.Pmpeny prior to We arqtusitioa stiaall pass to L�der w the extent of the sarns s�by t6is S�rit}t Insmunem
<br /> v J�AI�t8tC1Y�OT t0 t�i£SCQi1�41i10D. +'-
<br /> � �.TMr:. 6�ac9.Pe+�vattea,Mafntenauoe and Phntec�on of tiie Property;Borrowe�'s Loaa A�mr;�otds. �`,�,
<br /> '-.. 'k ..r: .
<br /> .': :?`;:;�;�.�;.� Btmuwer shafl oaa�y.esta.blis6,and use the Pmperty as Borrower's�rincipal�sidence arithia sixty days afLer the e�ceiation of �
<br />;,:;'`���-:.,��: ' tMs S�ity Ir�nmeht aad�dmlt ooatinae w occnpy the PropeRy as Barmwer's prlaclpal�res�deuce for ai lea�t ono year after
<br /> �._ ��:
<br /> ;f ,. the date of ooa�pancy;u�esa beader otherwise agc+�es ia w�itusg,�arhich coase�sha12 not be�1q whhheYd.'ar mntesv '
<br /> �, exceaua�"ag ci�umstauces e�ast wldcb are beyond Borroaver's oontml. Borrawer shaU not desuuy. damage or impanr tiie '
<br /> ,,....._,r.. ��
<br />--J.,s.. ,._�.:. , e��_,
<br /> <;�;,';:�;`.";:.:'- : �'°p�Y•altow We fiuperty w deter�omte.or oommit waste on the Praperty. Boirower shali be in defaWt iP�ar►y fmfeiuue �,.
<br /> ... ..�,;_.6 acstor�or�Pma�g.whether ctvil ot criminai.is begim that in Lender's goad faith judgment oaald resWt in farfeit�ne of the
<br /> ',,����:_;._::":?-�::s.:; ' pnuperty or otherwise materlaily impair the tlea eceated by this Sec�uity Inst�ment ar l.eader's seaulty iatere.s4.Smrawe�r may .�;.
<br /> . ,_.. �
<br /> ..:iY;•;";�: `.�.W,"� care such a defanit and reinstate,as.provided ln paragrapb 18,tsy c�using the action or proceedIng w be dismtgsed with a culing �`.
<br /> ':`;:,--��.: that, in Lend�r's goad faith determi�mtlon. precludes forfeItana of the Horrawer's intaest in the Pcoperty or other ma�rial �'
<br /> ..j'-?.r;�� � iID�di�'me�Of thC Uetl Cc�ted by this Seqn3ty Ins�nIDeni os I�dC['s securlty.is�teres� Born4wer shall also be in defaait�if. �".
<br /> �:;-YJ-,-:•�;`4:`:.; ,• Bbf[owex.dming We toan applic�ation pmcess,Save materlaity false or inac�ate iafomradon or statanents w Leader(or f�ited
<br /> -- �°. = = to v�de I.ender with
<br /> - - - pno ' �y�materia}Information)In ranaectlon witb the toaa evidau�d by the Noca,indad'mg,bat not Ilmited :�'-,
<br /> �l ..:�:;,.:..';�, ;': to,*ep�ns roncaning Ba:rowes's occupaacy of tAe Properey as a priucipal msidence.lf this Sectn�ity�nsavmeat is oa a
<br /> ��.>?�,:.:;-:= ::• `' teasehoW B in
<br /> ,:.,:,,.:,.; . ormaer sdall oomp2y witb all the pravlsIons of the tease. If Borrower acquires foe tide to tbe Propecty, the �:''
<br /> I:, .-�`..:r:�����. :: � leaschntd and the fee titie shali not M
<br /> '``�„�;:;:�, ::. :; merge uatess Lender agcees to the merger in writtng. . �
<br /> .. , „. ;� 7.Pr+otedion o!i.ertder's RigT�ts in t6s Prupaty.If Borrower fa�1s to perform�the oovenams and agceements oo�ned'm . _
<br /> dds Seauity lnsuument,or there is a legai PmoeediDB that maY�g�ifrcamtly affed;Lender's rights iA the PtoPeitY(snch as a =
<br /> ,_::-.��`:':;.:.:.". ;� proceediag m bankraptey,pmbate.for condemnat�on or forfeiture or to enfosre 2a�s or regatatidns),then Lettder aiay do aYW =
<br /> =- ;';�_,;,r:;: _,, . ,pay for w4�r�ratevver is neoe�csary to Qmtea the vattte of the Property and Lendes's rIghis ia We Praperty.LeQder's aci�ans may
<br /> �• ;.,:•:. � ittctude P�S �i+ stuns §ec�ned by a lien wLicb has orI over this S --
<br /> _ • �..:�.:. . Pn tY ecaaitY Instt�eiit. aPP�ring ia caart• Paying --
<br /> ""�_''; : •.:� - i+easanable attomeys'fees end eateiing aa the Prope�ty to make s�epairs.Altho�t.e�der ma}r talce adion ander tHis paragraph . _
<br /> ;ir�::�':='::�� � 7:Leuder does aot have co dd so:.: . —
<br /> ...T'=,��;�- `'` amom►ts Qisbursed b Lender under tbis ara --
<br /> _ _ ,.. . : �Y Y P gtaph 7 sl�ali become addittonal debt of.Borrower s� by�tbis �
<br /> �1 ,�° �' 3 ; Secmity Instcamen�Ur�tess Boriower aad I�ender agree to other terms of payment,fhes�amoants shaii bear laterxst from the � � �;
<br /> . � date of disbursemem at the Note rate aad shaU be payablc.with Iatesese.tspon trotioe fram Lendei to Bonawer tequestjirg �",,-
<br /> ,.
<br /> :�i' ,�s= ��. p��; . .
<br /> -;��'�".`'' '����':! ;` 8.Mortpge Ynsurance.�If Leader required mort�ge iasuranoe as a oondidon of making the loan searred by Ws Socarity� �-=
<br /> - _::".:`� �r' IusWment, Bdrrower sball . =`
<br /> . pay the pr+�miums reguir�d to mainta}n ttie martgaige iasurance in e£fect. 1� far auy�eason,We i�4.:
<br /> : i mortgage inawaace caverage req�ined by l:ender iapses or ceases co be in effect.8o:mwer shalt pay the pzem�ums reqiu�W
<br /> = - � �obmin caVeirage subste�iaity oquivatent to the mortgage insnrance previousfy irm effaet,at a eost snbstamially eq�ivale�c tQ Wa
<br /> �� ,: -.... ;.��
<br /> _ .;• ,;�;. rost to Borrower of tl�se mortgage insuraace prevtously ln effect. fmm an altemate martgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> � • _ substandalty eqWvatent mort$age insurance ooverage is noi available.Bonaarcr s�a11 FaY w Leader each momtt a snm eqt�al to. —'�
<br /> eq �e.
<br /> � one•fweifti�of the yearly mortgage inswance premium being paid by Bnmaa+es whea the i�coe covelage laysed or eeasod W � � �•.'_
<br /> �'r:`��,. �� � � be in eUect.Lender w3ll aocept.ase and c+etain these payments as a Ioss reserve in lleu of mortgage iasuran�+e. Loss re�serve -
<br /> - � � �rm aose s�so . -
<br /> . ..`':,.�` v�goaote _ - .
<br /> ..:
<br /> .°i:,,-; --
<br /> . :V�,: i � � .�j
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